An exceptionally high regional impact
As of January 25, 2022, Normandy has a record incidence rate of 3,268.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of + 29.2 % in one week.
In this context of high circulation of the virus, vaccination and respect for barriers are more than ever essential to protect themselves, protect others and protect our health system as a whole.
On any occasion, in particular in closed places, barriers must be scrupulously applied: avoid hugs, wash your hands regularly, keep the mask especially in the presence of Fragile people, respect the distancing and regularly ventilate the parts (at least10 minutes every hour, or even continuously if possible during meals).It is also recommended to avoid rallies: the fewer we are, the less risk we take.
Hospital stays of positive patients in COVVI-19 continue to increase
As of January 24, 1,403 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized (1,202 last week), including 131 in intensive care (130 during the last point of situation).
On average, conventional hospital entries are 50 per day, and 4 entries per day in intensive care.This situation encourages protection by vaccination recall.
Before going to the emergency room, adopt the reflex 15
Faced with the rise of epidemic pressure on hospitals and tensions on the supply of care, ARS Normandy has asked all public and private health establishments in the region to activate their "white plan".
In this context of epidemic recovery and co-circulation of winter and COVID-19 viruses, and in order to limit the overload of emergencies by inappropriate passages, ARS Normandy recalls that before moving to the emergency room,You have to contact 15.Regulatory doctors are indeed available to the appellants, to give them directly From an adapted medical response, ranging From advice to emergency management.
Maximum mobilization for screening
Between January 16 and 22, 332,225 people were tested, including 107,987 (83,270 the previous week) presented a positive result.The positivity rate rises to 32.5 % against 23.25 % the previous week.
The strong circulation of virus in our region leads to a significant increase in screening demand.
Faced with this high demand, Normandy health professionals are fully mobilized in the context of screening, in laboratories, in pharmacies, in office or in the round trip. La liste des sites de dépistages permanents est disponible sur santé.Fr : grâce à la mobilisation des professionnels, ce sont plus de 3 000 structures qui sont désormais identifiées dans la région.
En plus des sites de dépistage pérennes, l'ARS Normandie organise régulièrement des opérations de dépistage aller-vers afin de casser au plus tôt les chaînes de transmission du virus : une vingtaine d’opérations sont prévues d’ici la fin du mois dans la région (à retrouver sur le site internet de l’ARS Normandie).
The work continues, in connection with the prefectures, in order to continue to rise in charge and offer new screening solutions.
In doubt, if you are in touch or have symptoms, have you tested.
Normandy mobilized for vaccination and the recall campaign
Vaccination continues at a sustained pace in Normandy, and in particular in terms of vaccination recall, for which total mobilization is essential to curb the epidemic and its impacts on the hospital.
As of January 23, 7,250,001 injections have been carried out in Normandy since the start of the vaccination campaign, including 2,808,522 Primo injections and 1,909,142 reminders.As of January 16, Normandy thus displays a primo-injections of the population eligible of more than 12 years of 93.9 % and a recall rate on people eligible for 3 months over 18 years of 76 % (sourceSNDS).
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We must continue this dynamic so that each eligible person can be protected, both on the vaccination recall and on the vaccination of those who remain to be convinced to receive their first injection: to vaccinate is to protect themselves and protect others.
To cope with epidemic traffic throughout France, the vaccine recall is open to all adults over 18 years of age and can be carried out From 3 months after the last injection or the last infection in the COVVI-19.
Since January 24, minors aged 12 to 17 have been eligible for the recall, six months after their first-vaccination scheme, in accordance with the recommendations of the Guidance Council of the Vaccination Strategy (COSV) and the advice of theThe National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) of January 18, 2021.The dose of vaccination recall is not compulsory for the validity of the health pass for 12-15 year olds and the vaccination pass for 16-17 year olds.
To facilitate the access of Normans to vaccination and allow as many people as possible to benefit From vaccination coverage in primary vaccination or recall, many devices are deployed throughout the territory: centers, pharmacies, firms, healthAt work, "alle-verses" operations ...
