Coronavirus, what you need to know this week: a spoiled summer?


"A summer under Covid, 2nd edition".This could be the poster for a festival.It is the reality that stands out on the French little by little.They believed themselves released, all busy to reserve caravan, lodging or train tickets and now this satanus varying Delta plays the trouble."He may spoil the holidays and spoil the summer," warned the Minister of Health.Yes, unless vaccination protects hospital services from engorgement.For this, will we have to impose vaccination on all, or at least, on caregivers?And why not offer more freedom to vaccinated...Or a donut?

Good reading,

Camille Lestienne, journalist in Le Figaro

1.The Delta Plane variant on the summer of the French

Will the fourth wave surge this summer?"This variant is formidable, and it is extremely fast," alerted the government spokesperson by leaving the defense council on Wednesday.No coercive measure has been taken but a new defense council is scheduled for next Monday.The Delta variant today concerns more than 40% of positive cases.The number of cases was returned yesterday above 4000, for the first time in almost a month.The fourth wave announced last week by Olivier Véran seems inevitable and could spoil our summer.Or not."If we speak of a resumption of the number of contaminations, yes, then we can fear such a wave at the end of July, as in the United Kingdom.It can happen completely, but if we speak in terms of hospitalizations and deaths, clearly no, at least not in the summer, ”says a medical specialist in public health.Thanks to the vaccination of populations, the contamination and hospitalization curves are decorated.Do we still have to stall the health decisions on the incidence rate?According to the specialists interviewed by Le Figaro, this measure still makes sense, but the vaccine statutes of contaminated persons should be added to best judge the necessary measures.

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The impact on the holidays.For all specialists, it is already too late to close the borders and thus curb the progression of the Delta variant.The controls, on the other hand, could be improved.And for the French who would like to cross borders, is it risky to go on vacation in countries where the Delta variant circulates?The risk of contamination is not greater than in France but vigilance is recommended on the possibility of being treated on site in the event of symptoms or hospitalization.Clément Beaune, the Secretary of State for European Affairs, however advises against the French to reserve a stay in Spain or Portugal.In France, between ice merchants and itinerant sellers, missionaries of a new type will survey hot sand and places of leisure.2000 anti-Cavid control mediators, otherwise called lake, were thus engaged by the government to ensure the recall of barrier gestures and convince the French to be vaccinated.Sometimes the syringe is not enough.This is the case of expatriates vaccinated by non -approved serums in Europe, forced to observe around forty during their holidays in France."Over the fifteen days scheduled in France, we have just spent ten locked up in our house", plagues a witness vaccinated with Sputnik V.

Reading that you have an interest in being vaccinated to travel this summer

Coronavirus, ce qu'il faut savoir cette semaine : un été gâché?

The figures to remember

Source: Public health France at July 7

2.Vaccination: encourage or force?

Force caregivers.Public words follow each other to encourage the French to be vaccinated.According to Gabriel Attal, "the time is for general mobilization and massive vaccination";For Thomas Fatôme, the pattern of health insurance, "there is no reason to wait for the start of the school year.Vaccination is now ".One of the measures envisaged to bring up the curve of first-time fall in free fall is the vaccination obligation for caregivers.A consensus seems to settle among scientists, politicians and the French.Jean Castex consults this Thursday, local elected officials and Emmanuel Macron could announce it himself according to the information collected by Le Figaro.In Italy, the measure was taken on April 1: caregivers have the choice between the vaccine or the layoff.Today, reports our correspondent, "a little more than 97 %" of them are vaccinated even if 300 caregivers have seized Italian justice to have this vaccine obligation lifted.As for imposing it on the rest of the population, no head of state has yet dared to do so."There is obviously a taboo on the question worldwide," deciphers an expert with Figaro even if some use diverted means.

To read Aussicovid-19: "The vaccination obligation could fuel the feeling of distrust"

Encourage the French.Before obliging, we can try to convince like certain foreign countries.In Greece, a travel culture pass is offered to young people to encourage them to come and have it vaccinated.In the United States, it is a beer or a donut.In France, the CNIL validated on Wednesday, under conditions, the sending to doctors treating on the list of their unvaccinated patients, only at their request.Then, the list must be deleted by the doctor "at the end of the awareness action".Government communication, however, begins to bear fruit.Rendez-vous come back up.A "quivering" that must be reinforced according to the authorities who are considering multiple operations this summer as "ephemeral vaccination places" mounted around festivals.To avoid the saturation of hospitals, it is also necessary to target the most fragile populations and especially the oldest and the diabetics of which a quarter is not yet vaccinated.But for that, the deliveries of doses of vaccine must follow the pace.Those of Pfizer will decrease over the summer while the American vaccine represents 76% of primary injects.Astrazeneca, on the other hand, is shunned by the French.From this week, all of the doses of Anglo-Swedish serum will be given in Covax, the mechanism of redistribution of vaccines to the most disadvantaged countries.

