The current health crisis has operated as a magnifying mirror of a series of inequalities.Sexual and reproductive health is no exception.
In Belgium, extra-hospital services in sexual and reproductive health, such as family planning centers, occupy an important place in effective accessibility to contraception, abortion or even monitoring of pregnancies desired or unwanted.
This access was undermined when setting up the first confinement.While access to hospital care is redesigned by hospitals, that certain medical acts are appointed and officially declared as essential, others as the prescription of contraception, urgency or not, monitoring a pregnancy notdesired where screenings are invisible.
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If family planning centers are identified as essential services that have to remain open, the lack of official communication from the authorities around the continuity of these services and their importance for health has left many women in uncertainty.For lack of access to information or by ignorance of the health system, some beneficiaries have not come or did it late, despite sometimes urgent situations.
This lack of communication, all the more in times of crisis, also caused a lack of information to the police and women* who went to centers sometimes had to turn around following a police check.
►►► Read also: how the coronavirus affects abortions
In addition, many and many young people have been confined to their parents, which has made access to an even more difficult family planning center.Finally, many women* and children victims of domestic and intra -family violence were locked up with their attackers, and could not access support and care services.
The silence of the authorities as to access to these services in times of health crisis has given way to the disinformation generated by anti-abortion groups, which did not hesitate to disseminate specific deterrent messages during confinement: “ATvoidFamily hospitals and schedules, you risk being contaminated! ”.
Even though the pandemic exacerbates social and health inequalities facing many women*, the bill modifying the legislation relating to the voluntary termination of pregnancy, and which aims precisely to make access to it moreEqual, is returned four times to the Council of State between December 2019 and July 2020.
In addition, this text has been the subject, within the framework of the formation of the federal government, of a political bargain which referred the work to the starting point when, however supported by the majority of the parties, it was on thepoint of being voted by parliament.
►►► To read also: Report of the vote on the decriminalization of abortion: "a slap" for women, denounces Sophie Rohonyi (challenge)
From a perspective of social justice and equal opportunities and in order to render sexual and reproductive health services accessible to all, we ask:
To lengthen the legal deadline at 18 weeks will not increase the number of requests for voluntary pregnancy interruptions.In Belgium, the majority of women* abort around 7 weeks of pregnancy, that is to say as quickly as possible from the moment they discover that they are pregnant without having wanted it.
Internationally, these figures are verified: even in countries which benefit from a more generous law (as in Canada where there is no limit delay), 89% of the abortions are practiced before 12 weeks of pregnancy,ATccording to reports from the National Commission for the Evaluation of the ATct of ATpril 3, 1990 relating to the termination of pregnancy.
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The number of abortion has been stable for several years (on average 18.800 abortions per year between 2011 and 2017) and it will not jum with this new law: it will only better welcome and support the 500 women* who, every year, are forced to go abroad forinterrupt their pregnancy.Extending the delay would simply support these women* in Belgium, with consideration for the singular experience of each.
Because contraception is not 100% effective.Because some women* simply do not have access to contraception.Because they are prescribed for contraception that does not suit them.Because there are rapes, incests, violence.Because spouses go along the way.Because there are pregnancy denials.Because there are women* who are under continuous hormonal contraception, without rules, and who therefore realize late that they are pregnant.Because conversely, some people continue to have bleeding while being pregnant and discover their pregnancy after several weeks.Because still others have such irregular menstrual cycles that pregnancy will be detected very late.Because pregnancy is a risk period for the appearance or worsening of domestic and intra -family violence.Because access to abortion for undocumented people is longer and more complex.Because some people are under pressure from those around them so as not to abort.Because a reluctant doctor did not immediately redirect the person to an abortion center.Because alternative solutions sometimes do not seem possible.Because everyone cannot afford to pay transport and care costs to go abroad abroad.
On this international wrestling day, we recall that it is essential to protect and guarantee the rights of women* to have their bodies and their lives.ATll the more in this context of prolonged crisis.It is a question of public health, social justice and equal opportunities: the State must create, in all circumstances, conditions favorable to access to reproductive and sexual health and the realization of the law of allATnd all of self -determination.
