Should we wear a mask to play sports?Doctors decide

For the moment, no recommendation has been made in this direction.Wearing the mask, compulsory in public transport, was not requested in the context of a sports activity.From May 11, many individual outdoor sports can thus be practiced, with strict rules to follow (distancing, barriers, etc..), but the authorities did not mention the port of the mask.Ouest-France wanted to know if the doctors would advise it, or not?

"It is impossible to go for a maximum effort with a mask!, Says everything from Go François Carré, cardiologist, sports doctor at the Rennes University Hospital.The mask embarrassments, which is essential in sport.»»

"The gas exchange would not be ideal, indeed, confirms Jérémy Cadiou, sports doctor at CHP Saint-Grégoire (Ille-et-Vilaine).A mask is like a filter, so necessarily, we inspire less amount of air, oxygen, so it quickly blocks in sports activity.»»

"With FFP2 masks, it would be downright impossible, because it almost bothers you to breathe at rest!"says Bruno Crestani, head of pneumology department at Bichat Hospital in Paris, vice-president of the breath Foundation.He is of the same opinion as his colleagues: "When you play sports, you increase your ventilation (breathing).It can go from 5 liters/minute to 50 liters/minute.So this increase in ventilation will begging the mask on your face with each inspiration.This will do as a resistance, it will be too waterproof, and it will prevent the air from entering properly ... with certain masks created at home, quite heavy, it could really require an additional effort from the muscles.»»

« Votre masque sera imbibé d’eau»»

Dr. François Carré schematizes: "By playing sports, every time I would inspire, the fabric would go to stand against the mouth, and it would literally block.It's a bit like you had a chewing gum in the mouth, that you were doing a bubble and that it would slam against your mouth and your nose. Derrière, vous devriez faire du sport avec cette bulle écrasée contre votre bouche et votre nez…»» Dans les faits, il dit : « Vous manqueriez d’air très vite, donc vous seriez plus vite essoufflé.Two colleagues at me tried recently, they held a kilometer, no more. Au bout de cinq minutes de course, je pense que ce serait très compliqué…»» Y a-t-il un risque si un individu persiste à courir avec un masque ? « Non, car il l’enlèvera naturellement, pense François Carré.From the moment he understands that it is unplayable to continue, he will remove it.»»

Jérémy Cadiou ajoute : « Avec la transpiration générée par l’effort, votre masque sera mouillé, donc glissera, tombera, et ne sera plus efficace… Et puis deuxième problème, si votre masque tombe, le réflexe sera de le remettre, de le toucher, donc c’est prendre un risque…»» Bruno Crestani, lui, souligne aussi qu’« un masque peut générer de la chaleur, localisé au niveau du visage, donc une gêne supplémentaire»».

Faut-il porter un masque pour faire du sport ? Les médecins se prononcent

A study published in July 2018 of the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Labor Safety and Labor (ANSES) made this conclusion: "The performance of masks decreases when the user practices intense activity.Physical activity will increase respiratory flow, which will increase pressure loss, and lead to an increase in facial leakage.»»

« Un sentiment de fausse protection»»

Doctors are rather reserved for wearing the mask for sports, so."I also fear that wearing a mask, playing sports, gives the feeling of dummy protection," said Jérémy Cadiou.And so that athletes no longer respect the rules such as distancing, running alone, in unsure places, etc....»»

Overall, they agree that distancing and barriers are more recommendable for athletes."With a mask, the pleasure of playing sports would disappear, and it is still the most important in the practice of sport. C’est pour cela notamment que je pense que ce qu’il faut privilégier, surtout, c’est la distanciation»», confie Jérémy Cadiou.

« Si je fais du sport seul, je n’ai aucun besoin de faire du sport avec un masque, la distanciation et les gestes barrières suffisent»», reconnaît Bruno Crestani. « Dans un endroit où il n’y a personne, il n’y a aucun intérêt à porter un masque»», lâche aussi François Carré.The virus, in fact, does not circulate freely in the air over several tens of meters to the point of coming to contaminate yourself if you run alone, for example, on a departmental.

For running nonetheless, a Belgian-Now study has shown that it was necessary to run side by side than one behind the other.With the speed, the droplets could, depending on his work, put 4 or 5 meters before falling back to the ground ... and therefore generate a risk if you run just behind an asymptomatic person, for example.The Ministry of Sports has also set at 10 meters, now, the new distance between two joggers or two cyclists. « En faisant du sport, vous expirez davantage, donc à chaque fois que vous expirez sans masque, vous n’avez pas de filtre et les gouttelettes partent…»», dit Bruno Crestani.

« Seules les activités modérées»»

François Carré is formal: "The only possible sports with a mask, in my opinion, are moderate activities, like golf, where the heart is not too stressed.»»

On the other hand, according to doctors, it is normal that all contact or collective sports are prohibited, for the moment."There, the risk of transmission is great.With the increase in ventilation linked to sport, the droplets leave more, you do not wear a mask and there are people nearby ... This is the same problem for interior sports, or for fitness rooms, said Bruno Crestani.Often they are not very large, the air is not very ventilated, there is a risk that the virus will circulate more.So there, for the moment, wearing the mask would be recommended.»» François Carré , lui, conclut : « Il existerait la possibilité de la visière, peut-être plus appropriée au sport. Mais sera-t-elle acceptée par les sportifs ?»»

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