Fatigue, cough...Bronchitis is very common in autumn-winter.This bronchi infection causes symptoms similar to the COVID.How to make the difference ?Is the cough the same?When to take a test?Tour of common points and differences with Dr. Mehdi Garaoui, general practitioner.
Bronchitis and covid have a relatively similar clinical picture, with coughs and difficulties in breathing in the two infections.A lot of fatigue too.What are the common points between the two diseases?The differences to distinguish them?When is it recommended to take a test?Explanations and advice from Dr. Mehdi Garaoui, general practitioner.
Bronchitis is a common viral infection in autumn and winter, during viral epidemics.It is an inflammation of the bronchi (low respiratory tracts which lead the air from the trachea towards the lungs) which is in 90% of cases of viral origin.Several viruses can be responsible for bronchitis such as: Influenza and Para-Influenza, syncytial respiratory virus (VRS), adenovirus, rhinovirus).Most often acute, and frequent in autumn/winter, it heals spontaneously (without antibiotics) in ten days.Symptoms generally disappear in two or three weeks and are as follows:
"There are several common points between a bronchitis and a covid because the two infections correspond to a damage to the low respiratory tract (the bronchi, the lungs...) The two infections lead to almost the same type of symptom: a cough (because the low respiratory tracts are irritated) which is classically rather oily during bronchitis, and rather dry during a covid (beware, the symptoms beingVery fluctuating from one patient to another, dry cough bronchitis exist, as well as ocvid with fatty cough), a feeling of chest oppression, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing (what is called adyspnea, because of the obstruction of the bronchi), sometimes fever.In short, there are few signs that make it possible to distinguish the two diseases ", summarizes our interlocutor.
On the respiratory involvement taken in isolation, the differences are quite thin.However, symptoms can vary slightly."For example during bronchitis, there is not necessarily a nasal flow, unless it is associated with rhinopharyngitis," explains the doctor.Also, bronchitis is frequently associated with other infections, which can complicate the diagnosis.In addition, there are symptoms that are only linked to a covid such as loss of taste (AGUEUSIE) or smell (anosmia)."Other clinical manifestations such as headaches, aches, digestive attacks that resemble signs of a gastro, or skin -particularly described during the first wave in 2020 with an attack on the toes or fingers - can dosuspect a covid while they do not mention simple bronchitis, "he continues.
Symptômes | Bronchite | Covid-19 |
Toux | Modérée à importante, toux grasse | Moderate to large, dry cough |
Fièvre | Absente ou modérée (ne dépasse pas 38.5°C) | Importante dans la plupart des cas |
Ecoulement nasal | Peu fréquent (lors d'une bronchite isolée) | Possible mais sans obstruction nasale |
Essoufflement et difficultés à respirer | Présent | Présent |
Perte de goût | Absente | Absente, partielle ou totale |
Perte d'odorat | Absente | Absente, partielle ou totale |
Signes cutanés (décoloration des doigts ou des orteils, engelures) | Absents | Possibles (éruptions, purpura...) |
Signes digestifs (diarrhées, vomissements) | Absents | Possibles (classiquement décrits chez les jeunes enfants et les personnes âgées) |
The profile of affected patients can also be different."Smokers are more exposed to bronchitis.These people already have a bronchial, even silent involvement, and are therefore more likely to make infections of the low respiratory tract.People who have respiratory illnesses or who have made several episodes of asthmatical bronchitis have a field of bronchial hyperactivity and are therefore more likely to make bronchitis, "said the doctor.These patients are also more likely to make serious shapes of covid.But covid infection can touch anyone.
Different complications.The complications of bronchitis exist, like pneumopathies, but are rather rare.On the other hand, complications are more frequent with the COVID.The size of the bronchi can cause respiratory distress, requiring hospitalization.Some patients can still feel symptoms beyond 4 weeks after infection: this is called a long covid or post-Cavid syndrome."Covid is known to cause sometimes heavy respiratory damage, but also other deficiencies: neurological, neurocognitive, cardiovascular, digestive, hepatoreal, metabolic, psychiatric", details the High Authority for Health.
"On the clinical level, there is little means of making the difference between bronchitis and a covid.So, the relevant recommendation is to do a test (PCR or antigenic) when you have a doubt about the symptoms, even if you are vaccinated, which will eliminate or not to eliminate a diagnosis of COVID-19 ",concludes our expert.Only a COVVID test will provide a clear response.Pending results, isolate yourself.Finally, you should consult a doctor if the fever lasts more than 3 days and if the cough persists for more than 3 weeks.
Thank you to Dr. Mehdi Garaoui, general practitioner.
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