Au printemps et en été, l'abeille ne pique que si elle est dérangée dans son travail. Lors d'une piqûre, une douleur très vive apparaît quasi-immédiatement à l'endroit où l'abeille a déposé son dard. Quels sont les symptômes ? Combien de temps dure le gonflement ? Que mettre pour la soulager et que faire en cas d'allergie ?
Very frequent in spring and summer, the bee is only picked to defend itself and its bite only leads to a local reaction as swelling, redness and pain.However, in some people and function of the number of bites, an allergic reaction can occur.It is a medical emergency that often requires hospitalization.What are the symptoms of a bee bite?What to do and what to put it to calm the itching?How to recognize a bee bite from a wasp bite?The advice of our pharmacist.
The bee is an insect of the Hymenoptera order.In the family, it is the female that stings.She does not sting without reason: she stings to defend her colony and ensure the survival of her species.The bee leaves its sting and the venom gland on the skin, hence the importance of quickly removing the dart with its nail, the corner of a credit card or a cotton disk for example.A bee can only sting once because she dies after having sinned her dart in her victim because her abdomen is tearing himself apart.
Bee bites and wasp bites are almost similar.There are differences.After having bitten, the bee leaves its harpoon -shaped dart in the skin (then dies).Wasps, on the other hand, have a smooth dart which allows them to prick several times, without detaching themselves from the body of the insect.In addition, the two insects have a different appearance: the bee is more hairy while the wasp has straight and smooth hair, almost ras.
The bite rarely goes unnoticed due to the pain generated.Very lively, it appears almost-immersed in the place where the bee has deposited its dart.The venom injected into the skin also causes itching, blooming and redness.Depending on the stung area, swelling is more or less important.Thus, the face (eyelids, lips, etc.) and the neck are areas that react particularly quickly to the bite.In the majority of cases, the bite only leads to a local reaction.But in case of allergic land in bee venom, the bite can lead to a more serious reaction.
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— Nicky Gabagool 🍝 🇺🇲🇮🇹 Sun Jul 25 19:06:15 +0000 2021
The violated Xylocope (Xylocopa Violecea) or "the carpenter bee" is a big bee with black wings and purplish reflections.It is the largest bee in Europe, it can measure up to 50 mm major (wings deployed)!Its body is generally larger than that of the Asian hornet.It appears around April and May.Like all bees, the Xylocope only stings if you handle it or if you approach its colony.Its bite leads in most cases swelling, redness of the skin and pain, and disappears in a few days.On the other hand, in case of allergy, the bite can be more dangerous.A medical consultation is then necessary.
Today, around 5% of the population would be allergic to insects.Many people would be allergic to bee bites without knowing it.In them, the symptoms are immediately serious and can be deadly.A bite in the mouth can cause suffocation.On certain reactions, dermocorticoids (corticosteroid ointment) can be applied.Oral antihistamines can also be administered.People who know themselves allergic to bee venom can ask their doctor the prescription of an emergency kit with injection adrenaline (Epipen® 0 type.3mg), an antihistamine (for example zyrtec®) and a corticosteroid by oral route.Do not hesitate to warn those around you if you are allergic.
"To watch, but like a standard mosquito bite.Disinfect well with water and soap as long as the wound is red.She will gradually deflate, "explains Tina Manéraral, pharmacist.
"The main risk for allergic people remains anaphylactic shock", alerts the pharmacist.Before listing the main symptoms of Quincke edema:
In this situation, the immediate adrenaline injection and the Samu call (15) are essential.People who know themselves allergic must always have at hand to autopic adrenaline pen.People who have developed a serious allergic reaction can be desensitized.
Thanks to Tina Géréral, pharmacist.
Summary why the bee stings? Bee or wasp? Symptoms black bee sting allergy: what to do? Relieving a bee -evolution plugs and risks the very bitter bites...
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