How do I take care of her perineum?

How does Anne Roy work our perineum? Often unknown to many women (and men), perineum is necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Anne Roy, midwife and columnist on Europe 1, details in the programme "sans rendez-vous" how it works and its secrets.

The perineum is often left out by women … And men! It is essential to the balance of our bodies. From posture to sexual pleasure, to incontinence, discover all the secrets of your perineum. Health columnist of Europe 1 and midwife, Anne Roy, explains on Saturday on the show without rendez-vous how to pamper him before you even get old.

What is perineum?

"contrary to what is heard everywhere, the perineum is not just muscle but a real war machine within your body. It is composed of about ten muscles but also of all the soft parts like nerves or vessels. Your perineum closes your pelvis. If it did not exist, all the organs of the belly would fall to the ground through the pelvis. It is therefore indispensable to our survival, just that! and men also have a perineum, just as important as that of women.

But what else is he doing? Among other things: it ensures urinary and anal continence, participates in a fulfilling sex life, also participates in part of the reproductive function, allows to have a good posture on a daily basis and thus, even to avoid back pain. And perineum should not only concern women of a certain age. Men are not free of perineal problems! Our misconceptions, encouraged by advertising, are false. Perineum problems are really at all ages. A woman who has spoiled her perineum all her life can have a super perineum at an advanced age!

Comment prendre soin de son périnée ?

The symptoms of a perineal problem are diverse and varied: leakage of urine when laughing, vaginal farts after having sex, pain during penetration or a feeling of gravity in the vagina. If you suffer from it, you must not be defeatist. I love perineum because nothing is ever really screwed up as long as we Don't get into it too late and we Don't let it run!

>> LIRE AUSSI - Grossesse : comment rééduquer son périnée ?

Go to the gynaecologist or midwife and ask him for a test. If your perineum is perfect, do a perineal education session with a midwife or physiotherapist. It's always better to take care of it before it gets worse. If the exam is not good, you will be given perineal rehabilitation sessions with a midwife or a physiotherapist. Even if it's not very funny, it's worth it!

How can we not damage it?

First of all, you have to be careful when you stop going to the bathroom. When you feel like it, you go! Constipation is the sworn enemy of perineum. It is also necessary to drink to one's thirst and not to hold back too long. If you cough or sneeze, you should also consider locking your perineum first.

Taking care of your perineum is also an extra reason to quit smoking. However, I am not naive and I know perfectly well that, contrary to what they would have us believe, smoking is not just a lack of will. Also remember to avoid excessive weight fluctuations. Finally, watch out for certain sports practices. I've never seen perineas more damaged than those of my Marathonian patients! "

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