5 creative ideas to make false nails yourself

Par Marine Jacquet
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Pour vous offrir des faux ongles depuis le confort de votre salon, les youtubeuses ne manquent pas d'imagination! Découvrez vite leurs astuces les plus folles pour fabriquer des faux ongles vous-même.

Niveau beauté maison vous êtes plutôt aventurier ? Nous avons le défi créatif qu'il vous faut. Que votre experte manucure soit en grève ou que vous n'ayez pas envie de quitter le confort de votre salon, vous pouvez tout de même obtenir une manucure de folie ! Découvrez les astuces les plus folles repérées sur Youtube pour fabriquer des faux ongles vous-même.5 idées créatives pour fabriquer des faux ongles soi-même

Take care of yourself at home

DIY Beauty level do you know a radius?You have understood that you could do a lot of things yourself like your homemade makeup or your own anti-bacterial gel for the hands.Make your own beauty products has many advantages such as saving you money or enjoying greater visibility on the substances that make up your cosmetics.Today get a new challenge by trying to make false nails yourself.

Make false nails yourself: the new beauty challenge!

5 idées créatives pour fabriquer des faux ongles soi-même

Beauty challenges are increasingly popular on YouTube or the Tik Tok social network.If some challenges are sometimes strange, others have the merit of making us laugh or surprise us.This time, the most daring beauty influencers are embarking on the manufacture of homemade nails.It must be admitted that as regards the choice of raw materials, these demonstrate great ingenuity.Toilet paper, tape or spaghetti, everything is good to try!The company still seems difficult to control and requires a minimum of skill to obtain false nails with a nice form.But the challenge remains fun and will occupy us well for a rainy afternoon.

Make false nails with tape

The youtuber girl crafts explains in video how to make false nails with scotch.

Vidéo du jour:

Make false nails with spaghetti

Discover on video with Crafty Susi How to make false nails with spaghetti.

Make water -resistant nails with paper

Follow Girl Crafts FR video explanations to make water -resistant nails with paper.

Make false nails with toilet paper and cornstarch

Show originality and follow Maya BF's instructions to make false nails with toilet paper and cornstarch.

Make false nails with plastic straws

There are still a few plastic straws in your cupboards?Try to make false nails with plastic straws thanks to Yoko Nail Art video tutorial.

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