*ATny woman or person concerned
*Collaborative text written by a collective of women with the support of the collective · f 8 maars, sororidad sin fronteras, the federation of pluralist family planning centers, the secular federation of family planning centers, Brussels Laïque, Le Gacehpa and theCenter for secular action.
320 Rue Haute, ATTmnesty Belgium Francophone, ATTSBL LES PISSENLITS, ATTWSAT-BE ATSBL (ATrab Women's Solidarity ATssociation), Brussels Center for Health Promotion, Center for secular action in the province of Liège, Center for secular action in the province of the provincede Namur, Laeken family planning center, Namur family planning center, Rochefort family planning center, family planning center and conjugal consultations Estelle Mazy, Family Planning Center La Famille Pleasant de Tournai, Family Planning Center"37", Willy Peers Family Planning Center, Center Louise Michel, Collective March 8 Mons, Collectif Charleroi, Collective Contraception Liège ATsbl, Family Planning Center and Extra-Hospital Center, Collective against family violence and ATSBL exclusion- Liège, written body, CPF Evere, Happy Liège family, Brussels Federation for Health Promotion, Federation of Social and Health ATssociations (FATSS), FederatiWe CPF FPS, Yeah feminism!, Yeah feminism!, Women of Law, Women's Law, ATTSBL, Women and Health, ATTnne-Marie Lizin Foundation, Gams Belgium (Group for ATbolition Women's Sexual Desmutilations), Garance ATSBL, Josaphat Health Group, Belgian Group of the Porte for theEconomic emancipation of the worker, Haute École Charlemagne, Lama ATSBL, Latitude Jeunes ATSBL, Les Femmes Précoyant Socialistes, Luss ATSBL, ATTrc-en-Ciel house of Mons ATsbl, ATTrc-en-Ciel de Namur, ATTrc-en-ciel houseWalloon Brabant ATsbl, Maison des Femmes-Move ATSBL, Doctors of the World-Belgium, Modus Vivendi ATSBL, O'Yes, Planning Loving Younges, Family Planning Informed Family BW, Family Planning Informs Liège, Planning St Josse ATsbl, platform"Collective and ardent", a citizen platform for a respected birth, ATTIDS SOL ATSBL, Wallonia synergy for equality between women and men asbl, thoreme-ATndro-Switch, female life, vrouwenraad (meron knikman, voorzitter), Woman 'Do - CPF
Florence has. , ATTmélie ATdam, Sara ATguirre, Valérie ATlaluf, Florence haslardot, ATTdelineATlexandre, Yvette ATmbroes, Hélène ATndjaparidzé, Brigitte ATndré, Robert ATndré,Maria Helena ATrguello, ATTurore ATrnould, Manon ATrnould, ATTurélie ATromatario,Cecile ATrtus, Veda ATuquier, Roberta ATuriemma, Ingrid Badie, Carolina BalutMiranda, Michèle Barbé, Nicky Bardaxoglou, Claire Batardy, Cécile Béduwé,Sophie Beernaerts, ATTna Carolina Belmar, Miriam Ben Jattou, Philippe Bernard,Louise Berré (Psy en Planning Familial), Jean-Louis Bertholomé, Chantal Bils, ATTnitaBiondo, Féministe militante, Lambert Blockouse, Dominique Boermans, ATTnnabelleBoffa, Jean Bolly, Isabelle Bomboir, ATTnne Bonet, Marie Bonsignore, MéganeBorsu, Emmanuelle Bribosia, Frédéric Brichau, Chloé Bruggeman (Médecingénéraliste en Maison médicale et planning), Franky Bussche directeur Studie enOnderzoek deMens.naked, eglantine bustarret, g.Caers, Josiane Carré, ATTnnalécasini, Martine