Dance of weight loss: what is this trick to sculpt your abs that is buzzing on TikTok worth?

It is not uncommon to discover tips or unusual practices on social networks. On TikTok, a very particular dance recently caught the attention of many Internet users. In question ? This choreography would guarantee rapid weight loss in the stomach and allow sculpting abs according to its instigator.

Dance of weight loss: in practice, how does it work?

"The dance of weight loss" consists of performing movements of the pelvis from front to back while contracting the belly. It would be necessary to perform this technique five minutes a day for a month in order to see effects. This technique was valued by Janny (@janny14906), a tiktoker followed by more than 3 million subscribers. On her account, the young woman does not indicate if she is a sports coach, but she offers different physical exercises to easily lose weight.

"The dance of weight loss": what are the risks of this method?

The effectiveness of this dance, however, has been questioned by several experts. The latter warned of the risks to physical and mental health. "This exercise does not take into account that bodies are diverse and naturally come in different sizes and shapes (...) But when society promotes such a weight-driven standard of beauty, it is difficult for a nobody remembers that fitness and health are about much more than your figure," Lauren Mulheim, psychologist, board-certified eating disorder specialist, and director of Eating Disorder Therapy in Los Angeles, told Shape magazine.

A dangerous dance for physical and mental health

Danse de la perte de poids : que vaut cette astuce pour sculpter ses abdos qui fait le buzz sur TikTok ?

For his part, Doctor Shilpi Agarwal, doctor at the faculty of Georgetown University, indicated that the advice shared on social networks can be dangerous for health. "I'm still so shocked at how social media platforms are often the first place people go for health and nutrition advice, instead of a professional or even a close friend. ", she said, adding "once I got past the humor of the movements of this TikTokeuse, I was amazed at how many people looked at it and probably believed it, which is scary."

For nutrition coach Joanne Schell, it's also impossible to target fat in just one area of ​​the body. "The dance of weight loss" would therefore not work according to the specialist. The latter recommends the practice of regular physical activity accompanied by a balanced diet to lose weight. Several muscle-strengthening exercises also help sculpt the abs. You can do sheathing, squats, burpees or even Russian twists.

Read also :

⋙ Slimming: how to lose buttocks?

⋙ Slimming herbal teas: 11 infusions to favor when you want to slim down

⋙ Coconut milk: is it compatible with slimming diets?

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