Inspq Inspq Center of Expertise and Reference in Public Health A recommended reminder dose for certain groups

In the first opinion, the CIQ evaluates the relevance of offering a dose of recall to the oldest people who live in the community, like elders living in collective living environments (ex.: CHSLD and private residences for seniors) for whom a recommendation in this sense was issued on September 28.

Le second avis a pour objectif de décrire les données concernant l’efficacité des vaccins à vecteur viral (AstraZeneca/Covishield – Vaxzevria ou Johnson & Johnson) et à ARN messager (Pfizer – Comirnaty et Moderna – Spikevax) contre le variant delta du SRAS-CoV-2 et d’évaluer la pertinence d’offrir une dose de vaccin à ARN messager aux personnes ayant reçu uniquement des vaccins à vecteur viral contre la COVID-19.

Recommendations for the elderly

INSPQ INSPQ Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique Une dose de rappel recommandée pour certains groupes

People aged 80 and over generally respond less to vaccines than young adults because of the phenomenon of immunoscence, a progressive alteration of the immune system linked to the age.Knowing that this group of people is the most vulnerable to the COVVI-19, the CIQ recommends providing them with a dose of recall with a vaccine with a minimum messenger RNA 6 months after the last dose received.

The CIQ also considers acceptable that people aged 70 to 79 take advantage of this possibility, but the benefit of a dose of recall appears less obvious at present, since vaccination efficiency is 85 % against infections and94 % against hospitalizations for this group.

Recommendation for viral vector vaccines

Le CIQ recommande que les personnes qui ont reçu uniquement le vaccin AstraZeneca ou Johnson & Johnson pour la série primaire (deux doses pour le vaccin d’AstraZeneca ou une dose pour celui de Johnson & Johnson) se voient offrir une dose de rappel de Pfizer ou Moderna, compte tenu de l’efficacité moins élevée des premiers.Indeed, the data indicates a superior response of viral vector vaccines when combined with a messenger RNA vaccine.The recall dose should be administered minimally 6 months after the last dose received.

The first two doses remain the priority

In general, the effectiveness of COVVI-19 vaccines is high.There is no sign of notable protection loss in Quebec and a dose of recall is not necessary at the moment for the vast majority of the population.The priority is to receive the first two doses of the vaccine.

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