– Les élèves de maternelle et de primaire ont retrouvé le chemin de l’école ce lundi. Deux points dans le nouveau protocole sanitaire peuvent provoquer la fermeture de classes.
- Restaurants: Emmanuel Macron wants "stages" reopening and according to the incidence rate.The president also plans to back up the time of the curfew.
- Are you looking for an answer to a topical question or a practical problem?Do you doubt the veracity of information?Subscribe to the Facebook group La Voix Solidaire: Together, let's find the answers to your questions or send us your question to Lavoixvousprond@lavoixdunord.Fr.
10:59 p.m..France will send oxygen production units to India
La France va envoyer huit unités de production d'oxygène ainsi que des containers d'oxygène et des respirateurs à l'Inde, conFrontée à une flambée dramatique de l'épidémie de Covid-19, a annoncé lundi soir le ministère Français des Affaires étrangères.
The equipment, which will be sent by plane and boat from the end of the week, is intended to "respond to the emergency but also to significantly and sustainably strengthen the capacities of Indian hospitals", noted the quay ofOrsay in a press release.The eight oxygen production units "can for each of them make an oxygen autonomous an Indian hospital for ten years" and in the immediate "feed 15 intubated covid patients within a resuscitation service", he said.
8:53 p.m..The United States will provide other countries 60 million doses from the Astrazeneca vaccine
The United States will provide other countries 60 million doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine against the COVVI-19, said a senior White House on Monday, including the decision not to export this vaccine, not yet authorizedby the American authorities, was the subject of criticism."The United States will unlock 60 million doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine to other countries as it is available," tweeted Andy Slavitt, White House advisor for the fight against the coronavirus.
8:49 p.m..Two vaccinated people die in Guyana
Two people aged 53 and 68 died in Guyana of a serious form of the COVID-19 "while they had been vaccinated a few weeks earlier with two doses of Pfizer", confirmed the Regional Health Agency on Monday (ARS)).
These two patients, two men according to a health source, died at the Cayenne hospital center.They had received their second injection of the pfizer/biontech vaccine at the end of February, specifies the ARS. « Ces deux personnes présentaient des antécédents de lourdes comorbidités et un état de très grande Fragilité.One of them had an immune system disorder, likely to cause a lesser response to vaccination, "said Ars Guyana.
Dans cette collectivité Française d'Amérique du sud considérablement exposée au variant brésilien, les « prélèvements sont en cours de séquençage pour connaître la souche exacte du virus en cause », indique encore l'ARS."Vaccinal failure exists for all types of vaccination.It depends on the state of the immune system of the vaccinated person, "reacted the director of the Pasteur Institute of Guyana, Dr. Mirdad Kazanji, contacted by AFP.
7:58 p.m..Another new record of patients in resuscitation in the North
7:12 p.m..CPME for a reopening of shops on May 10
The confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises (CPME) demands the reopening of businesses on May 10, "while, for dark reasons, mid-May seems sacred without more precision"."To date, no one knows with certainty who will be able to reopen, at what time and under what conditions," regrets above all the organization in a press release, which claims "a notice period" so that professionals can prepare ingood conditions.Instead of a possible territorialization of the reopening envisaged by the government according to the circulation of the virus, the CPME says it is rather favorable to "an adaptation of health protocols".
6:54 p.m..More than 6000 patients in resuscitation
Ces dernières 24 heures, 400 patients du Covid sont décédés dans les hôpitaux Français, portant le total à 103 256 morts depuis mars 2020.Tonight, 30,596 patients are hospitalized (30,287 yesterday) including 6,001 in a critical care unit (5,978 yesterday).
6:33 p.m..Two cases of Indian varying in the Venice region
Two cases of positive patients to the Indian variant of the COVID-19 were recorded in Veneto, the president of this northeast region of Italy, Luca Zaia, announced on Monday, when another case had been identified in March inTuscany (center).These are two Indians.According to the daily La Repubblica, the first case of Indian variant was recorded in Italy, Tuscany (center), in March.
Face à la flambée de contagions au Covid-19 qui Frappe l'Inde, l'Italie a interdit dimanche l'entrée sur son territoire de personnes en provenance de ce pays."I have signed today a new prescription which prohibits the entry into Italy for people who have been in the past 14 days in India," announced the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on his Facebook account."Italian residents can come back but must do a test (anti-Cavid, editor's note) at the start and on arrival and stay in quarantine on their return," said the minister.