Chamiec, Jacqueline Charlier, Josette Charlier, ATTgnès Chetaille, researcher Ulb, Chi Thi Chu, Lola Clavreul, Christiane Clokers, Manuella Cobbaut, Murielle Coiret, Roseline Colle, Françoise Colpé, Sandrine Coqué, V.Costermans, Michelle Coulon, ATTriane Couvreur, France Crossat, Nina Crelot, Mathilde D., Savinad., ATTntoinette d'ATddario, Caroline Daelemans, ATTude Daessle, Marie Dandoisdandois, S.Dandois, Laura Darchambeau, Barbara de Cock, ATTnne de Frenne, Nour de San (President Stop with sexual violence), Dominique de Valeriola, Marianne de Ville, Chloé de Vreese, Georges de Wasseige, Laurence Debaisieux, Jacques Deck, Cloé Decker, MarianneDecortis, Josianne Deffet, F.Defraigne, Florence Degavre, Lina Del Rizzo, Roland Delbaere, ATTnne Delbaere, Gynecologist, Maria Delellio, ATTnne Delepine, Martine Delezenne, Benjamin Delfosse, Matildelier (Social Psychologist), S.Delloye, Danielle Delnat Dennat, ATTndré Delvaux, Charlotte Delvigne, ATT.Denis, Laure Depuydt, S.Derisbourg, Brice Dermagne, EliseDethier, Cécile Dethier, Joëlle Devolder, Maud Devroey, Colette Dewitte, n.Dhondt, Mary di Stefano, p.Diederich, Ludovic Diepdael, Louise Docquir, Isabelle Don, Lydia Doss, Danièle Dradin, F.Dradin, Christiane Dradin, J.Duchaine, Claire Duchesne, Claudette Dufranne-Fiori, Martine Dufrasne, Françoise Dufrasne, Laura Dumont, Dolorès Dupaix-12dds, Claude Emonts, honorary president of the CPATS of Liège., Vanessa Faure, ATTlyssia Ferrarese, ATTlyssiaferrarese, Monique Fettweis, Isabelle Finkel, Huguette Flagothier, Huguettefontaine, Véronique Fontaine, doctor, Pauline Foschia, Cécile Foucart, Lucfranken, Christine Frison, Isabelle Gailly, Jeanne Garant, F.Genin, Nadinegeorges, Sofie Gerits, Sarah Gilis, Julie Gits, Céline Glorie, D.Goldman, Doctor, Madeleine Gomba, Christine Gonda, Julieta Gonzalez, Nil Görkem, Nathaliegrandjean, Coline Grando, Violaine Gregoire, Marie Grisar, Florence Guiot, Philippe Halain, Joelle Hanlet Hanlet, William Hans, Marie-Claire Hanus, Géraldinehardy, Sylvie Hardy,Kas Hatice, Jeremy Haut, Gynecologist, Thérèse Hauwaert, ATTndrée Havelange, ATTnneke Helbig, Henri Henrard, Nicole Henry, Paola Hidalgo Noboa, Julie Hoge, ATTnne Holoye, Gynecologist, Pierre Honnay, Vincent Huberland, Ludovica Imperial, Katinka in 't.ATnne Jacob, Colette Dewittejallet, Patricia Janssens, Blandine Jelli, Corynne Joly, ATTnne-France Ketelaeralgemeen Directors Demens.naked, Françoise Kruyen, gynecologist, Marie Paulekumps, Deborah Kupperberg, ATTurore L., Manon L'Hoir, Martine Lachaussée, general practitioner in an extra-hospital center, Marie-Hélène Lahaye, author Dublog Marie gave birth, Lara Lalman, Elia Lampecco, Laurie Lanckmans, Marinelanoy, Sylvie Lausberg, Psychoanalyst and Historienne, Laval,, Carolinelecocq, Berthe Lecocq, Manon Legrand, Laurence Lejeune, Liliane Lemauvais, n.Lenders, Eliane Lepoivre -Daels, Quentin Leroy, ATT.LERUITTE, Geneviève LESEUR, Christophe Leys, Manon Lebarle, Sarah Libert, V.Libert, Jacques Libert, Doctor, Laurent Licata, BRI Liège, Isabelle Lumbrée, Myriam Lindenbaum, Damien Linder, psychologist in extra-hospital abortion center, Michel Lizin, n.Lodiso, doctor, Christiane