How to use citrus bark?At home, in the kitchen or in the garden, we tell you everything!

Author:Paul Mano

What a joy each year to delight in clementines and other mandarins in winter. They are also part of the Christmas party where they are widely invited to our tables to best digest the sangria recipe or your grandmother's exquisite Yule log. Did you know that citrus peel is full of essential oils and therefore very useful for our well-being? Unfortunately, we too often tend to throw away the peelings. Do you want to know how to use citrus peels? Here are our tips to stop wasting them and use them wisely in our daily lives. What do you say?

Page content

  • 1.2 Using citrus peel in the garden
  • 1.3 Using citrus peel in cooking
  • 1.4 Making citrus peel powder
  • < li>1.5 Enhance your herbal teas
  • 1.6 Prepare sweets
  • How to use citrus peel?

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    In these times, let's be reasonable and use our resources wisely. We have everything to gain from it. As such, why throw away citrus peels when they can still be used? Here are our favorite tips for reusing these barks with beneficial properties for us and our environment.

    Using citrus peel for the home

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    What if we stopped throwing away our clementine or orange peels? And if at the same time we decide not to buy these polluting and expensive air fresheners to perfume our interior. Let's create a Christmas potpourri instead and also take advantage of our bark to make an eco-friendly homemade detergent!

    Perfuming your home

    The smell of tangerines or clementines will perfume your home. For this, nothing like making a potpourri using dried bark. You can of course let them dry naturally, but we recommend the oven to save time. Be careful not to burn your bark. As a bonus, add a cinnamon stick, star anise and dried petals to your potpourri. By placing this mixture in small muslin pouches on your shelves, you will also perfume your cupboards and chase away any moths.

    Deodorize your oven

    Your oven has had an unpleasant smell for a few days? To eliminate fishy odors, place citrus peels in the oven with the oven turned off but still hot. If your smell is the stubborn type, do not skimp on the means! Thus the gentle heat should eliminate bad odors thanks to the fragrance released by your citrus peelings.

    Make a household detergent

    How to use citrus peel? At home, in the kitchen or in the garden, we tell you everything!

    Making your own household products is completely fashionable today. To easily make a detergent that is both economical and ecological, here are our tips: first, place your citrus peel in a jar. Add as much water as white vinegar. Then, mix everything together and leave to sit in the dark for two weeks. Finally, filter and arrange everything in a sprayer. You are now ready for the great ecological winter cleaning!

    Using citrus peel in the garden

    Stop wasting and let's become more eco-friendly by using our leftover citrus fruits in the garden. Frankly, it costs us nothing, apart from a semblance of organization to regularly put aside the peelings of lemons or oranges. Between us, is it really that complicated?

    To enrich your compost with nitrogen

    Did you know that nitrogen was important in your compost? Add your citrus peelings and you'll effortlessly boost the nitrogen content of your compost as the peels decompose.

    To add nutrients to the soil

    Citrus peels are rich in sulphide, magnesium, calcium and many other nutrients that your soil needs. To this end, to obtain better quality soil, here is what you can do: let the bark dry and grind it into powder. Finally, mix this powder into your soil. You will tell us about it!

    To drive away aphids and mosquitoes

    Here is a simple trick to protect your plantations from an invasion of aphids: wrap orange peel around the feet of the plants you want to protect. Similarly, you can rub your plants with your citrus peelings to repel mosquitoes. Good idea no?

    Using citrus peel in cooking

    We saved the best for last. It is in the kitchen that we prefer to use citrus peel! Only prerequisite: they must not have been processed. Know that you can put it in almost all your recipes. Indeed, as the peel is the part of the citrus fruit with the most nutritional properties, it can be grated to incorporate the dough of your cookies and cakes. Candied, they can be transformed into orangettes or citronettes for the pleasure of the taste buds.

    Make a citrus zest powder

    Here is our recipe:

    When the peels are crunchy, it will be time to reduce them to powder using a blender for example. For better preservation, make sure they are completely dry. You can use this powder as you wish in all the dishes that inspire you.

    Enhancing your herbal teas

    For example, you can reuse your clementine peel to enhance your herbal teas. The important thing is to remove the white part of your fruit, which remains too bitter for culinary preparation. You can combine it with verbena or chamomile for a soothing winter hot drink.

    Preparing sweets

    For gourmets and gourmets, you can start making clementinettes, the cousins ​​of orangettes, these delicious treats made of candied orange peel coated in dark chocolate . Here are the ingredients you will need:

    Here to end our instructions for carrying out our original recipe: first cut the bark of the clementines into strips half a centimeter wide. Then put them in boiling water. Then drain and repeat twice more. After that, prepare the syrup, with water, sugar and honey. Heat the clementine rinds over low heat for about ten minutes. Drain. For the chocolate, melt it in a bain-marie. And now ? All you have to do is dip the candied bark in the chocolate and place them on a baking sheet. Finally, leave the plate for a while in the refrigerator to allow the chocolate to freeze. Be patient, you won't regret it!

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