In order to continue the rise of the vaccination campaign, many vaccination centers have already increased their days and opening hours.At the same time, the mobilization of city health professionals (general practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, etc..) continues.
Beyond the permanent vaccination offer, first-time operations are implemented throughout the region, in connection with prefectures, communities and health professionals. Ces opérations sont consultables sur le site de l’ARS Normandie en cliquant sur le lien suivant (liste mise à jour en continu).
Entry into force of the "vaccination pass"
The "vaccination pass" has been in force since January 24, 2022.It replaces the "health pass" in places receiving the public (with the exception of health and social establishments), and concerns all people aged 16 and over.
It consists of the presentation of one of these three proofs:
Depuis le 15 janvier 2022, toutes les personnes de plus de 18 ans et un mois doivent avoir fait leur injection de rappel dans les temps pour conserver leur certificat de vaccination actif dans le « pass vaccinal ».This rule applies for those over 65 since December 15. Pour savoir quand faire votre dose de rappel, une simulation est disponible en cliquant sur le lien suivant.
A derogation to use a negative test certificate of less than 24 hours as part of the "vaccination pass" is possible until February 15 for people who have received their first dose of vaccine by then, pendingTheir second dose.
From February 15, 2022, the validity period of the vaccination certificate without injection of recall will increase to 4 months instead of 7 months: it is therefore strongly recommended to anticipate now to make your recall.
Priority to the vaccination of children aged 5-11
Following the favorable opinions of the High Authority for Health and the Guidance Council on the Vaccination Strategy (COSV), vaccination is open to all children From 5 to 11 years old since December 22.Vaccination is possible in establishment for hospitalized children, in vaccination centers or in town office.The COSV recently expressed itself in favor of the opening of the ability to prescribe and administer the vaccine to new categories of professionals: midwives, nurses and pharmacists trained in vaccination.A decree in this sense is expected in the coming days.
La vaccination, réalisée avec le vaccin pédiatrique Pfizer-BioNTech (trois fois moins dosé que la forme adulte du vaccin), est actuellement possible dans 45 centres en Normandie (liste disponible via le lien suivant).This territorial network in favor of pediatric vaccination aims to become widespread, and the opening beaches are voluntarily maximized Wednesdays and weekends to facilitate the approach of families.
If the child has already been reached From COVVI-19: he will receive a dose and will not have a 2nd dose.Otherwise, he will receive 2 doses spaced 18 to 24 days.To find out, a rapid serological diagnostic orientation test (with a slight bite at the end of a finger) is offered.It allows you to detect an infection by the virus in a few minutes.
Many scientific studies have been carried out and all the opinions of the scientific authorities converge today in favor of the vaccination of children From 5 years old.It helps prevent serious forms of Covid-19 and hospitalizations, as well as forms of "covid-long", which, although rare in children, are not negligible.In addition, it limits the dissemination of the virus in the entourage of the child, will facilitate the resumption of sports, cultural activities.
Afin d’apporter toutes les réponses aux parents concernant la vaccination des enfants de 5 à 11 ans, l’ARS Normandie organise un webinaire d’échange avec le Professeur Fischer, pédiatre et expert de la vaccination contre le Covid-19, le mardi 1er février, de 18h30 à 19h30. A retrouver sur le site internet de l’ARS Normandie.
Most Fragile vaccination devices
The over 65s benefit From priority access to vaccination and can obtain their recall, including without appointment in vaccination centers.In addition, a green number (0800.730.956) allows the most at risk of severe covid-19, those over 65 and those with comorbidities, to have a priority.
Finally, the home vaccination campaign for people aged 80 and over, particularly Fragile, launched by the prefectures, the regional health agency Normandy and health insurance, in partnership with the Regional Union of Health Professions of Nurses, continues: everyone can contact 0800 730 957 (Free call) to organize home vaccination of those concerned.
To find out the vaccination possibilities near you: et
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