9th month of pregnancy: ready for the big meeting?

C'est officiel, ça y est ! Après des mois de bouleversement, votre grossesse touche à sa fin et vous voilà capable de visualiser la ligne d'arrivée et la rencontre avec votre bébé. Entre un peu d'appréhension et une grande impatience, voici tout ce qu'il vous faut savoir sur le 9ème et dernier mois de grossesse.9ème mois de grossesse : prête pour la grande rencontre ? 9ème mois de grossesse : prête pour la grande rencontre ?

When begins the 9th month of pregnancy?

For the future mother, the 9th and final months of pregnancy begins at the 35th week of pregnancy, (i.e. 37 SA) to end in the 39th week (41 SA).But nothing says that you will do a full month or that you will not exceed the term for a few days.Suspense!

Can we give birth at the start of the 9th month?

If the pregnancy lasts 9 months, it is estimated that baby is completely ready from 38 weeks its, 3 weeks before the term, and that it can be born without any risk or consequence.Then expect to be surprised before the date of the term, you never know.That said, D -Day can also wait after term.

How does a 9 -month pregnant woman feel?

In the last month of pregnancy predominate two feelings: the growing impatience to end the pregnancy and finally take your child in your arms, and ... intense fatigue.In question ?This belly has become very imposing and very heavy, which prevents you from moving and standing for a long time.Each action, like putting your shoes, is a feat.One watchword?Rest !Savor these moments, take care of yourself and do not try to do too much.

Small evils of the end of pregnancy

In this final episode, other completely normal and mild symptoms can be felt:

How does the body prepare?What are the signs ?

In this 9th month, the body of the pregnant woman also faces a few internal modifications, with a view to coming delivery.

Preparation contractions are multiplying

9ème mois de grossesse : prête pour la grande rencontre ?

They are called the contractions of Braxton Hicks.Not painful, they harden the belly and then release it.They do not indicate that the work is underway but prepare the body for childbirth, and this since the 6th month.With the difference that in this 9th month of pregnancy, they are sometimes more regular, more present.

The loss of the mucous cap

In a long -term pregnancy, it was also during this period that the cervix begins to soften.This can crumble what is called the mucous cap: it is the cervical mucus coagulated throughout the pregnancy, which served to tightly close the collar.Its loss is sometimes done at once, sometimes in several times and can also go unnoticed.On the other hand, if the loss of the mucous plug evokes a childbirth that is looming, it is not the announcing sign, as one might think, of an imminent work.

Pain in the basin

Under the influence of hormones, the pool joints relax to leave a better passage to the baby.It's a good thing, but the mother then perceives unpleasant tightness.

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The 9th month meetings

The 7th prenatal visit

On the program of this last month of pregnancy, this is already the time of your 7th and last prenatal visit to your doctor or your midwife!During this meeting will once again be controlled your blood pressure, baby's health, size and weight, and of course its position.Blood examinations may be asked.

The end of the preparation for childbirth

It is also during the 9th month that you will live your latest preparation sessions for childbirth with the chosen specialty.You still ask yourself questions, of course, but you have learned to manage pain, and to visualize your delivery, to have more confidence in yourself.

It's also the moment of ...

What signs are announcing a close birth?

Contractions that increase, become longer, more intense and painful - and above all more regular - are an evocative sign of work that has started.Do not rush: for a first birth, it is advisable to go to maternity when these contractions last 30 seconds, every 4-5 minutes, and this for 2 hours.

On the other hand, in the event of a pocket of water that breaks, direction maternity without delay: baby is no longer safe from infections.It is time !

Baby side: last details before birth

The past few weeks are very important for the baby: it is then that he refines the last details of his appearance before entering the world.His lanugo, the down that covers it entirely has fallen, revealing a smooth skin, baby's skin.

3 kg on average

Baby continues to gain weight and strength, until the last day to reach, on average 50 cm and a weight of 2.4 to 4 kg.All its organs and respiratory system are now operational.The fetus trains in the respiratory movements, all alone, in the belly of his mother.

A slowdown in movements

Framed and well placed to go out, the fetus now experiences a lack of space to move in the uterus of the future mother.This is completely normal and should not worry you.You are not immune to being called to order by small kicks!On the other hand, do not hesitate to consult if you no longer feel any movement.

In position towards the output

Baby now has everything you need to be born and his position is also very studied: there he is at the bottom, folded legs, cross arms on the chest.His appearance is that of a newborn baby.Only difference?Its skull is not yet ossified, and this for a good cause: the flexible fountains will allow the skull to modulate its shape to facilitate its exit.Here he is ready to meet his parents!


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Auteur :
Magali Regnier, Journaliste
Céline Cardon, sage-femme
Article publié le

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