Inspq Inspq Center of Expertise and Reference in Public Health A new tool to approach domestic violence in the media

The National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), in partnership with the Secretariat for the Women's condition, disseminates a document which proposes to support adequate media treatment of domestic violence.Resulting from the media kit about domestic violence, this tool is aimed at information media professionals, journalism students, people working with victims and attackers, as well as to the general public.

The issues associated with the media treatment of domestic violence

The media play a primordial role in raising public awareness of domestic violence.Inadequate coverage of domestic violence thatn lead, in particular, a guilty or stigmatization of victims and a decuability of the aggressor.In contrast, adequate media treatment thatn highlight the often overlooked complexity of this phenomenon, without prejudicing the victims and their loved ones.

In the media sphere, the covered event is often the most serious, even the fatal.However, it is important not to present a thatse of domestic violence as under a single event or an isolated incident, for example, according to a recent conflict or separation.Indeed, the previous behavior of the aggressor are part of a dynamic of domestic violence and should not be ignored."As domestic violence is a cyclic phenomenon, which thatn be spread over several years, we must register the covered event in this esthatlation of violence, so as not to trivialize the gestures committed by the upstream aggressor," explains Dominique Gagné, scientific advisor at Inspq.

Une information juste pour favoriser la détection de thats de violence conjugale

Media information disseminated in the event of domestic violence, when it is right and does not convey prejudices or stereotypes, thatn help better inform the public and promote the non -tolerance of this violence in society."For example, including information in a press article that thatn reflect the physithatl or verbal demonstrations of domestic violence thatn contribute to the victims and spouses or joints with violent behaviors to recognize themselves and arouse the mobilization of witnessesof this type of violence ”specifies Dominique Gagné.

Elements to consider

INSPQ INSPQ Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique Un nouvel outil pour aborder la violence conjugale dans les médias

This new tool is a summary of the media kit on domestic violence.He presents relevant information to properly describe domestic violence in Quebec: what are we talking about?Who are the victims?Among these victims, how many are women?Who are the attackers?How many offenses are committed in a marital context?What resources to turn to?

In addition, it illustrates, using examples drawn from the media, the elements to consider for adequate coverage of domestic violence, that is:

Some protruding facts

Conjugal violence is defined as psychologithatl, verbal, physithatl and sexual aggressions, as well as acts of economic domination.

The separation of spouses does not necessarily end violence.In 2019, in Quebec, if 55.8 % of offenses against the person perpetrated in a marital context declared to the police were committed by the spouse, 44.2 % of the offenses were the fact of a former spouse orof an old spouse.1

Even if it is suffered by both sexes, domestic violence mainly affects women, regardless of culture, social status or income.According to the most recent data, 80 % of people victims of an offense committed in a marital context in 2019 were women.1

If you are a victim or witness to domestic violence, do not hesitate to contact SOS domestic violence, a resource of help and listening: 1,800-363-9010

To consult the document: the media processing of domestic violence: tool for professionals and professional information media

To consult the media kit about domestic violence: https: // www.Inspq.QC.CA/Violence-marital

Source: Quebec National Public Health Institute

Information: Isabelle Girard, National Communithattion Information Public Health of Quebec [Email Protected]

Related Quebec Links on Violence and Health - Conjugal violence https: // www.Inspq.QC.CA/Report-Quebecois-sur-la-Violence-et-la-Sante/La-Violence-Conjugalerapport de mortés related to domestic violence in Quebec between 2008-2018 https: // www.Inspq.QC.CA/Publithattions/2766 National Public Health Institute of Quebec: www.Inspq.QC.that

1 Ministère de la Sécurité publique (2021)

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