To read as assptic, undecided, suspicious: these French people who say no to the vaccine

The figures to remember

Source: Public health France at July 7

3.And elsewhere, how are you?

UK.Despite the spectacular increase in cases linked to the Delta variant, Boris Johnson maintains the "day of freedom" announced for July 19.That day, all the restrictions will even fall the wearing of the mask in the closed places.This last measure, however, arouses criticism and concerns.On the other hand, no release of border constraints, perhaps for July 26, the start of the holidays for the British.

À lire aussiCovid-19 : les vaccins permettent-ils vraiment de faire tomber les masques au UK ?

Indonesia.The archipelago is overwhelmed by the Delta variant and knows the same chaos scenes experienced by India a few weeks ago. Là-bas, au contraire du UK, rares sont ceux qui sont vaccinés : 5% seulement de la population.Worse still, doubt settles on the Chinese vaccine Sinovac produced on site."Nearly 1000 members of the nursing staff, including 400 doctors, have already succumbed to the virus: among them, around twenty had however been fully vaccinated in Sinovac", reports our correspondent Sébastien Falletti.

Brazil.Jair Bolsonaro finds himself on the accused bench after the health disaster in Manaus. Le Brazil compte plus de 500.000 COVID deaths.A parliamentary survey was opened on the management of the pandemic in the Brazilian capital where power has stubbornly promoted a cocktail based on chloroquine instead of managing the shortage of hospital beds and gas cylinders."The Ministry of Health has remained brainless.Everyone is either radical bolsonarist, or military, ”denounces a virologist.

Spain.To the chagrin of revelers of all countries, Catalonia closes the doors of its nightclubs."The epidemiological situation in Catalonia is extremely complicated," warned the spokesperson for the Catalan autonomous government while the chief epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health admitted that the figures were "not good at the whole" in thecountry.

4.The quote

COVID-19 pandemic has continued to feed conspiratorial theories and false rumors.Since the appearance of vaccines, erroneous interpretations of scientific studies have been circulating and concerns have emerged for lack of information.Le Figaro attacked two questions this week: on the one hand, do RNA vaccines affect the quality of the sperm?American doctors have sought to find out if the messenger RNA vaccines had an impact on sperm, and therefore on fertility.Their study is reassuring: the researchers noticed any degradation of the sperm parameters following vaccination.On the other hand, in Messenger RNA vaccines, is the SPIKE protein "toxic and dangerous" for humans?These are the words of a Canadian researcher citing serious scientific studies that have set fire to powders in the vaccinosceptic world.But the interpretations of these studies are false and have been denied by the authors themselves."You have to know, recalls the journalist Mayeul Aldebert, that the Messenger RNA vaccine (mRNA)) is one of the most monitored drugs and that no element today allows the scientific community to be alerted".

5.Update on the latest restrictions

Latest gauges and health pass.Since June 30, except in the Landes department which had maintained the restrictions until July 6, the gauges are lifted in restaurants, shops, cinemas, theaters or museums.Standing concerts resumed with a limit of 75% of spectators in indoor establishments, and 100% outside.The events bringing together more than 1000 people are on the other hand submitted to the health pass as well as the discos that will reopen on July 9.Wearing the mask is always compulsory in closed places and outside when distancing is not possible (markets, queues, quays of stations, etc..)).

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Finished the 100% telework.In business, a new protocol came into force on July 1.If the companies have regained control of the organization of working time in the context of social dialogue, the government recommends the pace of two days of remote work per week.The gauge in the canteens is lifted just like the limit of six guests per table.Port of the mask remains mandatory unless the employee is two meters away from his colleagues.

A health pass to travel.Since July 1, Europeans can travel more easily within the continent thanks to certified vaccination or negative tests gathered in a single document.In digital or paper format.Be careful however, each country can continue to apply specific rules.The Figaro Voyage Service informs you with an article and a card regularly updated.

Reading UNOTABLE European Health Pass comes into force on July 1: all the answers to your questions

6.Reflexes to keep

The virus is transmitted by droplets and aerosols.Barrier gestures detailed by the Ministry of Health must be observed to protect and protect others:

7.What to do in case of symptoms?

The disease manifests itself by several symptoms, most often cough and fever.

The most important thing is to be tested.According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, you must, in the event of symptoms, stay at home and contact your doctor who will prescribe a test.While waiting for the result, you must isolate yourself, wear a mask and prepare the list of people you could have contaminated.

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See you next week.

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