Departmental 2021 in Saône-et-Loire: 10 things to know about the issues before the vote

The departmental elections take place on June 20 and 27 in the department of Saône-et-Loire.Before going to this ballot, before listening to the candidates participating in the debates on France Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, do you know your department?

In Saône-et-Loire, there are a total of 94 pairs of candidates for 58 seats to be filled within the departmental assembly.It is in the canton of Chalon-sur-Saône-1 that there are the most competitors (5 pairs).

Monday, June 14: the great debate on France 3 Bourgogne

The editors of France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté are mobilizing for the departmental elections.A debate devoted to the challenges of the departmental elections in Saône-et-Loire will be broadcast this Monday, June 14 from 11 p.m.

On this subject, the editorial staff recommends you

REPLAY. Départementales 2021 en Saône-et-Loire : vieillissement, tourisme, ce qu'il faut retenir du débat

The guests of the debate led by Gabriel Talon:

Who is the outgoing president of the departmental council?

André Accary, 54, is the outgoing president of the Departmental Council of Saône-et-Loire.It seems favorite to be renewed.


The outgoing majority have 32 of the 58 seats of the Saône-et-Loire assembly.The department switched to the right after 11 years of management by the left.A victory helped by the rejection of government policy of the time and the division of the left in certain cantons.

For this first 2021 round, the left appears in dispersed order.Already, she is absent in six cantons (Autun-1, Charolles, Chauffailles, Digoin ...) and therefore leaves the field for candidates who support the outgoing majority or those of the national rally.

Départementales 2021 en Saône-et-Loire : 10 choses à savoir sur les enjeux avant le vote

In the other cantons, the strategy adopted is not uniform.A left alliance (LFI, PCF, EELV, generation.s) is present in a dozen cantons but without the Socialist Party.Elsewhere, environmentalists have concluded local agreements with the PS and the PRG under the Republican and Socialist left label 71 which brings together part of the current left -wing opposition advisers.

In the canton of Paray-le-Monial, she supports a citizen spring pair bringing together a communist activist and a figure of yellow vests against outgoing president André Accary.Finally in three cantons, the outgoing left candidates represent themselves while indicating wanting to work with the current majority.

The national rally has chosen to present in each of the 29 cantons that the department has.In 2015, the National Front was kept in the second round wherever it could, causing many triangular, but without managing to be elected.

5,000 lessons in three years

En 2021, l’Insee comptabilise 547 181 habitants en Saône-et-Loire. Depuis 2018, le département a perdu près de 5 004 habitants. La Saône-et-Loire, c’est 0,8 % de la population de la France. On y trouve 64,6 habitants au km2.

How old are the inhabitants of Saône-et-Loire?Who are they ?

According to INSEE, there are more women than men in the department: 51.5 % women for 48.5 % of men.By age group, this is how the population of Saône-et-Loire is built in 2021:

What is the size of the department?

La superficie du département est de 8 574,7 km2, selon l’Insee.

What is the unemployment rate of the department?

In the last quarter of 2020, the unemployment rate in Saône-et-Loire was 6.7% against 6.6% in Burgundy Franche-Comté.To find out more about the identity sheet of this department, other data is available on the INSEE website.

Who is a candidate for the departmental?

29 cantons make up the landscape of the Saône-et-Loire electoral map.To find out who is a candidate, head of the list, and discover the full lists, here is a search engine that will allow you to know who presents itself in your sector.

What is a departmental advisor?

First, remember that departmental advisers are elected for a period of six years.The candidates present themselves by pairs, necessarily mixed, man and woman.A pair is elected by canton.There are two laps in the departmental election.Unless a pair is elected in the first round with the absolute majority and a quarter of the registrants.

The departmental elections, how does it work?

Les élections départementales en dix points.

What are the skills of the department?

The skills of the department are numerous: social action, childhood assistance, people with disabilities, colleges, departmental roads, culture, heritage, tourism, sport ... The Law Territorial Organization of the Republic (Our) of August 7, 2015, reduced theSkills of the department, which has sold some of them for the benefit of the region.

How much does a departmental advisor earn?

The allowances of your departmental advisers are calculated on the basis of the size of the department and supervised by the general code of public authorities.The larger the department, the better your departmental elected official will be compensated for its functions.

In the event of regular absences, elected officials are revised downwards.

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