"I am pregnant and in my first trimester of pregnancy.Can I prohibit access to the restaurant and campsite if I am not vaccinated?"Asks Sarah on our Facebook page."Before, pregnant women were forbidden From being vaccinated at the beginning of pregnancy because risk of miscarriage...Today, it is allowed.Will there be a tolerance for the holidays?», Also asks Marie.
As of this Wednesday, July 21, the health pass is required in new places, such as swimming pools, museums and cinemas.The list will lie down in early August with restaurants, bars, trains for long distance journeys or hospitals.President Emmanuel Macron announced this during his television address on July 12, in order to brake the COVVI-19 epidemic and the proliferation of the Delta variant.These new measures may exclude certain people, including pregnant women who are not vaccinated.
Will there be a tolerance for future mothers who are at the beginning of pregnancy?And those reluctant to be vaccinated for fear of their child's health?
Since April, vaccination - with vaccines with messenger RNA Pfizer/BionTech or Moderna - has been open to pregnant women From the second trimester of pregnancy, according to the recommendations of the health authorities.
The Minister of Health Olivier Véran has just clarified the vagueness around the first trimester of pregnancy.Pregnant women can now be vaccinated against COVVI-19 in the "first quarter," he said during the question session in the government in the National Assembly except in three situations, which potentially concern a few hundredof French ".
The three contraindications are as follows:
-"Pims syndrome", or inflammatory pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, an "extremely rare" complication which affected certain children and adolescents following an infection by the coronavirus;
- "Myocardite, pericarditis and severe hepatitis reactions required hospitalization and following a first injection of mRNA vaccine";
- people allergic to one of the components of the vaccine, the PEG2000, or Polyethylene Glycol.
To access these "new" places subject to the health pass, pregnant women, at the beginning of pregnancy or not, which are not vaccinated will have no choice but to provide a negative PCR test of less than 48 hours or aImmunity certificate.No tolerance will be allowed.
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