A facial coding system lifts the veil on your cat's emotions

Ils dominent Internet et font la loi dans les foyers du monde entier, mais que sait-on réellement des émotions des chats ? Des chercheurs australiens et britanniques se sont penchés sur la question grâce à un système de codage facial.

But what can your cat feel?A question that all the owners of domestic felines necessarily arose in front of their meowing and other black looks.A German ethologist, Paul Leyhausen, had already looked into the issue in 1979 to deliver an explanation guide for their facial expressions.

Thirty-eight years later, it was Australian and British researchers who dug the subject, using a facial coding technology designed for men, Facs (Facial Action Coding System).This diverted technology, and renamed for the occasion Catfacs, is now used to identify visible emotions on the head of your mustachi companions.

A simple reading that starts from the principle, according to researchers, that "what an individual will find terrifying will have no effect on someone else.But when fear is there, it is expressed in the same way in everyone "(reflection obviously walking for cats).

Cats, these great frustrated

Un système de codage facial lève le voile sur les émotions de votre chat

The experience of researchers?Record and analyze, using catfacs, the facial expressions of 29 different felines, from refuge centers, whether they are used to the company of a human or left alone in their cage.According to the conclusions of the test, cats blink a lot of eyes when they are afraid and are content to tilt their heads to the left during a smaller fright.On the other hand, they will rather tend to turn their heads to the right when they are relaxed.

But the most recurring emotion, which is also the one that manifests itself in a large number of different ways, remains frustration.Whether by licking the muzzle, whistling, opening the mouth wide or making his voice heard, cats seem eternally frustrated.The reasons may be found on the side of the origin of the cats tested, coming from a rather little stable environment, while cats pampered in a house probably feel less frustration.

Unless they are simply aware of being internet masters, and regret that they cannot access the same status in real life ...

Explore the world of animals

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