8 dietary supplements for people over 50

The risk of developing certain chronic health problems tends to increase with age. In this context, experts recommend that people over the age of 50 take better care of their well-being by eating healthy, exercising and reducing stress. There is also another possibility to remember: opt for food supplements to counter the deficiencies that the body can suffer with age. Focus on the eight nutrients indicated by the nutritionists of Eat This, Not That.

8 dietary supplements to choose if you are over 50

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In some cases, dieticians recommend that people over 50 take multivitamins, but they should not contain iron, as the latter can conceal symptoms of anemia and inhibit the effectiveness of certain medications. If you are considering taking a multivitamin, it is best to seek medical advice first.

Collagen is a protein that improves skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As you age, the level of collagen decreases and it is important to obtain it through food supplements.

8 dietary supplements for the elderly over 50

Like collagen, vitamin D levels also decrease with age. Experts recommend supplementing with at least 1000 IU daily to boost immunity and maintain bone health.

Found in red wine and red grapes, resveratrol is a plant compound rich in antioxidants. In addition to helping to counter the free radicals responsible for skin aging, this dietary supplement also contributes to the reduction of blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

After age 50, women need more calcium — 1200 mg a day, says nutrition expert Elizabeth Ward, adding that men are likely deficient.

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Studies suggest there is a relationship between low levels of omega-3 fatty acids (mostly found in fish oil) and increased risk of age-related cognitive decline such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, omega-3s promote good heart health and lower triglyceride levels.

Zinc is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the immune system and it is one of the food supplements particularly recommended for people over 50 years of age.

Selenium is high in antioxidants and is also believed to be helpful for conditions like asthma and arthritis. Additionally, some clinical evidence suggests that it may help prevent prostate cancer. In fact, eating just one Brazil nut a day provides the selenium you need.

Choline is an essential nutrient that participates in the functions of the liver, muscles, cell membranes, as well as communication between cells of the nervous system. Men need 550mg of choline per day while women need 425mg daily.

Before resorting to the use of food supplements, we recommend that you first seek medical advice, especially if you suffer from a pathology and/or are taking medication.


Eat This, Not That (July 2021): “Best Supplements for People Over 50, Say Nutrition Experts”.

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