Amplash pain: How to explain it?: Current woman Le Mag Path 2 645DBCB3-7979-441A-BA4B-98E7BF17E1BE 1785B508-2A96-4CF5-AA87-79B0FE0441BF

Axrax pain: dermatological disorders

First thing to know: our armpits are""crossroads" where arteries, veins, nerves, lymphatic vessels intersect...And where there are also nodes, muscles..."The axillary hollow (this is the scientific name of the armpit) is a passage under the arm, underlines Dr..MarcPerez, sports doctor and osteopath.Pain in the armpit can therefore witness many pathologies, more or less severe!""

First possibility: pain in the armpit can constitute the symptom of a dermatological disorder."Under the skin of the armpit, there are sweat glands that produce sweat; at the base of the hairs, there are also the sebaceous glands which secrete sebum" specifies the doctor.

Due to a lack of hygiene (this is the most frequent cause), the sweat or sebaceous glands can plug:""The liquid that is inside then starts to stagnate and we can observe developmentof an infection - mycosics or bacterial (staphylococcus)""specifies the DR.MarcPerez.Concretely, we can then touch a painful""ball" under the armpit.

Armpit pain: vascular pathologies

Pain in the armpit can also reflect the presence of a blood clot (thrombosis):""Usually, thrombosis occurs rather in the legs: we can however observe the development of a phlebitis (understand: of venous inflammation,caused by the presence of a blood clot) at the level of the armpit""specifies the DR.MarcPerez.

The thromboses of the axillary vein occur rather in women who smoke and who are under oral contraception ("tobacco + pill, it is devastating" underlines the doctor), or even in women who have undergone a breast operation and/orarm (as part of breast cancer, for example)."In addition, the trauma + immobilization association is thrombogenic" adds the doctor.

"Concretely, in case of phlebitis, we feel a" mass""under the armpit which is hot, swollen (edematous) and red: it is a quick consultation reason!" Explains the Dr..MarcPerez.The presence of a blood clot will be confirmed by a Doppler ultrasound and the doctor can then prescribe anti-coagulant drugs.

Axily pain: Thoracobrachial parade syndrome

Douleur à l’aisselle : comment l’expliquer ? : Femme Actuelle Le MAG Path 2 645DBCB3-7979-441A-BA4B-98E7BF17E1BE 1785B508-2A96-4CF5-AA87-79B0FE0441BF

The Brachial Plexus is a bundle of nerves that goes to the armpit: in detail, it comes from the bass cervicals and heads towards the arm."These nerves can be compressed in terms of passage under the collarbone, in particular in the event of malformation (when there is a supernumerary mini-côte or a large cervical vertebra): we speak of thoracobrachial parade syndrome or syndrome of theThoraco-brachial crossing (STTB)""explains the DR.MarcPerez.

Even when the malformation has been present for a long time (asymptomatic), pain may appear during a brutal and/or repeated movement:""This mainly concerns people who do manual work where it is necessary to lift thearms all day long - Building painters, sports coaches, cleaning women...It is a pathology of manual work""notes the doctor.

The pain is nagging and can be qualified as electric: the patient feels""tingling" which lasts and which radiate from the armpit to the fingers."There is no inflammation: the area is neither red, nor hot, nor swollen" specifies the doctor.In addition to the clinical examination, the diagnosis is based on an x -ray of the cervical and the shoulder, intended to identify the malformation."Please note: the thoracobrachial syndrome should not be confused with cervico-brachial neuralgia where the pain starts from cervical" adds Dr..Perez.

Armpit pain: muscle causes

In terms of the armpit rub shoulders with pectoral muscles (at the front) and muscles that fit into the scapula (back)."We can therefore see painful muscle contractures develop on the side of the armpit" notes the Dr..MarcPerez.

These muscle pains are likely to occur in everyone, following a violent trauma (a shock or a blow, for example), of repeated micro-trauma (in tennis players, in people who work their armsraised or that push objects all day...), postural disorders (poor posture in front of the computer, for example) or in case of osteoarthritis (that is to say: joint damage)."Pain is triggered by movement: it is not present at rest" specifies the doctor.

It's good to know:""Muscle pain in the armpit can usually be improved by" pinching""the muscle (skin fold between the armpit and the chest) or pressing with two fingers (fairly strong)The painful point for a good minute""recommends Dr..Perez.

Armpit pain: lymph nodes and disorders

Under the armpit are also lymph nodes - we are talking about axillary nodes.These bodies (which are found throughout the body) are part of the immune system and contain in particular white blood cells, previously created in the bone marrow.

"The axillary nodes can become painful and inflammatory (that is to say: hot to the touch, swollen and red) in case of viral or bacterial infection-infectious mononucleosis or angina, for example" explains Dr..MarcPerez.Neck nodes (cervical nodes) can also become inflammatory.

Attention !In women, swelling / pain in the axillary nodes must be the subject of a rapid medical appointment, in the general practitioner or in the gynecologist: it is indeed one of the symptoms (Among others) breast cancer."The nodes can also grow in case of Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin lymphoma.""

Thanks to the Dr..MarcPerez, sports doctor and osteopath, co-auteur de Soulagez vous-même vos douleurs avec l'ostéo-gym – Dr.Marc Pérez and Alix Lefief-Delcourt, ed.The Duke.S.

Read also :

⋙ Le""Armpit Tattoo" : nouvelle tendance tatouage à porter… sous les aisselles !

⋙ Ganglia cancer: a new warning symptom to identify this lymphoma?

⋙ Cervical pain: What are the different possible causes?

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