French exports of perfumes and cosmetics rise to €15 billion

French cosmetics exports continued to grow in 2019, increasing by more than 9%, according to figures released by customs on 7 February. For more than 10 years, exports have been driving the growth of the French perfumes and cosmetics industry, reaching 15.7 billion euros in 2019.

Global success

These results place the cosmetics sector as the second largest exporter sector in France, behind aeronautics. French cosmetics also appeal to tourists: out of 5 cosmetics sold in France, 1 product is bought by a foreign visitor. In total, more than 50% of French production is exported, and according to the Fédération des entreprises de la beauté (FEBEA), the sole export activity of cosmetics employs 130,000 people in France.

Europe remains the largest destination for French cosmetics exports, followed by the United States, followed by Asia, whose share is increasing dramatically. As a result, exports to China jumped by 48% in 2019. As a result, China has moved from 7th to 4th place as a destination for French cosmetics. There was also a sharp increase in exports to South Korea (+ 26%) and Singapore (+ 16%). Today, one out of every five French cosmetic products is sold in Asia.

After an average increase of 10% a year since 2013, cosmetic exports have allowed France to maintain its position as world leader with an estimated market share of 23%.

Care, perfumes and lipstick

Les exportations françaises de parfums et cosmétiques passent la barre des 15 milliards d’euros

Skin care is the main category exported by French industry, accounting for more than 7.3 billion euros, an increase of more than 46% over the last five years.

Perfumes and toilet waters are also highly appreciated: their export sales (more than €4.8 billion) have increased by 23% in five years.

If makeup comes only third, there has been an impressive increase in exports of lip makeup products, which have grown by almost 80% in five years, reaching more than €730 million in 2019. No wonder, then, that Hermes chose this category for its first incursion into the makeup industry.

Selon la FEBEA, ce succès s’appuie sur de solides positions à « tous les niveaux de la chaîne de valeur ». La R&D du secteur cosmétiques est ainsi la plus performante de France, avec 3,6 brevets déposés par million d’euros dépensé.

"this success is also based on the entrepreneurial dynamism of the sector," said Patrick O'Quin, President of FEBEA. "each year, 170 new cosmetic companies are created in the industry, fuelled by the industry's growing innovation. Alongside large, internationally recognized groups, our industry comprises almost 85% of SMEs, spread throughout France. In particular, in the territories that have been able to exploit their historical expertise in fragrances-Provence for example-or even their natural riches: Brittany in particular, thanks to the success of cosmetic ingredients from the sea ".

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