7 out of 10 women complain of having black dots on their face


But before you reveal all the secrets, a little overview of the often neglected causes of black dots.

These gestures that favor black dots

Black dots are the consequence of blocked pores.In contact with air, dead skin cells and oil are becoming black.Which then causes this imperfection.

Some everyday gestures promote the obstruction of pores.

Hairdressing products affecting facial skin

Often, what you use on your hair is found on your face.Above all, if these products are applied using a spray.

They then make oil penetrate on your forehead, which traps the bacteria responsible for acne in your pores and promotes the formation of black dots.

The fringes can also bring hair products that clog pores.

The solution ?Apply the products with your hands and keep them away from your hair root.Afterwards, wipe your face with a suitable cleaner.Use shampoo to wash your hair.

The regular change of skin care products

Regularly change beauty products confronts your skin with new preservatives and active ingredients.They can become irritating and cause rashes.

Even acne products can cause imperfections if you abuse them.Leave at least 4 to 6 weeks to your creams or other lotions, before changing them.This is the time it takes to the skin to adapt.

The use of mobile phones

7 femmes sur 10 se plaignent d’avoir des points noirs sur le visage

Throughout the day, you exhibit your mobile phone to surfaces containing bacteria.While you answer a call, these bacteria are transferred to your face.

This transfer of bacteria can also occur by touching your face after having “scrolled” on your smartphone.

To prevent these bacteria from obstructing your pores, clean your phone regularly with a wipe soaked in alcohol.

Also remember to change your covers and pillowcases often.They can quickly become bacteria nests.

How to get rid of blackheads?

When black dots are not treated, pores can ignite.They can be irritated if you try to extract them yourself.Other infections can then occur due to tissue inflammation.

To effectively get rid of black dots:

Clean the face with topical blackheads

Topical applications lead the pores behind blackheads.You should use it daily for several weeks.Which gradually reduces the appearance of the black point.

Effective cleaners against blackheads contain:

Opt for a black spot mask

Masks for blackheads help eliminate excess dirt and sebum that clog pores.

They contain ingredients that balance sebum, lead and detoxify pores:

To obtain the desired result, you must choose the right black dots mask and above all apply it.


Exfoliation consists in eliminating dead skin cells.It accelerates its rejuvenation process.

There are soft chemical exfoliants that you can use against blackheads.Look for those that contain alpha and beta-hydroxy acids (AHA and BHA).

These are mild acids that allow other care products to better penetrate the skin and act more effectively.They are water -soluble and derived from natural sources such as milk, fruit or sugar.

Black dots are an imperfection of the face that hinders the well-being of many women.By adopting good habits, you can avoid them and easily get rid of them.

Marie ClaireVoir ses articles >Suivez Marie Claire sur Facebook et Instagram pour ne rien rater des dernières tendances, astuces beauté, infos culture, lifestyle, food et bien plus encore.Tags: Peau, Visage.

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