Belgium will delete the mention of female or male sex on identity cards

The reference to sex will soon be deleted on Belgian identity cards, reports this Tuesday the Belgian French -speaking radio (RTBF).The Federal Government of Alexander de Croo has made a commitment to fight against "gender inequalities".The Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs have prepared a bill, aimed at suppressing the mention of "binary categories, man or woman", considered "unconstitutional" in Belgium."We want to implement this quickly," assured Jessika Soors, the spokesperson for the Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Equality of Opportunities and Diversity, Sarah Schlitz.

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The provisions of a “transgender” law of June 25, 2017, were deemed unreasonably “binding” and therefore “discriminatory” by the Belgian Constitutional Court.In 2019, the court partially censored the text, believing that it did not allow "non -binary" people (people who do not identify themselves as men or women) to register as such, reportsThe Dutch -speaking Belgian daily, Standaard.

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A kind x envisaged

La Belgique va supprimer la mention du sexe féminin ou masculin sur les cartes d'identité

The Belgian government had first proposed the genre "x" to anyone who does not recognize themselves in the "male" or "female" choices.Finally, the Belgian executive chose to completely remove the reproduction of sex on the identity card, according to a political note for 2022 submitted by the government to the Court.Internal affairs must still look at technical aspects, in particular on the consequence of this abolition for the trips of Belgian citizens and the distribution of this new identity card.

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In a second step, the government reflects on the registration of the genre in a "inclusive" way, is Standard.This could be done through a "third sex" or a "non -binary", or in another way, specifies the Belgian media.To do this, the government promises a broad social debate with experts, such as the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men (IGVM), through hearings in Parliament.

A modification of simplified sex

Depuis le 1er janvier 2018, les personnes transgenres en Belgique peuvent faire modifier officiellement l'enregistrement du sexe et leurs prénoms sans devoir répondre à certaines conditions médicales."To modify their civilian sex, it is enough that the transgender person is intimately convinced that his birth sex does not correspond to his deep feeling, to his gender," specifies the Belgian Federal Public Service.

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