6:03 p.m..The situation in India is "more than heartbreaking"
The situation in India, where the pandemic has reached an unprecedented gravity, is "more than heartbreaking," said the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday on Monday (WHO) on Monday."WHO does everything it can, by providing essential equipment and equipment, including thousands of oxygen concentrators, prefabricated mobile campaign hospitals and laboratory equipment," said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,press conference.
5:31 p.m..Barale: a gym opened clandestine, the gendarmerie intervenes
Thursday, the gendarmes of the Arras research brigade intervened in a gym in Baralle, near Marquion, which opened its doors to a few people despite the compulsory closure measures.
5:20 p.m..Deconstation: the SNCF gone up in power from May 3
La SNCF va renforcer son service pour accompagner le déconfinement à partir du 3 mai, et ofFrir un service quasiment normal à l’Ascension et à la Pentecôte, a indiqué lundi le PDG de SNCF Voyageurs, Christophe Fanichet.
5:09 p.m..Distance school: no nightmare in view this Monday on the ENT platform
According to testimonials from teachers and students, digital work spaces (ENT) have generally collected the burden of this back -to -distance school for middle and high school students.
5:04 p.m..Holidays: after May 3, will it be possible to travel (and where)?
While the end of the 10 -kilometer limit was announced on May 3, many of you are wondering about the possibility of traveling once this date has passed.We take stock.
4:43 p.m..Four positive employees in Toyota Onnaing, new screening operation this evening
Extraordinary CSE this morning at the automotive factory: four night team workers were tested positive this weekend.
3:57 p.m..Oignies and Lens: old shoes sent to the Prime Minister
This Monday morning, the boss of Oignies and Lens shoe stores posted two packages to Jean Castex and Bruno Lemaire.Objective ?Denounce measures deemed ridiculous and a situation which has become untenable for chausser retailers.
3:55 p.m..Why Marie-Sophie Lacarrau did not return to the "13 am" of TF1
She had warned this Monday morning on social networks: in isolation due to COVID-19, Marie-Sophie LACCARAU must remain in isolation for a few more days.
3:45 p.m..Astrazeneca judges the legal action of the EU "
The Suédo-British Pharmaceutical Group Astrazeneca judges "without foundation" the legal action launched by the European Union on the delays in delivery of its anti-Cavid vaccine, against which it promises to "firmly defend itself".
Astrazeneca says it has "completely respected" the contract established with Brussels and be about to deliver 50 million doses by the end of April, in accordance with its forecasts, hoping to have "the opportunity to settle this dispute as soon as possible",According to a press release.
The EU, conversely, says that the laboratory only delivered 30 million doses to the EU on the 120 million contractually promised in the first quarter in the first quarter of the first quarter.In the second quarter, it only plans to provide 70 million out of the 180 million initially planned.
"Vaccines are difficult to manufacture, as shown by the problems encountered by several groups in Europe and in the world.We make progress to meet technical challenges and our production is improving, "argues the laboratory.
But he specifies that it will take time before being able to increase the number of doses to distribute.
3:20 p.m..Reopening between regions: SNCF is preparing
La SNCF va renforcer son service à partir du 3 mai, et ofFrir un service quasiment normal à l’Ascension et à la Pentecôte.There will be more trains during the weekends, eight (TGV) out of ten on May 7 and "practically all" during the May bridges, ascent and Pentecost.
2:10 p.m..Emmanuel Macron could express himself before May 5
Emmanuel Macron must express themselves this week or in next week, a speaking which in all cases must take place before May 5, according to BFMTV.Regarding the form, the president should not hold a speech but could express themselves during a program.
1:55 p.m..Vaccines: the EU launched a legal action against Astrazeneca
The EU has launched legal action against the Suédo-British Astrazeneca laboratory, which it accuses of not having kept its commitments on the deliveries of its anti-Cavid vaccine, announced the European Commission on Monday on Monday.
"The terms of the contract have not been respected and the company was not in a position to implement a reliable strategy in order to ensure deliveries on time," said a spokesperson for'European executive, specifying that this action had been launched Friday in the name of the EU and the twenty-seven, "unanimously in agreement" with this decision.
1:28 p.m..COVID-19: Sanofi will produce up to 200 million doses of the Moderna vaccine in the United States
Le laboratoire Français Sanofi va produire aux Etats-Unis jusqu’à 200 millions de doses du vaccin contre le Covid-19 de la biotech américaine Moderna, « pour satisfaire à la demande mondiale », a-t-il indiqué lundi dans un communiqué.