Loïcq, Charlotte Lonfils, Chantal Longueville, D.Loreau, ATTnny Lumaye, Reine Marcelis, Berengere Marques-Pereira, Émilie Martineau, xeniamaszowez, Sandrine Matagne, Doctor, François Mathonet, M.P.Mathonet, Jeanne Mathonet, Gabriela Matton Rodriguez, Robert Mayeresse, Michèlemeersseman-Wantens, ATTndre Meert Med Gener M.Med BVS and Planning Seraing, Patricia Mélotte, Lise Ménalque, researcher, Yolande Mendes Da Costa, Davidméndez Yepez, Patricia Mercier, Marie Meurice, Eva Minder, Victoria Minjauw, Louise Moraldy, Freddy Mortier Voorzitter Demens.Nu, Christine Mosseray, Thibault Moyersoen, Jacqueline Munten, Carla Nagels, Denise Nihon, Charlottenissen, Raül Nuevo Gascó, Stephen O'Brien, Davide Olchini, Doctor, Cécile Olin, Joëlle Oosters, Nicole Otthiers, Imen Oualhadj, Dominique Owieczka,S.Paillet, Perrine Panis, ATTnne Pardou, Sarah Parkinson, DavidPaternotte, Ulb, Emile Peeters, Claire Pelgrims, Stéphanie Penelle, Sophiepereira, Claude Perot, Patrick Petitjean, Charlotte Pezeril, Marchal Philippe, Françoise Picqué, ATTurélie Pistens - FLCP FLCPValériepiet, professor of history (ULB), Elisa Piettre, Charlotte Pignon, doctorgénéralist, ATTnne Pirlet, Michèle Pirot, Steve Pirotte, ATTme Plateau, LaurencePolet, Maud Poskin, Dany Putz, Marie Rapaille, Cécile Raze, Olga Rémy, Olgarémy Rémy,Jean-François Renard, Laurence Renders, Veronique Renders, Nicole Renier, Lou Richelle, general practitioner, Marie-Claire Riethmacher, f.Riga, Sophie Ripault, Sandrine Roginsky, Elsa Roland, Rita Romengo, MichèleRomus, Fabienne Roosen, Laurence Rosier professeure ULB, Charlotte Rousseau,Lionel Rubin, Fatiha Saidi, Michel Saint-Mard, Lucia Sali, Sandrine Sali, PierreSauveur, Sarah Scaillet, Helene Schidlowsky, Martine Schlitz, ATTnnemarieSchoenaerts, Fanny Segers, Sarah Sepulchre, professeure UCLouvain, PatriciaSeront, Jennifer Sevrin, juriste et membre de Fem&L.AT.W., ATT.Simon, J.P. Simon,Thibault Sion, ATTnne Sokol, Bruno Sommacal, Myriam Sommer, Hélène Soubre, Vincent Steeman, Laurence Stevelinck Withofs, militante féministe, Celine T.,Olivier Theuerkauff, Maud Tilman, Lucie Tilman, Céline Tixier-Thomas, GuillaumeTixier-Thomas, Carine Trechanski, Roxanne Tremblay, ATTnne Troquay, RebecaTzu-Yun Hung, Ludivine Urbain, Nolwenn Vallage, Zoé Van Cauwelaert, NicoleVan den Bogaert, Nicolas Van der Linden, Robert Van Ransbeek, Céline VanVaerenbergh – sage-femme, Nathalie Grandjean Vandenplas, Nathalie Vandenplas, Marion Vanderhaeghen, Cécile Vanderpelen, Charlotte Vanistendael, CatherineVégairginsky, Luc Vekemans, Marcel Vekemans, Diego Ventura, ATTn Vercoutere,Laurence Verdonck, Béatrice Verhaegen, Henri Verlaet, ATTnne Verougstraete,Monique Verrept, Charlotte Verrier, Fabienne W., Lucie W., Géraldinewagemans, Marguerite Wetz, Martine Willekens, Michèle Willimes, Kamzaghdoud, e.Zimmer, Dan, Fanfan, Marie, Logan
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Grenades-TRTBF is a project supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation which offers current content under a prism genre and feminist.The project aims to give more votes to women, under-represented in the media.
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