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SEOUL, 02 Dec.(Yonhap) - The South Korea's defense budget for next year increased by 5.4% compared to the previous year, Seoul striving to strengthen its self -defense capacities in a context of'increasing security uncertainties and non -traditional challenges, such as infectious diseases, said the Ministry of Defense on Wednesday.
According to the budgetary plan approved by the National Assembly, military spending for 2021 were set at 52.800 billion won ($ 48 billion), compared to 50.150 billion wons this year.
The approved amount is slightly less than 52.900 billion wons requested by the ministry, because certain weapons acquisition plans have been postponed and their budgets have been reduced to the initial demand, said those responsible.
The government will spend 17.000 billion won for the purchase of weapons and other projects intended to strengthen defense capacities, an increase of 1.9% compared to 2020.
“The main projects to buy weapons, such as the introduction of fighter planes F-35A, being at their final stage, the increase rate (of the defense budget) has slowed down slightly compared to the yearlast, "said the ministry in a statement.
Nevertheless, the government allocated all the budgetary expenses necessary to counter the threats posed by nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction of North Korea, to secure the capacities for the resumption of operational control (opcon) in wartime of troopsAnd to make the defense reform, said the ministry.
Some 61.7 billion wons are allocated to research and development projects on the improvement of country surveillance planes and 46.9 billion won are intended for communication satellites of the army army.
About 35.8 billion wons were reserved for the management of military resources and forces, which represents growth of 7.1% over one year.
The ministry said that 48.8 billion wons were allocated to the distribution of three facial masks per week to military staff as part of the coronavirus pandemic, against two per week currently.
"We will use the budget of next year as effectively as possible to establish a strong defense posture and to carry out the defense reform," said the ministry.
The national defense budget is constantly increasing, going from 20.800 billion won in 2005 to 31.400 billion won in 2011 and 40.300 billion won in 2017.He exceeded the 50 mark.000 billion won for the first time in 2020.
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