Here is the scientific reason that explains fat on the belly

By Julia Duranton published send it by e-mail
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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableSi vous faites partie de ceux qui ont un peu ou beaucoup de graisse abdominale, il y a fort à parier que vous soyez un épicurien. En effet d'après de nombreux nutritionnistes, l'origine de la graisse du ventre est alimentaire.

Some are lucky to have a perfectly flat belly.Others remember having one day one day.And others, however, have always dreamed of it, without ever getting it.And we know a priori why.

Where does the abdominal fat come from?

Abdominal fat is as its name suggests on the belly.Waking up with Jennifer Lopez's flat and muscular belly will remain a fantasy, unless you respect a golden rule: eat well, and above all, not too much.

Indeed, nutritionists agree that belly fat is of food origin.

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It settles on the one hand when you eat badly, to know too many lipids and carbohydrates compared to daily needs.Saturated fats and alcohol are in particular in question.

Voici la raison scientifique qui explique la graisse sur le ventre

And it stagnates when we consume more calories than what our body really needs to work.

As a reminder, men need an average of 2,300 to 2,700 calories per day and women between 2000 and 2300.Needs that evolve of course if we practice an intense sporting activity.

Why is belly fat dangerous?

Unlike other types of fat, it is placed not just under the skin (like cellulite), but slip into the interstices between the organs.And it represents several dangers for health.

The one that doctors call "visceral fat" strongly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases like diabetes, and the risk of cancer.It also increases the risk of stroke.

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Obviously, it is not a question of panicking in the appearance of a small bead at the end of winter when you have forced a little too much on the raclette, and not enough on jogging.

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According to various studies, abdominal fat is considered too large and dangerous when the waist exceeds 88cm in women and 102cm in men.

In a very concrete way, these size tower measures are directly linked to life expectancy.The higher it is, the more life expectancy drops.

How to remove belly fat?

If the abdominal fat has a food origin, the first solution to erase it and get rid of it is therefore on the plates and the cupboards.Exit too fatty products, too sweet and too salty, alcohol in Gogo, fast food and other comforting treats.

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We must adopt a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins, therefore in fruits and vegetables, but also in protein.

Then, to eliminate the visceral fat you have to sweat.Playing sports is essential to erase your beads or your little buoy.For this, you must above all practice a cardio activity that sweats and add targeted exercises such as sheathing, crunch, russian twists etc.

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