Charlotte de Turckheim: her violent load against grossophobia on television

© Agence
1/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim Charlotte de Turckheim est à l'affiche de Mince alors 2!
Par Charlotte Vardan

Soon in the MINCE poster then 2!, Charlotte de Turckheim confided in telepro on the discrimination that people undergoing overweight, especially in the world of television.

"There is a discrimination in hiring when you are different".Star of the little and big screen after having started her career on the boards for one women show, Charlotte de Turckheim returns with mince then 2!, The long -awaited suite of her thin film then!, Released in 2012.Actress and director, she thus resumes her role as Isabelle, who decides with her niece, played by Lola Dubini, to open a cure center in Provence.The opportunity in particular for her to highlight overweight people, which she finds too absent from the world of cinema and television in general."With equal skills, we take the slim guy rather than the big guy", thus deplores the actress with telepro.

Renowned for not having his tongue in his pocket, the former member of the big heads with Philippe Bouvard and former protégé of Coluche tackles that the world of television is ultimately "grossophobic like the whole society"."We have trouble with the difference as a rule and I do not find that it has changed a lot in ten years," said Charlotte de Turckheim, who however greets "things that have improved", as being able to "findClothes in all sizes in almost all brands "."But the representation of the difference is not great I still find," she adds.But for the actress and director, who admits having started to gain weight at 50, these decisions do not come from channels, but from the public himself.

Charlotte de Turckheim "stunned" by the lack of representation

"In the end, we are a bit of our worst enemies, we dare not talk about it, we crash a little when we are not in female newspapers.I am amazed at the little representation of difference in female newspapers.There too, I would like them to move a little, "she admits, stressing that it is also a" vicious circle because if they do not put a super beautiful girl in a show, they feel like it's going to be less watched "."It's the same for guys.I think that today people would be really sensitive to see a little round guy, really nice.But it must be claimed, "she concludes, still hoping for a change in point of view.

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2/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne déplore le mandque de diversité à la télévision
3/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim Elle tacle ainsi ce monde, ainsi que la société en générale, de grossophobe
4/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim Elle déplore que les personnes en surproids n'apparaissent pas assez
© Agence
5/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
6/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
7/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
© Denis Guignebourg
8/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
© Jacovides
9/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
10/12 - Charlotte De Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
11/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
12/12 - Charlotte de Turckheim La comédienne et réalisatrice s'en prend à la grossophobie qui règne à la télévision
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    Charlotte de Turckheim : sa violente charge contre la grossophobie à la télévision

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    anonymeLe 22/12 à 14:38

    Ask for his opinion at Laurent Ournac, he who was obese, who succeeded in losing weight after many deprivation and who today is resumed weight..Ask what he prefers..Obviously, a thin girl is much prettier to watch and especially to dress...We big we dress in black, in gray, in rather dark colors so as not to be noticed...

    00RépondreSignaler un abus
    MalefiqueLe 22/12 à 14:48

    Oh well, I dress in black.....Because I love black...But overweight women mainly use very loose clothes.....and colors sometimes....

    00 Signaler un abus
    MalefiqueLe 22/12 à 10:45

    Overweight is dangerous....But it is not easy to lose weight....It's easier said than done....

    60RépondreSignaler un abus
    anonymeLe 22/12 à 10:42

    With them we soon arrive at thin phobia and rough propaganda.It is said that overweight people are more likely to catch covid, diabetes and all kinds of other diseases.Being slim (or not obese at least) is also in our society a health issue...

    32RépondreSignaler un abus
    MarieLe 22/12 à 10:12

    At the same time, many "big" do their business with it!Instagramous people who claim to be creative, sell Made in Portugal sweatshirt (printed there but made in China...) Size XL for their followers.And under the pretext of paying women's associations in need, they pocket 80% of the profits, on the back of misery.One of them is raging on France 2 on Saturday morning...

    21RépondreSignaler un abus
    AnonymeLe 22/12 à 09:19

    What does someone mean with beads but so nice !! ?? that those who are thin are not nice !!!Overweight people always think that the slim do not eat and are not nice or funny !!!There is discrimination there !!

    74RépondreSignaler un abus
    AnonymeLe 22/12 à 09:17

    In equal skills, she deployed that we will choose some thin rather than someone big to play in a film !!Well I find it normal, it's prettier to watch.

    54RépondreSignaler un abus
    anonymeLe 22/12 à 09:03

    Frankly Charlotte when we see you today and we look at you 25 years ago, which you prefer..When I look at the big heads and see Michèle Bernier, Caroline Diament, Valérie Méresse, I wonder if we have strengthened the ground...I'm talking about it freely because I took 13 kg after medical treatment.I suffer I no longer set foot in a shop on 42 oh my God, you see all the distress in the eyes of the sellers !!!Certainly we have the right to exist, but we must admit that it is less pleasant for the others...Beads, cellulite, bad here, bad there...

    75RépondreSignaler un abus
    anonymeLe 22/12 à 11:56

    Do you live in the eyes of others?not me..more..

    31 Signaler un abus

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