Ibuprofen and pregnancy: 1 in 2 French people ignore the risks of toxicity

According to a survey by the Opinion way institute, nearly 8 out of 10 French people have taken ibuprofen in the past year and nearly 2 out of 10 take it at least once a month. Often close to paracetamol in the medicine cabinet and taken for the same reasons (pain and fever), ibuprofen is a trivialized anti-inflammatory, accessible without a prescription. However, its side effects can be serious and the majority of users are unaware of them.

Major risk of ibuprofen: its toxicity to the fetus

"From the 6th month of pregnancy inclusive, therefore for 4 months, taking ibuprofen is totally contraindicated, indicates the Pr Nicolas Authier, psychiatrist, pharmacologist at the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital and sponsor of the study.And before that, we should be able to do without it.This anti-inflammatory can indeed cause malformations or cardio-pulmonary and kidney dysfunctions potentially serious, even fatal, on the unborn child." The contraindication now appears prominently on the boxes and leaflets of these drugs. However, 10% of women who are pregnant or who have been pregnant say they have taken ibuprofen for self-medication during their pregnancy and 15% of 18-50 year olds say they could do so. Other worrying statistics: 51% of French people are unaware of the existence of such toxicity for the fetus and among those who know about it, only half have read it on the box. The others learned about it from their doctor or through an advertisement. "This is proof that the information is insufficient, underlines Professor Authier. However, when we do not know, we do not pay attention."

Risks of vascular or renal complications for all users

"Ideally, continues the doctor, the intake of ibuprofen in self-medication should be limited to 4-5 days maximum, and only for benign indications." In other words, no more paracetamol - ibuprofen alternations in case of resistant fever, without medical advice. A precautionary measure that should not only apply to women in early pregnancy but to everyone. Because "a patient who already suffers from hypertension may have vascular complications, such as a stroke or a heart attack, and an elderly person, whose kidneys are tired, may incur severe renal failure likely to send him to hospital" .

The correct dosage of ibuprofen too often ignored

Ibuprofen and pregnancy: 1 out of 2 French people ignores the risks of toxicity

The survey also reveals that the French do not know the dosage of this analgesic. They are only 37% to quote the right dose per intake: 400 g. And only 1 in 4 people know that you should not exceed 1200 g per day (3 x 400). For many, these doses are only indicative and may even be exceeded... Finally, if most of the French people questioned recognize most medicines ending in "fen" as containing ibuprofen, a minority knows that Advil , Rhinadvil cold and Nureflex also contain it.

Based on the results of this study, Professor Authier and his partners have produced a video to raise awareness of the proper use of this anti-inflammatory, which they hope will be broadcast on the communication screens of pharmacies.

Also read:

⋙ Medicines, plants: products to avoid during pregnancy that you don't think of

⋙ Paracetamol during pregnancy: a study points to potential risks for the fetus

⋙ Pain: alternative medicine to the rescue

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