As with us, parents, the canker sores are very painful for children.Doctor Magali Grémaud tells us everything you need to know about this little mouth lesion, in order to treat it as quickly as possible and avoid recurrences.
The canker sores are small ulcers in the mouths of children.Benign, they are nonetheless very painful.If this little boho is very common in the youngest, it has tended to decrease with age.
Here are some symptoms revealing the presence of canker sores in the child's mouth:
APHTES are quite easily detectable with the naked eye."They look like a small burn," describes Magali Grémaud.These are small yellow vesicles, like small craters, which may seem white, and which are circled in red.»»
The canker sores can come out on all the mucous membranes present in the mouths of children, from an early age: the gums, the interior of the lips or the cheeks, but also the palace, the point and the underside of the tongue.
The precise origin of these lesions remains unknown.However, certain foods may promote their appearance.
It is often seen that an canker sore "came out" after eating certain foods.It's the same for children.Certain dried fruits such as nuts or hazelnuts, but also lemon, strawberries, pineapple or tomatoes are linked to the appearance of canker sores, as well as certain cheeses like Gruyère, often first accused, or chocolate."It is the acidity rate of these foods that promotes canopy" explains Magali Grémaud.If it is the ideal culprit, food is not the only cause of the appearance of canker sores in children.
The canker sore belongs to the herpes family and a small fever can therefore accompany its appearance.
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— Maddie McConnell Mon Jun 14 03:06:57 +0000 2021
Due to several canker sores at the same time, or to an canker sore of more than 1 centimeter, a persistent and high fever requires consulting your doctor quickly.
À lire aussiYou must first remove all acidic foods, or too salty, likely to intensify pain, until the canker sore.There are also some pharmacy products to calm the pain.
The dentist who follows the child will be able to use a product for professional use made up of trichloracetic acid with which he will stamp the canker sore. « Ce produit brûle l'aphte et le cautérise dans la foulée»», insiste Dr Grémaud.The canker sore is still there, but it will be less painful.
"You can also get an analgesic gel in pharmacies like Bloxaphtte or Hyalugel," says the specialist.The first is a oral gel that is used on different lesions such as bites and cuts as part of the wearing of a dental appliance.It contains two plants: Aloe Vera and Damascus rose, known for their moisturizing properties.Thanks to them, this gel is soothing, decongestant and healing.In addition, the hyaluronic acid contained in the formulation will form a protective film on the canker sore, preventing the intrusion of bacteria.Hyalugel also contains hyaluronic acid.This oral gel soothes fiery tissue in the mouth and also uses 30 months. « L'acide hyaluronique de ces gels crée une petite barrière qui protège l'aphte, aide à calmer la douleur et à cicatriser plus vite aussi»», constate Magali Grémaud.
If the pain is too lively, paracetamol will be prescribed by your pediatrician or dentist.
APHTES also represent real discomfort for infants."We can apply on the lesion of the Pansoral, a frost which is usually used from 3 months to relieve dental thrusts. Il agit comme un petit anesthésiant local lorsqu'on l'applique en massage sur l'aphte»», révèle Magali Grémaud.Same effect with the Dolodent gel, also recommended to soothe the dental thrusts of babies.
Some homeopathy granules can help relieve aphtis in children."You have to take 5 Borax granules, three to five times a day," advises Magali Grémaud, Borax also being used to appease the gums during dental thrusts.
Some natural products can help appease until the complete disappearance of the canker sores, but do not guarantee accelerated healing.
You can use baking soda, reputed to be anti-inflammatory, in mouthwash for a child over 3 years old: a teaspoon mixed with water, three times a day.Or apply it in the form of a dough with a small wooden stick.
Or even applied cider vinegar, pure, using a cotton swab two to three times a day, but this may displease toddlers to toddlers.
Or even blueberry juice, a fruit known for its astringent, antiseptic and bactericidal properties.
À lire aussiIt is impossible to make the canker sores disappear quickly. « Ces lésions des muqueuses buccales guérissent en général en 7 jours»», prévient la médecin.
If the canker sore persists beyond 10 days it will be necessary to consult your caregiver or caregiver to see if another problem is not hidden behind, like an aphteuse or herpetic stomatitis, and thus obtain an adapted treatment.APHTES at regular intervals will also deserve reinforced monitoring, to ensure that there is no underlying problem.
In children who are most subject to canopies we advise to remove, or limit, the consumption of certain particularly acidic foods, as well as fruit juices.
It is also necessary to ensure that the child has good oral hygiene and wash his teeth two or three times a day, by not forgetting to brush the language also.Children's mouthwashes, from 6 years old (because before it is difficult for them not to swallow the "magic potion") are also recommended.
Good oral hygiene will be the most effective method in prevention of canker sores, like other problems, much more annoying, like dental abscesses.
À lire aussiA lire aussiAuteur : Gaëlle GuitardMagali Grémaud, dentiste à Lyon Article publié le
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