Sanofi mettra les inFrastructures de son site de Ridgefield, dans le New Jersey, au service de Moderna pour « les opérations de remplissage et finition de jusqu’à 200 millions de doses de son vaccin Covid-19 », à partir du mois de septembre, selon le groupe, qui initie ainsi son troisième partenariat avec des producteurs de vaccins déjà autorisés, après Pfizer/BioNTech et Johnson & Johnson.
12:57.Could the curfew be deleted or delayed?
While the 10-kilometer limit is lifted from May 3, many readers ask us about the possible end of the curfew, or at least its development.It would seem that the lines can move.We take stock.
12:50.Emmanuel Macron wants to hold the calendar
"I hope that we can hold at the national level the objective of mid-May for the reopening of the terraces," said the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.However, it remains cautious for restaurants as a whole: "We will wait a few weeks to reopen the establishments," he said.
"We will probably set an indication rate threshold," he continued."I don't think we can reopen restaurants at the end of May in June in the departments where it still circulates a lot.In others where it has dropped a lot, I think we will have to reopen them, "he said, cited by BFM TV.
12:15.Curfew: Emmanuel Macron is thinking of shifting it "a little" because "7 pm is early"
Will the curfew soon be delayed?The President of the Republic is thinking about it anyway, "because 7 pm it is early," he agreed with a little girl from a school in Melun (Seine-et-Marne) where he was thisMonday morning a trip, report Le Parisien and an LCI journalist.
11:30 am.Emmanuel Macron says that we will still have to be careful "for several weeks or several months"
On the move in a school in Melun, Emmanuel Macron answered students' questions.He indicated that concerning the COVVI-19, it will be necessary to be careful for "several weeks or several months.But by lightening the rules a little and vaccinating more than more people, that's how we will get there ".
For him, the virus "cannot leave overnight" the question will be to "know if we will succeed in lowering the number of people who die or are very sick because of him".
11:23 am.May 1: Will it be possible to sell thrush (and under what conditions)?
So, gma will write a book about herself. And on FB, some1 suggested that her book be called, "How to Get Away With… https://t.CO/6Q2VFTUXH7
— Francis Baraan IV Sun Jun 23 05:38:59 +0000 2019
It had been banned in 2020. Qu’en est-il cette année ? Fleuristes et/ou particuliers pourront-ils vendre du muguet dans la rue ?We take stock.
11:15 am.Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Michel Blanquer visiting a school in Melun
The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, and the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, are visiting a school in Melun (Seine-et-Marne), to discuss the new health protocol, which provides in particularof a class from the first case of confirmed covid among students.
10:25 am.The CNED confirms that "my class at home works"
In a tweet, the CNED says that "my class at home works", but that in the event of a problem of access to virtual classes, it is possible to contact its advisers.
10:20.Lens - Hénin: Despite confinement, the garden centers see life in pink
Garden centers and nurseries experience an upturn this spring.A phenomenon already observed last year despite periods of containment.In these times of uncertainty linked to the health crisis, the garden is a refuge value.
10:04 am. L’AFrique du Sud reprend la vaccination au Johnson & Johnson
L’AFrique du Sud va reprendre mercredi sa campagne de vaccination, deux semaines après sa suspension du Johnson & Johnson en raison de craintes concernant le risque de caillots sanguins, a annoncé son ministre de la Santé lundi 26 avril.
10:01 am.Masks, contact Tracing… New recommendations for vaccinated people
The High Council for Public Health (HCSP) has unveiled new recommendations for people who have received their two injections.With, at the key, possible reduction in private rallies ... under conditions.We take stock.
9:50 am.Participatory loans: 11 billion euros made available in early May
Un total de 11 milliards d’euros de prêts participatifs pour soutenir la relance de l’économie Française seront mis à la disposition des entreprises dès le début du mois de mai, a annoncé lundi le ministre de l’Economie.For the sectors "which are ready to restart, we will provide them in early May 11 billion euros in participatory loans," said Bruno Le Maire on Europe 1.
9:23 am.Buttes-Chaumont in Paris: young people and an enclosure trigger an open-air nightclub
Images run on social networks.Dozens of young people danced in Paris on Sunday in Paris.The wild party was interrupted by the guards, and the images were widely commented on.
9:02 am.Students could be in face-to-face at 50 % from mid-May
In an interview with 20 minutes, the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, announced that "a protocol on which we worked provides that students could be face-to-face at 50 %, from mid-Mayor the end-May, depending on the fallout from the epidemic peak ”.
