Selon les chiffres rappelés par Santé Publique France à l’occasion de la Semaine européenne de prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus, seules 59% des femmes de 25 à 65 ans ont été dépistées sur la période 2018-2020.
Since 2018, screening for cervical cancer has been part of an organized national program, registered in the 2014-2019 Cancer Plan.This program concerns women aged 25 to 65, or around 17 million women.According to HAS recommendations (High Authority for Health), a cytological examination is recommended every 3 years from 25 to 29 years, and an HPV (human papillomavirus) test every 5 to 65 years."The integration of the HPV test into the national organized screening program is quickly.Among women aged 30 to 65, the HPV test represented less than 1% of screening tests in 2019, 25% in 2020 and 65% in the first 6 months of 2021 »Public health figure France.
On the occasion of the European Water Cancer Prevention Week, Public Health France estimates that national screening coverage for all women aged 25 to 65 is 59% for the 2018 period-2020.This figure is slightly higher than that of the period 2017-2019 (58%), and varies according to age and territories, reaching 65% between 25 and 45 years, against 45% in women from 60-65 years.The weakest covers are observed in the overseas departments and regions (except Reunion), as well as in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the Val d'Oise and Val de Marne.The highest covers are found in the Rhône, Haute Garonne, Isère and Haut-Rhin."Despite a sharp drop in the use of screening during the months of March, April and May 2020 (period when screening within the framework of the organized program had been interrupted), the health crisis linked to the COVVI-19 does not seem to have had D'NOTotable impact on coverage of cervical cancer screening, insofar as there was a catch -up during the months that followed »Public Health Analysis.
Currently recommended for girls and boys aged 11 to 14 (with a vaccine catch -up possible up to 19 years old), the vaccination coverage of the HPV vaccine remains insufficient.“In 2020, it was estimated among adolescent girls at 41% for a dose at 15 years (vs.35% in 2019) and 33% for the full scheme at 16 years old (VS.28% in 2019).In addition to improving the vaccination of young girls, the vaccination of boys, recommended since 2021, will reduce the transmission of papillomavirus ”details Public Health France.
The NOTational Cancer Institute offers a program of sound chronicles (for the metropolis and the ultra-marine territories) in which health professionals and experts return to the key points of screening.In addition, women who have not carried out screening in the recommended time intervals receive a letter inviting them to carry out the examination, accompanied by an information leaflet.Finally, an interactive tool is offered to health professionals in charge of the gynecological monitoring of women (gynecologist, general practitioner, midwife, anatomo-pathologist and biologist), allowing to visualize the stages of his intervention in this screening and accessrecommended examinations according to the profile of women, standards and consumer information documents.
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