Homemade face mask with natural ingredients for beautiful skin with zero defect

Facial skin is exposed to many external and internal factors that sensitize it and cause imperfections.To compensate for skin problems and restore its balance, the right facial routine is essential.The face mask is an important step which makes it possible to clean the skin in depth while acting on the causes of imperfections.The good news: it is not necessary to spend big sums of money to have an effective facial product.Nature has made everything you need to make a natural face mask at our disposal and find a brilliant complexion.You just have to carefully choose the ingredients according to your skin type.Treat yourself to a moment of well-being and take care of your skin with a homemade face mask.

Homemade face mask for all skin types

Discover four very simple recipes for making a natural honey -based face mask, suitable for each skin type.

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Masque visage maison anti-inflammatoire au miel et curcuma pour peau acnéique

Mix the two ingredients to obtain a creamy paste.Apply the whole face, avoiding the eyebrows and roots of the hair.Wear gloves and old clothes.Leave for a minimum of 5 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.Apply your usual cream.

Anti-inflammatory mask against buttons with only two natural ingredients

Natural mask for oily skin:

Mix the ingredients in a bowl (never use metal utensils for clay masks).Apply on the face and let stand for 15 minutes.Rinse with warm water, then in cold water.

A clay mask to fight against excess sebum

Homemade face mask for sensitive skin:

Mix the ingredients.You can replace the matcha powder with leaves, out of a green tea bag.Apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes.

Face treatment for sensitive skin to green tea powder, honey and sweet almond oil

Natural treatment for dry skin:

Crush avocado and honey together.Add the finely ground almonds and mix well.Apply to the face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes.Rinse with lukewarm water.

Natural repairer treatment for dehydrated skin to avocado, honey and almonds

Face mask for acne skin

Masque pour visage maison aux ingrédients naturels pour une belle peau à zéro défaut

Ingredients :

Mix active charcoal, clay and probiotic.Add the apple cider vinegar to obtain the consistency of a paste.Put in a drop of essential oil.Apply the mask to your face with clean hands.Leave for 15 minutes.Rinse with lukewarm water et appliquez ensuite de la crème hydratante.

Anti-inflammatory house face mask in turmeric, honey and coconut milk

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Mélangez le curcuma, le miel et le lait dans un petit bol. Ajoutez l’huile essentielle d’orange et mélangez à nouveau. Ajustez la consistance si nécessaire en y ajoutant encore de lait.
  2. Nettoyez le visage avant d’appliquer le masque.
  3. Appliquez sur le visage entière en insistant sur les zones problématiques. Laissez poser pendant 20 minutes, rincez à l’eau tiède.

© Hello Glow

Beauty routine for clear and smooth skin - Homemade faces revitalizing clay, green tea extract and essential oils


Instructions :

  1. Préparez l’infusion de boutons de roses séchées. Faites infuser les boutons de roses séchées pendant 20 minutes dans 200 ml d’eau bouillante distillée.
  2. Mélangez les argiles et la glycérine/miel pour obtenir une pâte douce.
  3. Versez lentement l’infusion tout en remuant.
  4. Ajoutez la poudre de thé vert matcha/ spiruline et les huiles essentielles.
  5. Laisser l’argile reposer pendant 20 minutes avant de l’appliquer sur le visage.
  6. Le masque ne se conserve pas.

Light formula for delicate face skin

© Little Green Dot

Purifying mask raw honey and matcha green tea

Ingredients :

Mix the ingredients dans un petit bol.Apply the mask to a clean face and leave for 10 - 15 minutes.Rinse with lukewarm water et séchez le visage en le tamponnant doucement avec une serviette propre.Apply moisturizer.

Matcha green tea powder: contains antioxidants that protect the skin and improve its elasticity.

Purifying and nourishing mask with raw honey and matcha green tea powder

Aloe vera anti-imperfections mask

Ingredients :

Cut the base of the sheet and using a knife, remove the skin from the flat part.Take the frost.Add the lemon zest, lemon juice and gel honey.Put the mixture in a blender and mix until homogeneity.The mask keeps in the refrigerator up to a week.Apply to the face with circular movements and let stand for 1 hour.Rinse with lukewarm water.

Zero imperfections with this aloe vera beauty mask, honey and lemon

Hydrating natural treatment

Ingredients :

Mix all the ingredients, apply the mask to your face with your fingers.Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse.Apply nourishing cream.

Hydrating mask with green clay and gossip oil to treat the skin in summer

Ingredients :

Mix all the ingredients and keep in a small container.

An anti-acne hydrating mask with cinnamon and honey to be included in its beauty routine

Ingredients :

Crush half-avocado with a fork.Add the honey and yogurt, mix well to get a soft paste.Apply to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes.Rinse with a hot toilet glove.

Homemade face mask recipe based on ingredients that can be found in your kitchen

Clean the dehydrated skin very gently

Natural facial treatment for mixed skin - a homemade face mask with pumpkin seeds, rose water and clay

Fighting excess sebum with a homemade face mask with turmeric, yogurt and rose water

Treat yourself to a moment of well-being in the morning with this blueberry and oatmeal mask

Soft exfoliation for clear and radiant skin

Clay antioxidant mask and dried hibiscus flowers

Bentonite clay purifying mask with active coal

© All Purpose Flour Child

Natural banana, cucumber and oats mask

Natural facial with a cinnamon, orange and honey mask

Spirulina face mask enriched with probiotics

Green Beauty Routine

4 recipes of homemade facial mask based on natural ingredients that we already have in his kitchen.Other natural care ideas to discover on Kale and Caramel.

Cucumber, matcha green tea and mint - the natural treatment of dilated pores

© Kale and Caramel

Homemade face mask with apple, apple cider vinegar and oats for clear and toned skin

Lightening treatment for the face with honey, lemon and lavender

We take care of your skin in winter with a natural cosmetic product with cocoa, yogurt, honey and mint oil

Fruity mask with cranberries, yogurt, clay and honey for a brilliant complexion

A double action mask that purifies and soothes skin, blueberries, clay, cocoa and calamine lotion

Face treatment for skin sensitive to red agile and soft almond essential oil

Skin care dehydrated with yogurt, honey, olive oil and brown sugar

Mask against pimples with oats, lemon juice and honey

Anti-aging treatment with hibiscus powder, green clay and lavender powder

Peel mask for skin sensitive to milk, chamomile tea, honey and oatmeal

Exfoliating and moisturizing facials at coffee, brown sugar and coconut oil

Two simple ingredients to tighten the dilated pores

Each skin problem, its clay mask

Soothing clay and yogurt mask

Purifying mask for all skin types with clay, matcha and carbon powder

Double action mask, anti-inflammatory and lightening, turmeric, honey, yogurt and flour

Purifying mask with hibiscus flowers, clay and glycolic acid

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