However, "as we are a little late in the year, many establishments will enter the evaluation phase.This could therefore concern certain training courses which extend until the end of June and July ".The government's objective is "a return to face to school".
9 hours.Jeanne, 30, pregnant: "I had to show the circular to the doctor to make me vaccinate"
A young Lille testifies to his mishap."I had to show the text of the circular to have me vaccinated ..." Since April 3, pregnant women from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy are part of priority audiences.
8:48 am.Astrazeneca: There is more risk of thrombosis on a Paris-Ro
"I want to remember first that Astrazeneca is a secure and efficient vaccine.Confidence in this vaccine has rather resumed, or even stabilized. Il faut rappeler que l’on risque plus de développer une thrombose sur un Paris-Rio plutôt qu’en faisant le vaccin », estime la ministre Agnès Pannier-Runacher ce lundi matin sur Franceinfo.
8:48 am.The end of the curfew is not for immediately, says Éric Caumes
"I think we are not about to see the end of the curfew," says Éric Caumes.According to him, the measure has shown its effectiveness: "It limited the possibilities of meeting inside closed places, restaurants, bars, cafes and even with each other".Giving an end date, "it's too premature", it depends on vaccination, variants ...
8:47 am.Reopen the terraces, "you have to try"
To reopen the terraces in mid-May, is it reasonable?"It's outdoors.I will be vigilant, but I think that anyway, you have to try, ”says Éric Caumes."We all become tired and we are all fed up".
8:43 am.Exterior transmission, "very very low"
"Outside, unless they are agglutinated on each other, the possibilities of transmission are still very very low," says Éric Caumes.
8:42 am.Are we really in the third wave?
For Professor Caumes, we are not really in a third wave, "we are still in the second wave, we never got out of it".
8:40 am.Double Indian mutant: the best weapon, respect for barriers' gestures
"I have no indication of the effectiveness of vaccines against this double-moist.I remind you that it represents only 3 % of variants in India ".Spotted in around twenty European countries, it will arrive in France."This is a risk," admits Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Relaunch, in charge of industry, this Monday on Franceinfo."But we have a weapon, these are the vaccines.The technological control continues and the best weapon we hold is respect for barriers' gestures ".
8:40 am.Wearing the mask outdoors, is it really necessary?
"I have always said that there had been no scientific evidence established that the virus was transmitted outside and I think it was even a strategic error to confuse the interior and the outside and that'We have resulted in a paradox which is that people sometimes protect themselves more outside than inside, but it is inside that contamination happen, ”says Éric Caumes."The mask on the beaches or the mask in the forest, it makes no sense, I think it seriously".
"I never understood, personally, why we put both [inside and outside] on the same level".
8:36 am.Children transmit the virus
"I think it is clear that the virus circulates in schools, we are not going to question this.It is good to have discovered it, but we discovered it a little late, in most countries other than ours, one of the first measures taken, is to close the schools, it is notNo coincidence, ”says Éric Caumes.
8:35 am. « D’un point de vue sanitaire, les chifFres ne sont pas encourageants »
La décision de rouvrir les écoles était-elle prématurée ? « Du point de vue sanitaire, les chifFres ne sont pas encourageants, ça a à peine commencé à redescendre, alors se dire qu’on commence déjà à baisser les précautions alors qu’on n’est toujours pas redescendus, ça nous inquiéte, évidemment », estime Éric Caumes, chef du service des maladies infectieuses à la Pitié Salpêtrière, sur BFM TV.
8:25 am.No date for Emmanuel Macron's speech yet
The President of the Republic had announced, at the end of March that he would "soon the French" speak to tell them about the deconfine.Gabriel Attal indicates that the date has not yet been set but that this should take place "very soon" to give the calendar of reopening.
8:20 am."In mid-May is rather on May 15," said Bruno Le Maire
"We will gradually reopen depending on the health situation.We have always been clear.The horizon fixed by the President of the Republic is mid-May.In mid-May is rather than May 15 that May 10, "said the Minister of Economy this Monday morning on Europe 1.
8:20 am.All over a sudden "would not be responsible"
"Travel restrictions will be lifted on May 3, is that the president announced and this was confirmed by the Prime Minister," said Gabriel Attal."Then there will be another step in mid-May with the reopening of certain places that have been closed that the French are waiting to be able to find," he said."Things will be done very gradually by the summer.We are not going to do everything at once, it would not be responsible ".
