4th month of pregnancy: think (already!) About the birth project

Bye-bye nausea and vomiting, bye-bye the fear of false layers, hello the pretty belly that is rounded and the energy that comes back!The fourth month of pregnancy is the one where the future mother flourishes - literally and figuratively - and the one where you have to approach the birth project.And yes, already!

Mom side

When does the 4th month of pregnancy start?

The fourth month begins the fourteenth week of pregnancy (or sixteenth week of amenorrhea))))."In general, when we attack the second quarter, we feel much better," admits Marianne Benoit Truong Canh, ultrasound midwife and vice-president of the National Council of the Order of Midwives.Fatigue decreases, energy returns and nausea and vomiting become (normally!)))) A distant memory ".Now is the time to start thinking about your birth project.

What's going on in the body...

If the belly continues nicely to round - forcing you to shop to find more suitable outfits!- The breasts are also growing.Take advantage of it to offer you a new comfortable and adapted bra with your chest.Do you have cravings?It's normal.These are linked to the change in carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy.Indeed, the pancreas reacts to any food intake - especially sugar - by an excessive insulin secretion.It is important to fragment your meals during the day-five small rather than three large-and to favor complex sugars (whole cereals or semi-compliers, pulses, pasta, potatoes, etc..)))) to the detriment of simple sugars (chocolate bars, jam, sodas, pastries, candies, ice cream, etc..)))).

...And in the head?

After a first trimester where pregnancy is not yet visible, entry in the fourth month and the second trimester is the one where everything becomes concrete sudden.The body is transformed, modifying your physical appearance but also your identity."Pregnancy is a great upheaval at the physiological but also psychological level," confirms the midwife Sandrine Brame.The woman becomes a mother and some anxieties can reappear.If necessary, we will not hesitate to orient the future mother towards a psychologist to talk about her doubts or his concerns ".

What are the exams to be carried out?

Fourth month consultation

The fourth month consultation is the second of the seven compulsory consultations.On this occasion, your practitioner will take the opportunity to take stock of your general state of health.He will ask you for example if you have recently had fever, a rash, digestive concerns in particular stomach burns, vaginal bleeding, etc..Do not hesitate to entrust him with your concerns and the small ailments that turn you on (mycosis, ligament pain, etc..)))).This will then check your blood pressure, your weight as well as the measurement of the uterine height and the umbilical perimeter using one meter-turban."This makes it possible to detect possible anomalies of growth of the fetus," explains Sandrime Brame. Puis, le praticien écoute les battements du cœur du futur bébé à l’aide d’un petit appareil à ultrasons et l’examen se termine généralement par un toucher vaginal afin de vérifier le col utérin (longueur et ouverture)))), mais ce n’est pas systématique»».

4ème mois de grossesse : réfléchir (déjà !)))) au projet de naissance

Le médecin vérifiera également les résultats des derniers examens - sérologie de la rubéole, dépistage de la toxoplasmose (à renouveler tous les mois en cas de négativité)))), groupe sanguin, détection du sucre et de l’albumine dans les urines, etc. – et prescrira un dépistage du diabète de grossesse (à réaliser au sixième mois)))), ainsi qu’un dosage des agglutinines anti-Rhésus si la future maman est de groupe sanguin Rhésus négatif.

Prenatal interview

En plus des sept consultations médicales obligatoires (voir au-dessus)))), l’entretien prénatal du quatrième mois de grossesse offre la possibilité aux couples qui le souhaitent d’échanger avec une sage-femme sur leur projet de naissance et de confier leurs doutes ou leurs inquiétudes face à l’arrivée du futur bébé."It is not a medical consultation and the maintenance is not compulsory," says Sandrine Brame, a hospital midwife.But this moment of exchange is very useful for better living your pregnancy.We take this opportunity to evoke the living and working conditions, the possible health concerns, the way in which the pregnant woman experiences her pregnancy, the difficulties she encounters on a daily basis, her family environment, her fears about childbirthas well as when the baby arrives, etc.. C’est également le moment de faire le point sur les addictions (tabac, alcool, cannabis)))) et éventuellement d’orienter la future maman vers des consultations spécialisées (sevrage tabagique, etc.)))) ”.

Généralement réalisé par une sage-femme (libérale ou à la maternité)))), l’entretien prénatal dure en moyenne quarante-cinq minutes."We also exchange with the couple on their birth project," continues Sandrine Brame.For example: how does it envisage childbirth?The arrival of the baby?Etc.Some will wish for the most physiological childbirth as possible;When others go immediately for an epidural.We will also try to set up an adapted birth preparation - yoga, haptonomy, sophrology, etc..- Depending on the expectations and desires of future parents ”

Watch out for self -medication!

Selon l’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM)))) seulement 70 % des femmes enceintes estiment que la consommation de médicaments est déconseillée durant la grossesse. Or, la prise d’un médicament peut avoir des répercussions (effets malformatifs, foetotoxiques)))) très importantes sur le fœtus.Do you have a doubt about a drug?Before doing self-medication, talk to your doctor, midwife or pharmacist. Vous pouvez également consulter le site de l’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM)))) ou sur celui du Centre de référence sur les agents tératogènes (CRAT)))) qui répertorie les médicaments et leurs risques pendant la grossesse.

Now is the time to...

Register for birth preparation courses!"You will learn the respiratory adaptation to the different phases of childbirth as well as perineal and general relaxation, both facilitating, specify the authors of the great book of my pregnancy. C’est aussi un « lieu de parole»» où tout est abordé : les anesthésies (péridurale et autres)))), l’épisiotomie, l’allaitement, la contraception après la naissance, etc.»»

Baby side

How much and measure baby at 4 months of pregnancy?

At the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus weighs 110 g and measures 13 cm.His brain already has its main structures and his face is already well drawn.Its growth is fast. D’ici le cinquième mois, il aura gagné 6 centimètres et doublé son poids (200 g)))) !

Baby starts to move!

Yes, you have not dreamed!It is not your imagination that plays a tour of you.It's your baby moving.From sixteen to eighteen weeks of amenorrhea, you start to perceive its movements.And he gives himself to heart!"These movements are essential to the good conformation of the joints of its members. Le cartilage de ses segments doit « s’user»» de telle sorte que tous les mouvements de flexion-extension soient possibles, expliquent les auteurs du Grand livre de la grossesse. Votre bébé est également capable d’entendre ! Ses oreilles sont bien développées et les échographistes peuvent souvent observer ses réactions au passage de la sonde qui émet des ultrasons»».

National College of French Obstetricians (CNGOF)))).

The great book of my pregnancy, written on the initiative of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians, under the direction of Pr Bernard Hédon, Eyrolles editions.

A lire aussiAuteur : Sophie Helouard, journaliste santéExpertes : Sandrine Brame, sage-femme hospitalière ; Marianne Benoit Truong Canh, sage-femme échographiste et vice-présidente de l'Ordre national des sages-femmes Article publié le

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