Votre enfant a mal au talon ou au genou. Le diagnostic porté est « douleur de croissance ». Le traitement imposé est « repos sportif » ! Et s’il était possible de moduler la sentence ? Et cela, pour le plus grand plaisir de votre bambin… et pour le calme de la maisonnée ! Explications !
Your child grows.The bone areas concerned are more fragile.Among very active young people, it is the points of hanging of the muscles which undergo the most constraints sometimes until cracking and becoming painful.Fortunately, treatment is not strict rest!
These wounds are called osteochondrosis: "osteo" means bone, "chondro" means cartilage and the suffix "dares" qualifies injuries of mechanical origin. This term highlights that the damaged tissue is both boneand cartilaginous.
Indeed, it is the growth cartilage gradually transforming into an adult bone.These areas become particularly fragile when they grow up quickly and this process spreads throughout childhood in different areas.
Thus, the potentially painful sectors are different depending on age.Mechanical constraints related to physical activity is concentrated in places where the muscle is moving on the bone.Obviously, these lesions preferably occur at the insertion points of the most powerful muscles.The most classic are at the point of hanging the calf and the quadriceps located at the front of the thigh.
However, many muscle insertions are affected.Most of them bear the name of the doctor who described these localized lesions.There are even osteochondroses with the upper limbs with which young tennis players and gymnasts are generally victims.
At the heel level clings the large Achilles tendon.This thick fibrous rope transfer the tension caused by the contraction of the calf.This is so powerful that it allows walking, running and jump.At the age when the heel bone, the calcaneus, grows a lot, the point of insertion is more vulnerable.Thus, this injury occurs between 9 and 11 years old.Her name is "SEVER disease", named after the doctor who described her.This terminology is the occasion for a reassuring medical adage: "SEVER's disease is not severe!»»
Note that adults who overcome the calf propulsion chain - Achilles tendon - heel bone very rarely damage bone link.They make tendon lesions much more often, the classic Achilles tendonitis.In fact, it is customary to say that "children's tendonitis are bone cracks".Faced with heel pain in an active child from 9 to 11 years old, it must be confirmed that it is a Sever.The little sportsman suffers during effort and pain increases with the duration and intensity of the practice.
Sometimes he still hurts in the hours following training and boxes a little but the embarrassment disappears quickly with rest.It is said that the pace of symptoms is "mechanical".On examination, jumper and walking on the heels are painful.The child feels pain when the sports doctor presses the back of his heel while the Achilles tendon is painless.A radio is not necessary, except in case of night suffering or in case of red and swollen appearance.Treatment is not strict rest but respect for pain.
The child can continue to exercise without hurting.Thus, to control the mechanical constraints of the child and to best individualize his program, it is recommended to exempt it from school sport.Obviously, swimming is possible and it is the opportunity to learn or improve.By bike, the heel is in a vacuum and does not transmit any braking strength as when receiving a stride.
Again, the little sportsman has carte blanche to pedal.Even if these activities seem less fun than football, basketball or other team sports, they teach him about endurance and gaining autonomy.This is an excellent psychological placement to diversify its motor skills, keep in shape during off -season and above all playing sports throughout life.Like what, even an injury is an opportunity to progress!
Besides, jogging is quickly possible.Only indolence and progressiveness are required.Before getting on the bike or entering the swimming pool, the little sportsman can trot a little and then run more and more.
If he doesn't hurt, he is allowed to integrate side trips or tease the ball or racket.To help him, a pair of soles is often welcome.It has heels that have two virtues.
First, they are damaging the impact of the reception.Second, they go up the heel a little and relax the Achilles tendon which, suddenly, pulls less on the heel bone.
The soles can also control a switch to the foot, we speak of "supination" and more often of "pronation".When these movements are excessive, they cause a torsion of the tendon and its insertion, we speak of "mop syndrome".
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— Modern Tradition Thu Jul 22 12:41:38 +0000 2021
Little by little, the young sportsman manages to assume increasingly soliciting activities.He can then join collective training while remaining progressive.
All tips and arrangements deserve to be envisaged.Usually, it is fashionable that he is only doing the warm -up with his friends even if it means continuing with a small individual work of increasing duration and intensity.
A few weeks later, he added technical work and then joined duels.From time to time, it is allowed to jump a training or turn back in progress if the previous session has caused pain.
Finally, he joined forces with the oppositions and then participated in the match.Of course, it does not make the entire competition immediately and enters the field every week for growing durations.Very quickly, he finds his place in the group, without having stopped sport and without having experienced his injury as a punishment!In all, your child was embarrassed from a few weeks to 6 months.