8:17 am.May 3, we will circulate as we want!
From May 3, "must be lifted by the measures" of travel restrictions, confirms Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson, on LCI.
8:15 am.Emmanuel Macron wants students "a good start"
"The school makes it possible to fight against social and destiny inequalities.This is why our children must be able to continue there and learn, with a strict protocol.Welcome back everyone !And let's continue to apply barriers (let's remember the song), "tweeted the President of the Republic, who has to visit a school in Melun this Monday morning.
7:50 am."You have to expect class closings"
Stéphane Crochet, secretary general Se_unsa, believes that with the reopening of schools, and the systematic closure of a class as soon as a positive case is identified, "we must expect class closings".According to him, "we say that the school reopens, parents of students are satisfied, but everyone must expect to reorganize overnight and have to keep their child".
7:43 am.Reopen on May 10, the preference of Medef
"It is not up to me to decide who must reopen, I am not a doctor.But the financial situation of closed companies is starting to be dramatic.On May 10, before the Ascension weekend, shops can reopen before. Après je ne me mets pas à la place du ministère de la Santé, on ne veut pas de grands soirs mais des petits matins » indique ce lundi, GeofFroy Roux de Bézieux, le président du Medef sur RTL.
7:42 am.Back to school, "It's a bet"
"It is a bet that this recovery, the epidemic situation is very very high.We have to last more than 10 weeks until the summer vacation.It was a relief when the schools closed, we no longer knew how to hold.There, we have 10 weeks ahead of us, we fear not knowing how to hold on, ”explains the secretary general Se_unsa.
"We reduce the multiplication of positive cases, cases contacts or symptomatic cases in children as in adults.We are obliged to modify, and to readjust ourselves daily ”.
7:41.The variants "put us in different conditions"
"What we see is that in November, during the 2nd confinement, the school had remained open, year after year, we had managed to keep up.In February-March, the school was under tension, which suggests that the variants put us in different conditions of a year ago, "says Stéphane Crochet.
7:40 am.A "concern" for the start of the school year
"There is a concern today to find the students without knowing in which epidemic situation they are," said on France 2 Stéphane Crochet, secretary general of SE_UNSA.
7:26 am.Holidays: vaccinated American tourists will have the right to travel in the European Union
The president of the European Commission did not reveal a specific calendar, but the New York Times indicated that the new rules could be implemented this summer.
7:10 am.In Pihem, invoices explode with the health crisis
Unforeseen consequence of the fight against covid: the electricity bill explodes in Pihem.The cause ?The difficult maintenance of an acceptable temperature, while it is advisable to ventilate regularly.
6:25 am.Kindergarten and primary returns to school, resumed in distancing for middle and high school students
This Monday, it's back to school for kindergarten and primary, after a week of distance lessons and two weeks of vacation, unified throughout the territory.College and high school students take up distancing for the week, while waiting for a face -to -face return scheduled for next Monday.The health protocol has been reinforced.
6:20.Record of new cases in India
India has identified nearly 350,000 new contaminations in the coronavirus over 24 hours on Sunday, a world record, and local authorities have decided to extend confinement in the capital New Delhi.
6:10 am.International aid to India
The United States, the United Kingdom, France and other countries announced on Sunday that they were going to send help to India, especially oxygen, respirators and components for the production of vaccines.
6 hours.In 2020 world military spending increased despite the pandemic
World military spending continued to rise in 2020, despite the COVVI-19 pandemic, reaching nearly 2.000 billion dollars, according to a report from the International Peace Research Institute of Stockholm (SIPRI) published Monday.
Last year, military spending amounted to 1.$ 981 billion (about 1.650 billion euros) worldwide, an increase of 2.6 % over a year - while world GDP decreased by 4.4 %.
5:50.The vaccination of ethnic minorities is catching up in the United Kingdom
La campagne pour encourager les minorités ethniques, initialement plus réticentes que le reste de la population, à se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19 a porté ses Fruits, ces populations très exposées étant désormais parmi les plus à même d’accepter le vaccin, a indiqué dimanche le gouvernement britannique.
5:45 am.Canada wants to reassure vaccine security from an American factory
Canada said on Sunday that vaccines imported from a factory in the United States, where "worrying facts" were noted, were "safe and high quality"."All Astrazeneca vaccines imported into Canada from this installation are safe and high quality," the Canadian Health Ministry said in a press release.
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Seven cases of COVID-19 are added to the regional balance sheet of Gaspésie