When you wake up, your mouth does not feel the rose.The fault of saliva.While you sleep, she praises the laziness, and the bacteria take the opportunity to multiply.The good news is that it is enough for a glass of water so that this dubious breath evaporates.But when the problem persists, your colleagues retreat when you are going to talk to them, it may be the sign that you suffer from halitosis.A banal problem, but always embarrassing, which complicates relationships with those around him.
Some people are wrongly convinced to suffer from this pathology.For others, it is the opposite, and their loved ones do not always dare to tell them the truth.To find out the verdict, a quick test: lick the inside of the wrist.If it smells, it is because you have bad breath.Don't panic, it's not that difficult to fight it.
On the accused bench, bacteria responsible for degrading food residues.By doing their job, they release fate volatile sulfur compounds (CSV)).When food waste is not well evacuated, these bacteria proliferate, manufacture "chain" of CSVs, and the breath deteriorates."Most of the time, a passage in the chair of the dental surgeon will confirm that the" culprit "is in your mouth: an unrelated cavity, a tendency to make a lot of dental plaque, problems (problems (...))
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Video - Health Book - Dr Christian Recchia: "Do you have a bad breath? Don't be ashamed.Solutions exist "
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