Saying goodbye to pimples and blemishes is a real challenge... but is not insurmountable when you follow an appropriate treatment prescribed by a dermatologist and when you follow a reinforced concrete beauty routine (don't forget to apply the rule of 60 seconds). As far as brown spots are concerned, on the other hand, we must admit that it is a real headache that most often leads us to give up...
How are brown spots born? Acne scars that have become darker (especially on mixed-race and dark skin), mask of pregnancy, persistent hyperpigmentation linked to exposure to the sun: brown spots can result from different causes depending on skin type and individual history. On the other hand, the result is the same: irregular complexion, lack of radiance, need to wear foundation.
The miracle signed Pigmentclar Some (like me) have tried to remedy this naturally with a few homemade masks with lemon and honey… but hello to the drying effect for, in the end, less effectiveness. Others (like me too) finally decided to invest in a conclusive product. After having tested several treatments and having suffered several disappointments, I had the chance to discover the famous PIGMENTCLAR serum from LA ROCHE-POSAY. An ultra-simple to use anti-dark spot serum, which offers a global corrective approach for a more even complexion over the weeks and above all, a result that lasts over time! Thanks to a concentrated formula and a powerful anti-dark spot complex: PhE-Resorcinol + Ginkgo + Ferulic Acid, it significantly reduces dark spots and pigmentary defects. For me, the first effects were visible after two weeks on the countless spots that adorned my forehead and my right cheek (acne scars).
The opinions of users By browsing the opinions of the reseller sites as well as those of the La Roche-Posay site, we quickly notice that the positive opinions fuse. What comfort me in the idea that this product is miraculously effective: “Conforms to my expectations!!! Product recommended by my dermatologist”, “I can already see results after 4 days of use”, “Very good product. Gives results that meet my expectations. », « Very effective, thank you La Roche-Posay! "I finished the bottle a long time ago and I'm glad the stains haven't returned..."
How to write an opening speech on a presidential debate: spend 60% of your time to greet people in the whole room and in the universe.
— txtfromdianonno Sun Feb 17 13:36:42 +0000 2019
PIGMENTCLAR SERUM - La Roche-Posay - 36,50€
Elizabeth Sall
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