Denial of pregnancy and alcohol: "I drank until the fifth month", testifies a mother

By Loraine Dion Published theupdated on 6 Sep 21 at 14:32News BordeauxSee my news

Every 30 minutes, in France, a baby is born with fetal alcohol disorder. “Pathologies, more or less severe, still too little known to parents and professionals”, proclaims loud and clear, this Wednesday August 18, 2021, Denis Lamblin, pediatrician founder of SAF France, passed by Bordeaux (Gironde) on the occasion of the SAFthon .

At his side, Melvina, a young mother, came to give her testimony. "Because we have to talk about it," she confesses. Victim of a denial of pregnancy, she points to the lack of information relating to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).

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'Not in my plans'

At just 30, Melvina has a job that provides her with a comfortable standard of living and a man by her side. But, the baby is not part of his plans. Not in the short term anyway.

It is therefore, a "real cataclysm" that falls on her when she discovers that she is pregnant. Five months of pregnancy passed unnoticed. “Unthinkable,” she explains.

Without warning or psychological support, she learns that she is going to become a mother. Her pregnancy is too advanced to consider an abortion.

From there, everything jostles in his mind. “At first it was a shock. I had never imagined that my life would take this turn.

Summer conducive to risky behavior

Once the amazement has passed, comes the time for questions. What particularly questions the young Bordelaise is her alcohol consumption during the period when she was unaware of her condition.

Pregnancy denial and alcohol:

“I got pregnant just before the summer. And I have on several occasions been invited to parties where I have consumed alcohol. Without moderation,” she smiles.

A lack of information

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is strongly discouraged for pregnant women. In any case, this is the message that should circulate in the specialized services.

“However, many health professionals who accompany pregnant women are still failing on the issue. I think there is a denial, that professionals refuse to see the reality “, denounces the founder of the SAF France association.

An assertion confirmed by Melvina, who sought advice from several midwives.

2% of newborns

But a little voice deep inside tells her to keep asking questions. While surfing the internet, she discovers the existence of FAS. A syndrome that affects 2% of newborns. 342 each year in Gironde.

“It concerns mothers from all walks of life and in different situations. Some drink a few drinks during an unexpected pregnancy, others in a situation of addiction do so because they cannot stop drinking. But what is certain is that many of them are unaware of the consequences of alcoholism during pregnancy. »

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More risk of depression or suicide

In addition, the pathologies induced by FAS are far from negligible.

None of that for Melvina's granddaughter, yet. Covered with a little candy pink hat, the adorable baby who sleeps on her mother's chest is followed by a pediatrician from Pellegrin Hospital.

A fight won in 2007

"I ended up finding someone to listen to me", says the young mother today. A doctor who will follow the little girl for five years, with particular attention to her psychomotor development and her language.

These disorders, common among small victims of FAS, could easily be avoided, insists Dr. Lamblin. According to him, it is prevention that is lacking in our country, yet “champion in care”.

After filing a complaint against the State to force it to put logos on alcohol bottles – a fight won in 2007, when the small acronyms of pregnant women crossed out on each alcoholic drink arrived – he pleads today today for a targeted fight, involving health and education professionals.

444 million euros per year

"We have to go see young people, in colleges and high schools to make them aware of the risk from an early age," says the doctor.

But the supervision of families at risk must also arise from a collaboration between health, justice, and social, he affirms, before recalling:

“The cost of caring for child victims of FAS, including health, social, specialized education, justice, for the Gironde department, amounts to 444 million euros per year. In addition to public health, good prevention would be economically profitable! »

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