COVID-19: breast milk of infected women contains many protective antibodies

The breast milk of young mothers having been infected with SARS-COV-2 contains many antibodies against the virus, according to a new study.One more virtue of breastfeeding during this pandemic period.

As we know, breast milk overflows with virtues for the newborn.It is particularly rich in antibodies, these cells in the immune system which protect us in the event of infection.

With the arrival of the Sars-Cov-2, the whole challenge was to know if one could breastfeed while being infected (the answer is yes, because the virus does not pass in breast milk), and if theProtective antibodies produced by the mother were well transmitted to infants.And there again, the answer is yes.

Thus, breastfeeding your infant after contracting the COVVI-19 or summer vaccinated makes it possible to transmit to the baby protection against this new virus.

In a new study (source 1) published on December 23 in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, American researchers publish new data in this sense.They report that, on the one hand, breast milk does not contain genetic heritage of the virus, and on the other hand, that it gives protection against the virus for the newborn due to the presence of antibodiesmaternal.

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The study was conducted with 64 breastfeeding women, in whom samples of Mamelon's milk and cells were taken several times, over a period of two months starting from the diagnosis of COVI-19.

If the presence of the virus was found in the nipple samples, it resulted from the mother's cough or another type of external contamination.After washing the nipple, only two of the 29 nipple skin samples revealed the presence of Sars-Cov-2.

On the other hand, 75% of 316 samples of breast milk contained IGA antibodies directed against the new coronavirus, whose concentration in milk increased in the first two weeks following the appearance of symptoms or the positive test.These antibodies have persisted in milk for at least two months in 77% of women, note researchers.What provide the baby with a lasting source of passive immunity, according to the authors, who see no reason to contraindicate breastfeeding in these pandemic times, quite the contrary.

Data and recommendations who are in the same direction as those of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Source 1: Ryan M.Pace et al, Milk from Women Diagnosed with COVVI-19 DES NOT CONTAIN SARS-COV-2 RNA But HAS PERSIST LEVELS OF SARS-COV-2-SPECIF IGODIES, frontiers in immunology (2021).Doi: 10.3389/FIMMU.2021.801797

A lire aussiAuteur : Hélène Bour, Journaliste scientifiquePublié le

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