4 tips to fight against acne - Top Health

Adapt your diet

Acne is not a problem reserved for those going through puberty. More and more dermatologists are seeing adults affected by acne-related concerns. There are several factors explaining the appearance of acne pimples on the face. One of the most recurrent is food. In order to ward off acne, it is not advisable to adopt a diet that is too rich in fat. Indeed, it promotes the production of sebum by the skin and therefore, comedones. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fast food, too sweet sodas or prepared meals. It is best to focus on fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C for better immune and more radiant skin.

CBD against acne

CBD or cannabidiol is a molecule contained in cannabis leaves. It is poorly known because of its proximity to THC, a product harmful to the body. It is important to note that CBD is completely harmless to the body. Better known in the form of oil, it is gradually becoming popular and has many virtues. The hemp oil solution to fight against acne pimples is a track to explore further. Indeed, CBD has anti-inflammatory effects on sebocytes. Thanks to this action, CBD considerably reduces the production of sebum in high doses. CBD oil is an antioxidant product that helps soften the skin and regenerate skin cells.

Let the skin breathe

During the health crisis caused by the Covid-19, an accessory has become essential in everyday life: the protective face mask. However, the wearing of the mask has caused the appearance of a new problem: the maskné. It is an eruption of acne pimples on the face due to the constant wearing of the mask. To avoid it, it is necessary to let the skin breathe. Wearing the mask continuously clogs the pores of the skin due to the perspiration generated. In addition, the friction between the mask and the skin promotes inflammation which leads to the production of acne. In order to avoid this, it is advisable to change the mask regularly. It is also necessary to leave the skin exposed. So do not hesitate to remove your mask as soon as you are not in contact with anyone. If you opt for cloth masks, make sure they are always clean and do not wear the same mask for several days in a row.

A grandmother's remedy: toothpaste

4 conseils pour lutter contre l’acné - Top Santé

Acne results from too much sebum which ends up clogging the pores of the skin. It is a collection of fatty particles that causes inflammation of the skin. Toothpaste is an effective acne remedy. Indeed, toothpaste has drying properties. Using toothpaste for acne pimples is simple: just apply a small amount to each pimple, then let the toothpaste work. The results of using toothpaste to get rid of acne are noticeable within 24 hours of application. It is important to note that using toothpaste on the skin is safe.

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