A heart in good shape: the care pathway

• The cardiologist

This specialist first questions the patient about his family and personal history, and thus establishes his cardiovascular risk.Next comes physical examination, blood pressure and electrocardiogram.This test makes it possible to detect a possible electrical heart disorder (acceleration or slowdown), the trace of an old infarction or premonitory signs of infarction.

Depending on the alleged diagnosis, the cardiologist then made a cardiac ultrasound to assess all the constituents of the heart: heart muscle, valves and pericardium.Effort test, scanner, angiography, MRI, coronography, he can carry out further examinations in office or in a hospital environment in order to analyze and specify the diagnosis.A treatment will then be offered and a follow -up implemented.

In case of breathlessness, the cardiologist may also request the advice of a pulmonologist.Indeed, these symptoms can for example be due to chronic respiratory failure linked to tobacco, asbestos or occupational diseases.In the event of an old stroke (stroke), the consultation of a neurologist is generally requested for a balance sheet.

Un coeur en forme: le parcours de soins

www.Fedecardio.Org - The site of the French Federation of Cardiology brings together a large number of information on the heart and its diseases: sheets, news, questions and answers, advice ... With nearly 300 volunteer cardiologists, the federation carries out information missions,research, rehabilitation of hearts and training in first aid gestures.

- http://maFedecardio.Org - The content of the site is accessible only to members.After creating a personal account, surf it to draw practical information on sexuality after heart disease or how to eat well in cafeteria for example.

- www.Club-Coeur-et-Sante.COM - Under the aegis of the French Cardiology Federation, local antennas promote the rehabilitation of people with heart problems with a healthy life by sports practice with the help of practitioners (physiotherapists, cardiologists ...).

- www.Alliancecoeur.FR - Union of 13 associations and two federations, the Alliance du Coeur militates for a local prevention policy."Listening Heart Heart" on 0 811 099 098 (price of a local call) informs and supports sick people and their loved ones.

- www.goredforwoman.FR-Created in the United States in 2005 by the American Heart Association and relayed in around twenty countries, the "Go Red For Women" movement is intended for information and prevention of cardiovascular disease in women.

- www.Foundation-Record-Cardio-Vascular.ORG-The Cardiovascular Research Foundation Activate for the prevention of cardiovascular risks and research on the hearts of women.His other site (www.Lecoeurdesfemmes.fr) hosts a video with Julie Depardieu sensitizing women over 40 years of age to consult a cardiologist.

Read also:

Cardiovascular assessment: Think about it from 50 years old

Do you know how to decode the signals of your heart?

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