Les femmes aux cheveux roux ont souvent la peau claire, voire diaphane, et le teint fragile. Pour mettre le roux en valeur et respecter la pureté de votre teint, misez de préférence sur un maquillage subtil et des produits peu couvrants. Si votre teint ne présente pas, ou peu de défauts, inutile de surcharger : une poudre légère et claire suffit à illuminer votre peau et à mettre votre roux en valeur. Si vous souhaitez masquer vos cernes ou vos petites imperfections, optez pour un correcteur de couleur verte et un fond de teint légèrement couvrant, d'un demi-ton au-dessous de celui de votre peau. Vos pommettes sont d'excellents alliés pour mettre en valeur votre teint de porcelaine et votre chevelure flamboyante : pour les souligner et illuminer votre visage, tournez-vous vers des teintes rose clair ou pêche. Effet bonne mine garanti !
How to get your opinion piece (Op-ed) published in reputable publications: - Be timely. - Do a thorough research.… Https: // t.CO/XFF5YOJO9X
— Week of Saturdays®️ Thu Jan 21 08:04:17 +0000 2021
Eye makeup when you have red skin is delicate, so it is the color of your eyes and eyebrows that will determine that of your makeup.If your eyebrows are clear, avoid the black mascara, which will contrast in an unnatural way and prefer brown shades.To choose a eyeshadow adapted to your skin tone and which will sublimate your red, base yourself on the color of your eyes.Are you redhead with brown eyes?Cold shades such as olive and khaki will go wonderfully well.If you are red and your eyes are clear, bet on hot tones: cinnamon, copper and brown will highlight your strengths.Then, whether your eyes are clear or not, dare the green: underlined with a line of eyeliner, this color is made for you and always goes perfectly with light dyes and red hair!For a more sophisticated look, dare the Smoky Eye, perfect if it is accompanied by discreet makeup and a nude mouth.
Red skins often have clear lips, easy to make up.To underline your mouth, the options are multiple: bright red, coral colors, light colors...For a fresh effect that awakens the complexion, turn to clear shades matching your skin, such as beige or light pink.For a good -looking effect, the apricot or coral shades will do wonders and will highlight your eyes.And if your complexion is perfect, you can dare everything for everything and dress your mouth with a flamboyant matt red, which will sublimate your hair color for an incendiary effect!
How to apply blush to change your face
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