This bizarre product, also nicknamed "facial penis", is obtained from the extraction of stem cells present in prepaces of circumcised infants in South Korea.In reality, it is the last step of a wider treatment, including cleaning, peeling, micro-helping, an electrifying mask.
According to practitioners, the application of this serum - scientifically called "Epidermal Growth Factor" or "EFG" - on the skin would allow the epidermis to renew itself, by generating collagen and elastin.
How to write an ORIGINAL story, and not feel like you're stealing: -Read outside your genre. -Read history and use…
— Alexander Pennington Tue Dec 10 19:30:08 +0000 2019
It was the famous actress Cate Blanchett who revealed this secret, in an interview.“We tried her with Sandra [Bullock].I don't know exactly what it is, but it has a bit of a sperm. ”
This "recipe" was developed by esthetician Georgia Louise, based in New York.She explained to People that cells were extracted from the prepaces of newborns, but then cloned in the laboratory.
However, therapy is not within everyone's reach.It costs 650 dollars, or around 570 euros.In addition, the waiting list would already be long, more than two years.
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