Around 14 to 15 years old, it is the turn of the upper end of the tibia to trigger its growth thrust.No luck, this weakened area also corresponds to the quadriceps attachment, the powerful muscle located on the anterior side of the thigh.So your loupiot who has become a teenager is now complaining about pain just under the knee.This is the "Osgood-Schlatter disease" ... named after the two doctors who described this lesion ...
Two doctors!It's been a lot when Sever had managed to explain an equivalent heel injury.In short, in practice, we zap this poor Schlatter and we speak of "osgood disease" ...
Indeed, it frequently happens that young people chain the osteochondrosis, checking one by one all the boxes of these stored lesions!This fragility probably has several origins: genetic characteristics of bone and cartilaginous tissues?Risk sports activity?morphology, overweight?unbalanced food?Excess sports stop during previous osteochondrosis?It even happens that, between 11 and 14 years old, between Sever and Osgood, there is no lull!
During this period, your child may be the victim of osteochondrosis at the lower end of the patella.This lesion is at the top of the tendon cord connecting the quadriceps to the tibia while the OSGOOD is located at the bottom!In short, they meet the same mechanical constraints, only the moment of the fragile growth push differs.
This time, it took three doctors to name this joint crack!This is the "Sinding-larsen-Johasson disease" and as usual, only the first has won celebrity, we are talking about "Sinding disease".
As with "Sever disease", these knee injuries cause pain due to physical activity and do not suffer at night.Radios are most often optional.Again, care is not strict rest but the continuation of a painless activity.
In the event of an OSGOOD, in order to limit pull -ups on growth cartilage during sport, it is possible to put a small fleece ring around the upper end of the tibia.Thuasne and Zamst brands offer this type of orthosis.
The concept of physical maintenance is essential for several reasons.The growing area needs a minimum of solicitation to transform firmly into an adult bone.The current pains already show that it is fragile and it is not a question of aggravating the situation!This process is particularly notable on other growth cartilages which are combined causing the sequence of osteochondroses in different places!Not to mention the other injuries that can occur on recovery on a completely desecrated locomotor system!
The pains take months, or even more than a year, to disappear completely and exclude all physical activity for such a long duration makes your child slide towards all the harms of sedentary lifestyle;He may in particular gain weight and worse still, he can lose a taste for sport!
So, as for "Sever", in case of knee growth pain, it is possible to swim and even pedal!Indeed, these injuries occur because of the braking inherent at each reception of stride or jump.Under these conditions, the bone goes in one direction while the muscle draws into the other;Growth cartilage is aside!
By bike, the lower limb is never subject to this type of constraint, it only pushes.Bone, growth cartilage and muscle go in the same direction and mechanical stress is much lower.Physical maintenance and return to the field protocols are comparable to those used for heel pain.
However, let us point out rare complications during Osgood diseases.
Exceptionally, the tendon hanging area located at the upper end of the tibia can tear yourself away!This very painful fracture requires an operation and the implementation of screws to refix the dropped fragment!But rest assured, this accident never happens if you respect the pain!She can only arise if the young sportsman continues to play while having very badly for several weeks!
Be careful, for reinstateing one day to the other within collective training!This strategy systematically leads to recurrence.We then speak of "on / off syndrome".The return protocol on the ground described for the "Sever" also works very well for knee osteochondrosis.In the end, your child will have modulated his activity for 3 to 12 months, but he will have continued to have fun and preserve his health by playing sports!
Obviously, the content of the plate has a significant impact on the formation of the OS.We talk a lot about dairy products rich in calcium and it is customary to recommend 3 to 4 per day in growing children.However, it is also possible to do like cows to ingest calcium!To know how to eat plants - which have grown in limestone rich in calcium!
Vegetables and fruits also have the interest of fighting biological acidity that dismisses bone tissue, it is said that they are "alkaline".Even citrus fruits with acid taste are metabolized in particularly alkaline citrates and malatic.
This is a good reason to encourage your child to increase his ration of plants and enjoy their other benefits: a harvest of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fibers!
Vitamin D promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium and its fixing in bone spans.It is found in fatty dairy products and fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardine, herring, anchovy, cod liver).It is mainly made by the skin under the influence of the sun's rays.
Unfortunately, in winter, we are more often in our homes and outside we are tangled!Only face skin is born!A real aggravation factor of our usual vitamin D deficiency according to some scientists!
In short, in practice, you must complement your children in vitamin D. Consult your doctor to obtain highly dosed bulbs or opt for 5 to 6 drops of 200 IU per day now on sale without prescription.
Homeopathy also makes its contribution.The classic Rexorubia is opportune and the symphytum interesting.
Phytotherapy offers constructed creams, a traditional plant promoting the consolidation of bones as its etymology suggests.
Finally, apitherapy has royal jelly whose growth factors transform a simple workers' bee into a hive queen when they have the same genetic heritage!
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