Beautiful as a heart and sparkling like champagne, Roxanne Carchod exposes and stretches her difference to help all those whose body and life are bruised.At 26, fourteen years after being amputated, she is radiant and swimming in happiness.Emotion sequence.
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Real Life Cia Agent Behind "Argo" film Shares Advice for How To Write A Realistic Espionage Story: http: // t.CO/YZSCUET6
— GalleyCat Fri Oct 12 16:34:04 +0000 2012
It all started with a little discomfort in the right knee.Not enough to worry about, estimated the faculty, which first concluded that a passenger problem linked to growth.Besides, what do you want he arrives at a 12-year-old girl in full health, who hikes, pedal, short and skie by mountains and by Vaux?The diagnosis that ends up falling will be all the more mortifying: osteosarcoma.A form of bone cancer mainly affecting children.Family, relatives, friends are devastated."Mom lost 8 pounds in a week.Me, it was going.From the top of my innocence, I did not measure the severity of my disease.When you are a child, you are not yet built.We adapt.I thought we were going to take care of me and that I was going to heal.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Nothing will unfortunately happen as Roxanne imagined it.Chemo after chemo, his condition does not improve.On the contrary, he worse.A month after the start of treatment, because her parents do not have the strength, it is the doctorate of the CHUV who announces the terrible news to her: her leg must be amputated above the knee.A six -hour operation, carried out on September 10, 2008."I had a month to say goodbye, massage her, talk to her.At that time, I realized that my body would keep an indelible trace of my disease.It took me eight years for me to touch my sting without being disgusted, ten years to agree to put dresses.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
The amputation will unfortunately be only a stage of a ordeal of five long years.Because beyond the ghost pain that lets him believe that his leg is still there, the sly metastases continue to play hide and seek with her. Elles se glissent dans ses poumons, ce qui lui vaut une deuxième opération avec, en «héritage»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»», une cicatrice traversant l’abdomen.Then it was to his intestines that the evil crab attacks.There are two cases known to the world of bone metastases in this organ. «Ce qui m’a valu le surnom de patiente VIP au département oncologie du CHUV»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»», rigole-t-elle aujourd’hui.From relapses to recurrences, the teenager becomes immunocompromised (that is to say that her immune system is very weakened) and contracts toxoplasmosis.In the process, she makes a respiratory distress that plunges her for four days in a coma, with intubation.
In resuscitation, she cracks.And revolts against this destiny which martyrizes it and against the medical staff, however so benevolent."I had lost confidence.I was fed up.I took refuge in annoyance.I wanted to decide myself, like a big.Decide when I was weighed, when you were taking my tension when you were changing my bed.The doctorate then offered to empty my bag. Elle m’a écoutée pendant trois heures, en lançant de temps à autre: «Est-ce que tu as encore quelque chose à me dire?»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Et je repartais pour quinze minutes.That day, I went out everything.My discomfort, my thinness, my scars, my rolling chair, my food probe, the ambiguous, condescending or disgusted look at my school comrades.I will be forever grateful to him, as well as to the whole team of pediatric care, for their listening and their empathy.»»»»»»»»»»»»Her last recurrence, the young Vaudoise will do it in 2013."But it was in 2015 that I stopped going to hospital every week.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Since then, nothing.Hear: more cancer.But a handicap to accept, to tame, to love until claiming it.
Message of a survivor who stretches and exposes her difference to complete her loop and give to those who start it the strength to continue it."If, thanks to my testimony and the photos of Tania, I can help even someone feel better vis-à-vis their disability, I will have won my bet.»»»»»»»»»»»»"My test offered me two gifts: she taught me resilience and gave me the strength to get me out of all situations.Of course, I went through discouragement periods.But thanks to the unwavering support of my family and my rage to live, I managed to overcome them.It was not always easy.Being different from others when you are teenagers is hard to accept.By dint of clinging to the eyes of others, I ended up feeling guilty and then hate me.It took me many years to realize that my experience was more a force than a weakness, my handicap more an engine than a brake.It is a long process of mourning to do, in truth.From now on, I am aware of being atypical and I would not want to become "normal"»»»»»»»»»»»».I like to be different and I find it logical that people look at me.This is my gaze that changed.When a person sets me insistently, I tell myself that it is because I am very beautiful, that he is dazzled by my beauty.I'm joking of course!But barely ... because my prosthesis, I take it as an aesthetic accessory.I want to make her glamorous and, when I look at the photos, I have the feeling of touching the goal.
»»»»»»»»»»»»"I had to do a lot of work on myself to get there.At the gymnasium, I sometimes wanted to tell people "try to live a day of my life and, after, you will cry with joy to be in yours.»»»»»»»»»»»»"Today, I am no longer in this state of mind.I love my life and I think people would be happy to live it.Regardless of the situation, life is worth living and even more for me, who has come close to death several times.I also had to learn to reclaim my woman's body.Until the age of 22, make up, style, make me beautiful, as they say, had lost all its meaning.Today, I love my femininity.And when I look at the photos of Tania, I find myself super cannon!This is also what I want to say to the disabled: "You are all so beautiful.Open your heart.As we know, we can only see with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Now I don't want to idealize either.Sometimes I perceive pity in the eyes of some people.It's not very pleasant but I don't let myself eat by that.I tell myself that these are people who feel superior to me and that, therefore, it annoys them to see me so happy.This kind of behavior has long affected me but no longer now, fortunately.I must say that since the #MeToo movement, in 2018, people have more and more respect.It's very nice.Before, there were reflexes of fear, of discomfort.The same for me.I lived well but I did not yet consider my prosthesis as an accessory.People feared to talk to me, they feared being clumsy.So, I developed a strategy to bring my handicap positively.I make jokes and puns on my prosthesis.Suddenly, my interlocutors say to themselves: "Well, she laughs, we can go there.If we say stupidity, she will understand.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»I even get a lot of compliments.It's nice.
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»At 26, I feel perfectly fulfilled.I just succeeded in my learning as a medical assistant in a office where I am very well integrated, I work at 50%, I have an adorable lover who loves me for what I am and as I am, I have aSmall car with inverted pedals, a great family and friends.I swim in happiness, to say everything.In addition, I am proud to be able to look at cancer in front and say to him: "You tried to kill me, but you did not succeed.I was stronger than you and my victory made me even stronger.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»"My test taught me that being healthy is a luxury and that the rest is a bit incidental.Sometimes I have the impression that people are stressing for harmless details, that they complain when they have everything to be happy.It's confusing enough for me.I try to send them positive energies ... "»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Vaudoise photographer Tania Emery exhibits the images of three years of complicity and confidence with Roxanne.
Her approach, Tania Emery situates her halfway between meditation and the diary.The ex-Vaudoise-teacher now handles pedagogy with her photo box, through a form of coaching by the image."For all kinds of reasons, disability, skin color, overweight, religious affiliation, many women live situations of exclusion, stigma, or even rejection.Through my photos, I want to offer them the possibility of regaining full confidence in their unique influence, making the bet that being carrying all femininities does not depend on the current standards relayed by social networks, advertising and even, sometimes,those around him.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»"A work of reconstruction of the self -image that she continued for three years alongside Roxanne Carchod."With this exhibition, which we also hope to hang in hospital and why not in schools, we want to show that, whatever the accident or trauma suffered, there is a good life after.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
Découvrez l'exposition «Corps à cœur»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» au PepperHub – L’Ellipse, Gland, du 2 décembre (vernissage à 18 h) au 2 janvier 2022.Registration by e-mail at photo@Taniaemery.CH,
Par Christian Rappaz publié le 19 novembre 2021 - 15:12
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