Conjugal violence: the FMSQ announces a donation of $ 100,000 to SOS domestic violence

The disturbing number of feminicides forces us, as a society, to think and to act. Specialist doctors treat victims of domestic violence on a daily basis. Witnesses to the devastating effects of this violence, they know the sensitive issues when such a situation occurs within a family.

“We wanted to provide significant help in the fight against this social scourge. SOS violence conjugale already has solid experience in supporting and accompanying victims. This donation will allow the organization to develop awareness campaigns and web tools to help as many women as possible,” explains Dr. Vincent Oliva, President of the FMSQ.

The health crisis is exacerbating domestic violence

For more than a year, the pandemic has deeply affected Quebecers whose professional and personal lives have been turned upside down. Domestic violence has psychological and physical consequences on the victim and those around him, especially children.

“The impact of the pandemic on the married life of some couples cannot be ignored. Confined to their homes, they had very limited social contacts. As experts in women's health, we are concerned about their safety and overall health. We believe it is our duty to listen to them and protect them. This is why it was normal for us to mobilize our colleagues to support this organization,” says Dr. Violaine Marcoux, President of the AOGQ.

A collective struggle

 Domestic violence: the FMSQ announces a donation $100,000 to SOS violence conjugale

This show of solidarity was initiated by obstetrician-gynaecologists. On April 21, the president of the AOGQ gave a donation of $25,000 to the organization SOS violence conjugale. The obstetrician-gynecologists therefore showed the way, then all the medical specialists continued to lead the way with the exceptional donation announced today.

This donation is enthusiastically received by the community organization. “Obtaining this financial support from the FMSQ is very appreciable, and we salute this gesture of solidarity. This commitment to us today creates new ties, strengthens our work and, ultimately, will empower victims of violence and promote their safety,” said Jocelyne Jolin, Executive Director of SOS violence conjugale.

The fight continues since the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Quebec has brought together the FMSQ, the Association of Psychiatric Physicians of Quebec and the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (FMOQ) in order to offer training in together with SOS violence conjugale, in order to equip doctors and guide them in their interventions with women who are victims of domestic violence.


“We wanted to provide significant help in the fight against this social scourge. SOS violence conjugale already has solid experience in supporting and accompanying victims. This donation will allow the organization to develop awareness campaigns and web tools to help as many women as possible. »

- Dr Vincent Oliva, President of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec

“The impact of the pandemic on the married life of some couples cannot be ignored. Confined to their homes, they had very limited social contacts. As experts in women's health, we are concerned about their safety and overall health. We believe it is our duty to listen to them and protect them. This is why it was normal for us to mobilize our colleagues to support this organization. »

- Dre Violaine Marcoux, President of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Quebec

“Obtaining this financial support from the FMSQ is very appreciable, and we salute this gesture of solidarity. This commitment to us today creates new bonds, strengthens our work and, ultimately, will empower victims of violence and promote their safety. »

- Jocelyne Jolin, Executive Director of SOS Domestic Violence


Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec: $100,000 Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Quebec: $25,000 (announced April 21) Association of Medical Microbiologists and Infectious Diseases of Quebec: $5,000 Association of Emergency Medicine Specialists of Quebec: $2,000 Association of dermatologist specialists of Quebec: $2,000 Association of pediatricians of Quebec: $1,000


The Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec brings together more than 10,000 medical specialists holding certification in one of the 59 recognized medical specialties. Its mission is to defend and support the medical specialists of its affiliated associations working in the public health system, while promoting quality care and services for the Quebec population.

SOURCE Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec

Information: Source: Public Affairs and Communications Department, Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, Media Line: 514 350-5160 / [email protected]

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