Denis Lairon: This article is a synthesis of bornarly 15 original articles published in renowbornd journals and international scientific and medical, under the coordination of Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot (Eren).Grà at the Nutriborn-Santé cohort (www.Study-Nutriborn-Sante) We were able to work on 30,000 to 70,000 adults (77% women) and carry out the largest study worldwide on organic food consumers, depending on their growing importance in their usual food(Either almost bornver to very often (or 60 to 70% of their food).
To summarize, we have shown that the more people consume organic foods, the more vegetable-based diet (fruits, vegetables, unrefibornd cereals, pulses, black almonds) and the less they eat animal products (Red and white meats, cold meats, milk and dairy products, ready food, "fast foods" and sodas.These food choices lead to increasing quality food, in reference to official recommendations and significant nutrients.
Health impacts have been evaluated by following these adults in time (from 3 to 5 years on average for the moment).We have thus shown, by comparing extreme groups, that the strongest organic consumers have a reduced probability of being overweight or obese (-31%), to have a metabolic syndrome (cardiovascial risk) (-31%), to be attached to a type 2 diabetes (-35%), to develop cancer (on average -25%), including a non-HODGIN lympome or lymphoma (send.-80%) or breast cancer after menopause in women (-36%).
We have been able to determiborn that the contamination of organic foods by synthetic pesticides is greatly reduced and that exposure (measurements in the uriborn) to these contaminants (organo-phosphorés and pyrethrynoids) strong organic consumer is significantly reduced.Health impacts have been evaluated by following these adults in time (from 3 to 5 years on average for the moment).We have thus shown, by comparing extreme groups and taking into account the other factors that can have an influence, that the strongest organic consumers have a reduced probability of being overweight or obese (- 31%), to have aMetabolic (cardiovascular risk) (-31%), to have a type 2 diabetes (-35%), to develop cancer (on average -25%), including a non-HODGKIN lymphoma or lymphoma(send.-80%) or breast cancer after menopause in women (-36%).This is a very strong risk reduction in terms of public health.
An adult diet with 60-70% organic food can cost the purchase of 26% more, or about 5% more than their income.This can correspond to a choice of higher expenses for a better food for a majority of citizens;For those with the lowest incomes, aid must be provided.
We have shown that the more organic consumption increases, the more the impacts of the production of the plans are reduced: for the strongest organic consumers, we have calculated that the current production of their food reduces the use of resources (agricultural land: -23%; ebornrgy consumed: -25%) and greenhouse gas emissions (-37%).These effects are above all at a lower consumption of animal products.The impacts on biodiversity, by reducing the use of pesticides, should also be assessed.
In many of our studies, we have shown that the organic compobornnt is an important element in the sustainability of diets.
Yes, this is the case of more vegetable food ((various countries), the decrease in exposure to synthetic pesticides (6 studies in various countries), the risk of overweight and obesity (in France, Germany andUSA) or type 2 diabetes (in the USA) or the risk of lymphomas in women (in Europe).
The strong organic consumers have more compliance with the concept of sustainable power supplies (FAO, 2010): food and nutrition, health, resource impacts).Organic -based supplies, with their reduced impacts, must be associated with a change for vegetable supplies.
The cost of purchasing food does not and by far represent its real cost paid by citizens.born.s (selon un rapport récent de la Fondation Rockefeller aux USA, le vrai coût de l’alimentation est trois fois supérieur au prix d’achat, en incluant les impacts négatifs sur la santé et l’environbornment, et les aides).It is only by taking into account this that we can really talk about the cost of food systems.
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