Bloating: these foods not to mix to better digest (and keep the line)

Associating certain foods between them and avoiding combining some others during the same meal is an old idea.Traditional Chinese and Indian medicines had already developed recommendations in this direction, taken up at the beginning of the 20th century by the American naturopath Herbert Shelton.For Dr. Kahina Oussedik, food biochemist, these recommendations are common sense and are even verified by science.According to his research, they would relieve many digestive problems and avoid storage leading to weight gain.

A beneficial effect on digestion

We have a very complex digestive system.It involves mechanical processes such as crushing of food in the mouth during chewing, to which is added a chemical transformation (secretion of digestive juices).Very effective, however, it has changed little since prehistoric times.At that time, the man was a hunter-gatherer and is above all eating meat, berries, vegetables and wild fruits.When he is lucky, his ""feasts"" certainly do not have more than two different foods per meal.Today, a standard meal mixes no less than 5 to 6.According to supporters of food combinations, our digestive system is simply not adapted to the variety of foods today.And he is unable to metabolize products processed by the food industry, real digestive ""aliens"".

Tips to simplify digestive work

The priority for better digesting is to banish these processed products from his plate and hunting hidden sugar.But even by eating in a balanced way and favoring ""homemade"", many of us suffer from bloating, acidic lifts, transit disorders, flatulence and weight gain.According to Dr. Oussedik, ""these disorders tend to increase with age, because the sorting digestive system in the face of this diet too complicated for him.It must be simplified.For this, no natural food is to be banned, not even those containing gluten.On the other hand, we will associate them differently to avoid certain mixtures which do not pass.""

Rule n ° 1: Do not mix slow sugars and acids

Slow sugars (or starchs) are slowly transformed by our digestive tract and then slowly absorbed by blood at the intestine.Their digestion requires a lot of energy.It already begins in the mouth because chewing makes ptyaline secrete, a salivary enzyme that triggers digestive work.

In this family, we find:

Les ""acides"" se comportent comme des sucres rapides.These are mainly raw and dry fruits, vinegar, lemon, mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, mayonnaise (all the condiments sold commercially are acidified to be kept), white winesand rosés, champagne and strong alcohols and all foods in jars or canned.These acids quickly solicit the stomach to be digested very quickly.They then thwart the digestion of slow sugars (interruption of the secretion of ptyaline).Risks: flatulence, bloating, bad digestion and weight gain.

A privilégier : toutes les associations avec les aliments dits "" neutres "" : les légumes (y compris la tomate et les pousses de soja), les produits laitiers (de préférence de brebis ou de chèvre), les œufs, les huiles végétales, les oléagineux (noix, amandes, noisettes, pignons, pistaches…), les acides cuits (fruits cuits, vinaigre, sauce soja ou citron cuits dans une sauce chaude) et le vin rouge.

To avoid :

The right choices:

Rule n ° 2: Limit slow sugar associations and first degree proteins

By first degree protein, we hear all meats, poultry, fish, seafood and crustaceans.Second degree proteins come from animals: these are eggs, milk and dairy products (butter, cheeses, yogurts).These second degree proteins are classified in the category of neutral foods.

To facilitate digestion, we reduce the number of dishes combining 1st degree proteins and complex starchs, two categories of long and difficult foods digest.Proteins (especially fish) can be from time to time associated with small floury, a combination that remains relatively digestible.

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— candace pearl Mon May 17 01:04:08 +0000 2021

Proteins can be combined with all neutral foods (see previous paragraph).

To limit:


The right choices:

The tip in addition: an alternative to the vinaigrette for salads

The recipe: take a half organic cube broth crushed in hot water and add a tablespoon of cottages as well as a teaspoon of olive oil, then fresh herbs of your choice (parsley, basil, coriander ...).

Before, after the meal: when to consume the fruits?

When they are raw, it is best to consume them from meals including starchy foods.But they can be taken for dessert when the meal combines proteins and vegetables.You can taste them at breakfast in white cheese or yogurt, provided you do not add cereals, or take them in snack around 5 p.m., alone or with an almond handles for example.When cooked in the form of compotes, oven apples, poached pears or pies, they can be taken for dessert immediately after any type of meal.

Vegetables: the best allies of our digestion

Vegetables contain stringy and non -digestible fibers that clean the digestive tract by taking toxins and pollutants that we ingest every day in their path.They improve our transit and avoid constipation.We advise to consume organic vegetables preferably.But if this is not possible, cooking them steam helps eliminate heavy metals and pesticides, provided you do not reuse cooking water.

Combining food well also makes it possible to get the most out of it

Three questions to Kahina Oussedik-Ferhi, doctor of food biochemistry, author of the magic of digestion (ed.Dunod).

Digestion, health: what are the foods to favor?

For our good digestive and general health, we must focus on three main categories of food: fondenous vegetables (green beans, endives, fennel, leeks, asparagus), whose fibers clean the digestive tract;fermentative vegetables (mainly cabbage) that enrich our flora;Proteins of animal and vegetable origin (in cereals and legumes).By associating them correctly, we avoid indigestion, deficiencies and unnecessary storage.

What about fruit?

Once adult, it is necessary to limit their consumption to two per day.The fruits are beneficial because they bring us vitamins.But they are supplies of sugar which, in excess or poorly combined, cause digestive disorders and weight gain.

And the food supplements to fill our deficiencies?

The intensification of agriculture has led to an impoverishment of fruits and vegetables in vitamins and minerals, including organic.Doctors and dieticians often advise to fill our deficiencies with food supplements.In practice, they are quite poorly assimilated by our digestive tract.I reserve them for patients who have undergone heavy treatments, chemotherapy for example.For everyone, I recommend that I better combine food to get the most out of it.

Read also :

⋙ Difficult digestion, bloating: Michel Cymes reveals the frequent error that prevents us from having a flat stomach

⋙ Balloonings: 6 tips to avoid having a swollen belly

⋙ 3 special digestion potions to do yourself

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