Flax seeds and garlic: an elixir of youth to consume for bright youth skin

To benefit from beautiful skin devoid of imperfections, a balanced diet is required.And for good reason, the skin needs to be regenerated both from the inside and from the outside.In addition to bringing us the necessary nutrients and protecting ourselves from certain diseases, certain foods help us slow the deleterious effect of time on the skin of our face and our body.We cite for example, flax seeds.

Thanks to a balanced diet, it is possible to help our skin to appear younger and prevent certain pathologies.Fruits and vegetables, fish, meats, legumes, seeds ... so many foods that contain many minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants, necessary to preserve our youth capital and fight premature cellular aging.Linen seeds arrive at the top list and when combined with other health foods, their efficiency is tenfold.

Prepare this elixir of youth to have young skin - Source: Salud180

How to prepare this elixir of youth?

The preparation of this recipe is simple and easy to prepare.To do this, you will need:

Start by peel the garlic head and lemons.Put the ingredients in a blender and crush them.Add the linseed oil and honey until you get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.Pour the preparation into a previously sterilized glass jar and keep in the refrigerator.

Take a tablespoon of this preparation 3 times a day, 30 minutes before each meal.With this elixir with linen seeds, you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and rejuvenate in sight.

Graines de lin et ail : un élixir de jouvence à consommer pour une peau éclatante de jeunesse

A preparation for flax seeds to rejuvenate the skin - Source: SPM

Why these ingredients?

Linen seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and remain excellent for health, especially for cardiovascular health but not only.Gold or dark linen seeds, they also have virtues to beautify the hair as well as the skin.Renowned to facilitate transit, fight against bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure, as stipulated in this study, you will not be able to do without it to bring hydration and youth to your skin.Thus, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties have been associated with linseed oil.Rich in omega 3 and in linoleic acid, it decreases the sensitivity of the skin and contributes to high skin hydration as explains Dr. Karin Neukam from the Virgen Del Rocio university hospital in Seville.

Garlic is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic effect thanks to the allicin it contains and fights hypertension as well as cardiovascular diseases.In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium, copper and zinc, capable of fighting skin problems like inflammation of acne acne.Furthermore, this condiment would have an anti-aging effect since it would have the maximum proliferation capacity of long-term fibroblasts and would be an anti-aging agent and a rejuvenating, as stipulated by this study published in Dermatology Reports.

Lemon is one of citrus fruits with antioxidant and anti-aging activity.Vitamin C present in lemon helps reduce skin wrinkles as well as damage caused by oxidative stress.

As for honey, it helps improve the appearance of the skin and would be an effective care of the latter, as this study demonstrates.Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it fights free radicals sources of disease and premature aging of cells.

Linen seed mask - Source: SPM

Another way to use flax seeds to rejuvenate the skin

The first method consisted in consuming linseed oil to benefit from its internal skin advantages.You can also opt for an external use of these youth seeds, as a hydrating mask for the skin.

To do this, take the following ingredients:

In a bowl Put the linen seeds, cover them with 85 ml of hot water and let stand all day.In the evening, filter the preparation and use the water only which will be concentrated with the healing properties of linen seeds, as a mask to apply on the face.Lie and keep it 20 minutes before rinsing your face in clear water.

The tensor effect of this mask reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.Do not hesitate to use it as often as possible since it is suitable for all skin types.

Read also how to use petroleum jelly to blur wrinkles and appear younger?

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