Coconut oil: why and how to use this natural treatment on our hair?

Coconut oil - from the coconut palm generally growing in tropical countries - is notably extracted in South East Asia (Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc.).More than a simple food condiment to integrate in our cooking recipes, coconut oil is also popular for its unconstable cosmetic benefits on the skin of our face and our body.But that's not all !This natural vegetable oil is known for its effects on our hair.What are they exactly?And how to use it well on our hair?Sarah Bovaere, responsible for formulation on oils at Léa Nature, answers our questions a bit capillary.

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What are the effects of coconut oil on the hair?

This vegetable oil is obtained by pressure the flesh of the coconut "harvested in a traditional way, by hand and using long bamboo stems, says the expert.Organic certified coconut oil is cold pressed and does not undergo a refining step in order to maintain its richness and its properties ".Starting with its nourishing virtues.Composed of around 50% lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid having a particular affinity for the keratin of the hair, coconut oil penetrates the hair fiber in depth.In addition, its filmic effect acts as a protective veil on the surface of the hair and thus limits the dehydration of the hair.It also makes it less porous during shampoo and more resistant during combing.Under the effect of coconut oil, your hair is then gained and fortified.She also finds shine and brilliance!

True ou faux : les idées reçues sur l’huile de coco

Many are the benefits of coconut oil on the hair.But sometimes his popularity gives him virtues that are not his.Zoom on preconceived ideas that can be read wrongly or wrongly on this vegetable oil.

Huile de coco : pourquoi et comment utiliser ce soin naturel sur nos cheveux ?

Lire aussi :L'huile de ricin, l'alliée beauté des cheveux en pleine santé

Is coconut oil an antioxidant for hair?

Fake.In addition to lauric acid, coconut oil contains other cosmetic active ingredients such as vitamin A and vitamin E."If these vitamins, which are powerful antioxidants, will give coconut oil its great stability, they have no direct effect on the hair," explains Sarah Bovaere.

Coconut oil protects hair from external aggressions?

True.This vegetable oil protects the hair of numerous and diverse external aggressions: pollution, tobacco, the sun ... It even protects them from our daily hair tools such as hair brushes, combs and other hair dryers.And this, thanks to its filmic effect.

Coconut oil promotes hair growth?

Fake.The expert explains that this oil "is not directly responsible for a faster growth, but it will favor hair and a healthy scalp".

Coconut oil lightens the hair?

Fake.Contrary to what can be read or heard, coconut oil has no lightening effect on our hair.For this, you should bet on honey, lemon and chamomile.

Coconut oil has anti-Pelllicular and Anti-Poux virtues?

True."His wealth of lauric acid gives him antifungal and antibacterial virtues.Its films effect will also allow him to "suffocate" the lice, explains the specialist.For optimal efficiency we recommend coupling it to other antibacterial ingredients such as essential oils* of lavender or tea tree for example.»»

What coconut oil for hair?

To maximize the effect of care provided to our hair, we gladly turn to a 100% pure and natural organic vegetable coconut oil preferably and not deodorized, so it keeps all its virtues.But… where to find it?To get it, no need to go to Asia since she is marketing everywhere: in supermarkets, specialized stores, parapharmacies, and even on the internet for delivery directly at home.The most important before getting it: looking at the provenance, the composition, the labels and the certification then the opinions.

How to use coconut oil on hair?

Coconut oil: What type of hair?

It should first be noted that coconut oil adapts to all types of hair without exception: smooth, curly, curly, frizzy ... However, it is necessary to adapt the frequency of use according to the needs ofEach hair.To repair dry and/or brittle hair, the expert recommends use once a week.For other hair types, once or twice a month is enough.

Coconut oil: its application

Make way for practice!In its pure form, coconut oil tends to solidify below 20/25 ° C.You should know that this phenomenon has no impact on its quality.Nevertheless, it must be reheated (passing the pot under hot water for example) so that it liquefies and is easier to use.Then it can be applied in oil bath for the hair.In this case, we throat our hair from this quality plant substance and let it rest all between half an hour and all night in order to allow the oil to penetrate the hair as much as possible before shampoo.Like a house mask with coconut oil, this long -term treatment promises nourished, soft and silky hair.

You can also enjoy the benefits of coconut oil by adopting cosmetic treatments containing the oil in their formulations."Easier to use, these shampoos, conditioner and other masks are a good alternative" since they apply directly in our bathroom, under or after the shower. L’experte Léa Nature conclut : « ils peuvent être utilisés au quotidien et plus régulièrement que l’huile pure»».Good point, very good point!

Lire aussi : Les bienfaits de l'huile de macadamia pour la peau et les cheveux

*For any use of essential oil, ask for medical advice.

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