Exclusive-with omicron, should we raise all Corona measures?For Yves Coppieters, "it's a good time to make the diagnosis" (video)

Should we change strategy? Omicron has changed the game. Closing of the Horeca at midnight, wearing a mask outside, gauges, closure of the Horeca... Can't some of these measures be lifted, like what we observe in the United Kingdom? United, in Ireland, in Denmark or in France?

The epidemiologist and professor of public health at the ULB, Yves Coppieters, is our guest this Friday to discuss it. He confirms: “We are faced with an Omicron variant which represents almost all the contaminations and which is much less virulent than its predecessor, the Delta and before the Alpha. On average, there are fewer people in the hospital. And among these people who return to the hospital, it is mainly people who need monitoring. “For him, it is clear:” It is the right time to make the diagnosis. »

Exclusive – With Omicron, does it lift all corona measures? For Yves Coppieters,

The CST no longer has a raison d’être for Yves Coppieters. And when we talk about the vaccination pass, he is categorical: “I find that it would be a bit rude for politicians to transform this vaccination obligation into a vaccination pass. “He is not more in favor of the vaccination obligation. “This is a debate that is obsolete compared to the Omicron effect. It is very clear that these vaccines have very little effectiveness on contamination and the fact of falling ill again. This vaccine protects well against serious forms, but if we imagine a vaccination obligation, we must imagine a strategy that holds up over time in relation to new variants, in relation to new forms of the virus. »

Reliefs, barometer, political responsibilities, support for the health care sector… Discover the entire debate in our program.

This weekend, find our file on this change of strategy on sudinfo.be and in our editions LaMeuse, LaNouvelleGazette, LaProvince, NordEclair and La Capitale. Among our speakers: Céline Romainville (professor of constitutional law at UCLouvain and vice-president of the Human Rights League), Philippe Boxho (medical examiner and professor at ULiège), Geert Molenberghs (biostatistician and member of GEMS), Steven Van Gucht (virologist), Catherine Linard (health geographer at UNamur) and Caroline Sägesser, research fellow at Crisp.

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