Besançon: “No one deserves that”, caregivers without health pass symbolize in front of the CHU their professional death

This Wednesday, September 15, marked the vaccination obligation for employees of health establishments.At the Besançon CHU (Doubs), management did not communicate the number of staff without a pass.Thousands arrived at the last moment.

23:59.Until the last moment, some agents of the Besançon hospital opposed to the health pass, waited to prevent by email their management.Result, during the technical establishment committee held this Wednesday morning, management was not able to give figures on the number of non -vaccinated employees who should be suspended.A third of the 7,200 agents had not given their pass to D-6 of the deadline for vaccination obligation.

This afternoon in front of the CHU, vaccinated and not vaccinated gathered in particular at the call of South and FO and the CGT of Doubs.They were nearly 800.United.In the same galley, fearing the suspension of personnel necessary for the smooth running of the hospital.

“Management does not want to communicate to us in figures, and that worries us a lot because in the services, we are already in shortage of staff” launches Marc Paulin elected official of the South Syndicate.In front of the forecourt, the moment is solemn.Caregivers are lying on the ground, a cross on the white coat.

This nurse is one of the agents who have not presented a health pass."After all that we have invested, after 18 horrible months, but which are the continuity of more and more horrible years, we no longer have the possibility of exercising a profession which is benevolence and good treatment.I will fight to the end, ”launches the young woman who faces a suspension of contract, without salary to live.

Besançon : “personne ne mérite ça”, les soignants sans pass sanitaire symbolisent devant le CHU leur mort professionnelle

"The virus is circulating, but it has no involvement in the hospital.It might be time to relax the atmosphere, rather than adding complexities where it should not be there, "adds Marc Paulin.

Who will be suspended at the Besançon University Hospital?

Since September 15, agents, caregivers and non-nursing must have a health pass to work, that is to say having received at least one dose of vaccine, except for those still protected by COVID immunity.However, this morning, non -vaccinated came to work."Until they are summoned.In the meantime, they will do their jobs.This is absolute inconsistency "denounces the trade unionist.

Report S.Budding, p.Arbez with Audrey Nurse of State Diploma at CHRU - Fabienne Nurse at the children's home La Béline de Salins - Marc Paulin Nurse Secretary of the Sud -Santé Syndicate - Ludivine Vinel General Secretary FO CHRU - Laurence Mathioly

The first non -vaccinated employees began to be summoned.The procession rose in a tone learning that an employee had been denied support for her maintenance.

CHU employees fear planning changes.Management will gradually summon staff without health pass.Will she choose to suspend only staff where this is “tenable” for services?Will it suspect all the “without pass”?According to our information, the management also reserves the right to trigger the white plan if too many personnel were lacking due to the vaccination obligation.

The Regional Health Agency will carry out controls

The ARS recalls that the vaccination obligation is applicable from September 15 for all the staff of health and medico-social establishments (whatever their profession) and for all health professionals (whether they are employees ofthese establishments or exercise as a liberal profession).From today, vaccination becomes a condition for the exercise of these professionals.

ARS specifies that liberal professionals who would continue their activity without respecting the vaccination obligation, which they would then initiate their personal and criminal responsibility now.

"The ARS undertakes without delay in the region of control operations, to ensure compliance with these obligations in all the sectors concerned".First suspensions have therefore already been pronounced.

The ARS does not communicate any figures but specifies that the vast majority, not to say almost all, of the professionals concerned have a health pass.Activity suspensions therefore only concern a small number of situations, and also do not only concern caregivers.These activity suspensions unfortunately necessarily lead to a postponement of the workload on professionals who respect the vaccination obligation and can lead, very punctually, to reductions in activity in certain establishments.No situation of rupture of the continuity of care is at this stage identified in the establishments of the region.

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