Souvent banalisée,, la grippe n'est pas une maladie anodine. Une vaccination,, à refaire chaque année,, est recommandée chez les personnes à risque de complications. Qui sont-elles ? Le vaccin contre la grippe est-il efficace ? Où se faire vacciner ? On fait le point,, alors que la campagne de vaccination 2021-2022 vient d'être prolongée.
Flu...This forgotten word for a few months remembers our good memory at the end of October,, when the vaccination campaign begins.After a first month reserved for people at risk of complications,, vaccination is now open to anyone who wishes it.Faced with the active traffic of the influenza virus in the majority of French regions since the end of December,, the campaign,, initially scheduled until January 31,, 2022,, was extended until February 28.
Like last year,, the public authorities called for reinforced mobilization due to concomitant traffic in winter of influenza viruses and the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus,, head of COVVI-19.The stake,, as the Directorate General of Health recalls: "Encourage synergy between the two vaccination campaigns and not lose any opportunity to vaccinate the flu and the most fragile people against flu".It is a question of limiting the risk of co-infection,, therefore of development of serious forms and death.
The flu vaccine is made from inactivated viruses.It does not contain living viruses,, "there is therefore no risk of influenza transmission by the vaccine,," said Professor Jean-Paul Stahl,, professor of infectious and tropical diseases at the Grenoble University Hospital.
Its composition is defined each year to adapt to the influenza viruses that can circulate,, the latter being very changing.It is the World Health Organization (WHO) that is responsible,, upstream,, for their surveillance.
The composition of the antigripping vaccine for the winter of 2021-20222 has been modified compared to that of the previous year (Source 1).It includes viruses belonging to the following four strains:
For the Vaccination Campaign 2020-2021,, the three available vaccines are quadrivalents (protect against four virus strains): Vaxigrip Tetra®,, Influvac Tetra® and Efluelda®.
The body,, in contact with the fractions of the virus made harmless,, will develop antibodies,, specific immune defenses which will protect it against the virus.Count "about 15 days after vaccination to be protected against flu",, until the immune system reacts.
This season,, as last year,, because of the context of Covid epidemic,, the Directorate General of Health has established prioritization.
The effectiveness of the vaccine largely covers the period during which the flu epidemic rages.A single injection is necessary (sometimes two in young children).
Can we be vaccinated if the epidemic started?Yes,, "it is always possible,, and time,, to be vaccinated,," said the infectiologist.
Most of the priority audiences targeted by the influenza vaccination campaign is also concerned by the administration of a dose of recall against the COVVI-19.In a press release published on September 27,, 2021 (source 2),, the High Authority for Health indicates that the co-administration of vaccines against flu and COVID-19 "has no danger".And to specify:
If co-administration is not possible,, no delay is to be observed between the two vaccines.
Frequent,, almost banal,, flu is considered an inexperienced disease,, which is most often the case,, especially in young and healthy people.But some people,, called at risk,, are more likely to develop complications.These are the fact that antigrippal vaccination recommendations target.The people who are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated and for which the vaccine is supported at 100% are:
In fragile people (elderly,, suffering from chronic diseases,, infants,, etc.),, complications,, such as a serious bacterial pulmonary infection (pneumonia),, may appear if they contract the flu,, which can lead to hospitalization.A pre-existing chronic disease (diabetes,, COPD,, etc.) can also worsen.
The pregnant woman is experiencing a change in her immunity,, which increases the risk of infection.It is seven times more often hospitalized in the event of a flu,, compared to a person who is not pregnant of the same age,, due to the occurrence of respiratory and/or cardiac complications.
People at risk of complications in the event of flu are also those most at risk of serious form of COVID-19.
The previous winter (2020-2021) is considered an anomaly,, the flu epidemic never really started.If we rely on the surveillance carried out by Public Health France in 2019-2020 on the serious forms of influenza,, the three-quarters of people admitted to resuscitation for a serious flu that winter were eligible for vaccination because theypresented one of the risk factors (age,, chronic pathology,, pregnancy,, obesity).However,, among this,, less than a third had been vaccinated.
According to the High Authority for Health (HAS),, the flu provokes each year in France between 8,,000 and 14,,500 deaths.
For these persons at risk,, the vaccination methods are simplified: the person receives at home the care voucher by health insurance.
At the rank of undesirable effects,, "there can be local pain,, since it is an injection,, as well as a small redness.Two or three days after vaccination,, we can note a slight temperature peak,, temporary,, over 24 hours ».
As the forms available in France do not contain adjuvant,, and therefore no aluminum,, vaccination is not likely to induce more serious inflammation.
The rare cases of Narcolepsy and Guillain-Barré syndrome reported were described especially after vaccination against pandemic flu,, not the one against seasonal flu.For more information on the possible side effects of the influenza vaccine,, find the explanations of Pierre Béguerie,, pharmacist and president of the National Order of Pharmacists,, on video.
Fever is generally the sign of an infection.In principle,, it is therefore necessary to wait a few days before being vaccinated,, as explained in video the president of the Central Council of the National Order of Pharmacists.
Again,, if a person is identified as a contact case of a positive person in the coronavirus,, in principle of precaution,, vaccination must be postponed at the end of the 7 -day isolation period.
Having had COVID-19,, even a serious form,, does not represent a contraindication to the vaccination against flu.On the other hand,, it is important,, when being vaccinated,, of presenting neither symptoms nor fever.Vaccination is even recommended in people who have suffered from a serious form of the disease with breathing difficulties.
The vaccine is free for people identified at risk,, but its injection is paid and reimbursed at the usual rate (70% of the conventional rate if vaccination is carried out by a doctor,, 60% if carried out by a nurse).People who are not considered at risk must pay the vaccine (from 6 to 10 euros) and the cost of the injection act (reimbursed under the usual conditions).
As we know,, the effectiveness of the vaccine is not total: on average,, it is estimated that vaccination avoids flu in two.Efficiency also varies from person to person and from season to season,, depending on the stumps contained in the vaccine are indeed well those in circulation.,,
What is certain: the vaccine protects from the serious forms of the flu. Les risques de complications et d'hospitalisation,, si la personne contracte malgré tout la grippe,, sont en effet bien moindres que chez une personne non vaccinée.
Le vaccin protège largement des grippes les plus courantes,, grippe H1N1 comprise.But he does not protect against rare flu like the Southeast Asian H7N9.
Quant à la Covid,, le vaccin antigrippal pourrait apporter une protection partielle,, selon deux études publiées : « Un vaccin antigrippal quadrivalent inactivé peut induire des réponses immunitaires entraînées contre le SRAS-CoV-2,, ce qui peut entraîner une protection relative contre le Covid-19 ».
Pour soigner une grippe,, on traite les symptômes bien sûr,, et on veille à ne pas contaminer son entourage : on reste en effet contagieux pendant environ une semaine après le début de la maladie.
Source 1 : "26 February 2021Page 1 of 10Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2021-2022 northern hemisphere influenza season",, OMS,, février 2021.
Source 2 : "Covid-19 et grippe : la HAS précise les conditions d’une co-administration des vaccins,, Haute Autorité de Santé,, 27 septembre 2021.
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