Watch out for anti -black dots opaque masks

Anti -point masks, very popular on social networks, do not comply with French standards and seem to be the cause of many undesirable effects.

the so -called "masks" blacks ”, which aim to fight against blackheads, have become real phenomena on social networks. But many reactions such as irritation, burns and allergies have been reported by users, alerts the federation of beauty companies (FEBEA).

The organization explains in a press release "provided, On an online sales platform, the most popular products to verify the compliance of labeling ”. These are the following masks: "Black Mask" of the One1x brand, "Black Mask suction" by Cidbest, and "Purifying Peel-Off Mask" by Buoceans. None would comply with European labeling standards. The FEBEA also evokes "inconsistencies between the list of ingredients and the information relating to the life of the product". While the three products were bought on French sites, they would be manufactured in China and none is labeled in French, "which is however compulsory". The real composition of the masks implicated has not been studied but according to Pr Martine Bagot, head of the dermatology department of Saint-Louis hospital, "these reactions must be caused by an irritating product in the mask and not an allergen ”.

glue and coal

Some youtubers go further and make their masks themselves. The recipe seems to be simple: a mixture of white glue for children and activated vegetable charcoal powder. Natural component that eliminates skin waste, used in many cosmetic products, coal does not seem to be a problem. But glue, which contains solvents and irritating substances, can cause allergic irritation and reactions. In addition, many users add an extract of mint which is an additional irritant.

 Watch out for anti -dots opaque masks

the mixture seems to be first effective view. In reality, it literally strips the skin of the users by destroying the skin barrier. Once applied, the mixture can heat, burn and be difficult to remove. The face then becomes more irritable and dry in the long term. The skin can no longer fulfill its primary function: prevent the penetration of microbes and the evaporation of the water it contains.

Recognize an authorized product

"There are people who have oily skin due to an excess of sebum production. It can sometimes be ugly if it is a big comedon, but you should not fix it with ultragrosis mirrors "advises Professor Bagot.

The best solution to get rid of your blackheads remains a daily cleaning with soft soap and the use of a keratolytic cream. This allows you to take off and therefore eliminate the excess keratin that tends to grease the skin. "It is preferable to do a treatment for acne or skin cleaning in the dermatologist," advises Professor Bagot.

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