What will remain from 2021, the last year of the five-year term of Emmanuel Macron before the presidential election?In addition to the Covid crisis, which punctuated the political agenda and largely shaken the daily life of the French, certain reforms have also helped change your life.We note for example the opening, at the end of September, of medically assisted procreation (PMA)) to all women, the first major societal reform of the mandate.Or the lengthening of paternity leave, past 11 to 25 days last July.On the health side, several reforms have entered into force and improve the reimbursement of your care or strengthen the coverage of certain workers in the event of sick leave.Note also the unemployment insurance reform and that of personal housing aid (APL)), which have already impacted millions of households ...
Flagship measurement of the bioethics law, the extension of medically assisted procreation (PMA)) to couples of women and single women was adopted by Parliament on June 29, after two years of debate.Reimbursement by PMA health insurance is open to these women.The law was promulgated on August 2, 2021 and a first decree of September 28, 2021 fixes the age conditions concerning the debit of gametes for medical assistance to procreation.
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Thus, the collection of sperm can be carried out in humans until its 60th anniversary.And the sample of oocytes can be carried out in women until her 43rd anniversary.Likewise, to benefit from the self -preservation of its gametes for the subsequent realization of a PMA, the sample of oocytes in women can be carried out from 29 years old and up to 37 years.In humans, the collection of sperm can be carried out from its 29th birthday too and until its 45th anniversary.One of the major changes made by this law is also the lifting of the car ban keeping gametes outside medical reasons (cancers, endometriosis)).Before the publication of the decree, it was not allowed to freeze them to use them later, when fertility decreases (from 35 years old)).
Since July 1, 2021, new dads can enjoy longer paternity leave.Its duration has indeed gone from 11 to 25 days (to which are added three days of birth leave)).In the event of multiple birth, the duration of paternity leave is now 32 days (35, birth leave included)), against 18 before.This good news concerns both private employees, public service agents, self-employed workers, liberal professionals, but also agricultural employees.So far excluded from the reform, employees of liberal professionals will also be entitled to paternity leave lying next year, thanks to a measure of the social security financing bill for 2022, definitively adopted on November 29.
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Beyond its extension, the government has planned several new features concerning the terms to enjoy paternity leave.Thus, the first seven days of leave must now be taken immediately after the child's birth.This obligation relates to the three days of birth leave and the first four days of paternity leave.In addition, the second period of leave (21 days, or even 28 in the event of multiple birth)) can be taken either in the wake of the seven compulsory days, or later, provided that it does within six months of birth.Finally, paternity leave can be split into two periods (or three in the event of multiple birth)), with a minimum duration of five days each.
Handling due to the health crisis, the unemployment insurance reform is (difficult to do but definitively)) come into force during the second half of 2021, despite the strong opposition of the trade unions.Its application was made more precisely in three stages: a first on July 1, a second on October 1, then a third on December 1.On July 1, a softened version of the degression of unemployment benefits for the highest incomes was implemented.As a reminder, this measure concerns job seekers under 57, who received a salary greater than 4.500 euros gross per month as part of their old activity.People who meet these criteria and who have been registered in unemployment since July 1 will see their allowance drop (from 30% to the maximum)) from the ninth month of compensation.Either from March 2022.
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On October 1, it is the flagship measure of unemployment insurance, namely the new method of calculating allowances, which entered into force.From now on, the reference daily salary (SJR)), which serves as the basis for calculating unemployment benefits, is determined from the average monthly income received by the job seeker over a period of 24 months (or 36 months for the most53 years)).This calculation method, which therefore includes the days worked and not worked, is less favorable than the previous one, especially for job seekers alternating short contracts with periods of unemployment.Indeed, the previous method of calculation only took into account the days worked by the job seeker.To limit the breakage, however, the Ministry of Labor has planned to cap the number of unsurprised days included in the calculation of the SJR now.Result: the drop in this indicator must be limited to 43% maximum compared to the old calculation method.
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Finally, on December 1, the conditions for the opening of a new right to unemployment and the rules of degression for the highest incomes were hardened.From now on, you must have worked for six months over the last 24 months (against four before)) to unlock compensation.As for degression, it applies from the seventh month of compensation for people earning more than 4.500 euros gross per month unemployed since December 1.Precision: for French people at the highest income registered in Pôle Emploi between July 1 and November 30, 2021, it is the old rules that apply, namely a drop in allowances from the ninth month of compensation.
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Since July 1, 2021, all liberal professionals (excluding lawyers)) affiliated with CNAVPL (National Caisse d'Assurance Old Age of Liberal Professions)), or nearly a million people, benefit from a common compensation plan in the eventsick leave.So far, out of the dozen funds bringing together the liberal professions, only four had a system of daily allowances: that of doctors, that of medical auxiliaries, that of chartered accountants, as well as that of dental surgeons and wise men-women.Except that their compensation was only beginning after a deficiency period of 90 days (against only three days for private workers or for the self -employed, or even one day for public service agents)).
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Above all, all other liberal professions (excluding lawyers, who have a special diet)) were simply not covered in case of sick leave.Since July 1, the new joint system of compensation for sick leave has therefore remedied the inadequacies of the old social protection regime for liberal professionals.From now on, the latter can be compensated after a deficiency period of three days, up to 22 euros per day of sick leave at least, and 169 euros per day at most.Find here all the practical methods of compensation for sick leave for liberal professions.
January 1, 2021 signed the third and last stage of the reform of “100% health”.Since that date, hearing and dental care has been, as is already the case for optical care, reimbursed 100% by social security and complementary health contracts called "responsible".To ensure a full reimbursement, the price of hearing aids has been capped at 1.900 euros per pair.Social Security takes care of up to 480 euros, the complementary the rest.A welcome reform, since the French pay an average of 860 euros for this care, or 53% of the total invoice.
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Since this year, removable prostheses, that is to say dentiers, are also reimbursed at 100%, as are transient crowns (the resin piece which is used to cover the tooth while waiting for the installation of a final crown)) and Inlays onlay (this more sustainable alternative to plots)).
They were only marginal before the pandemic of Covid-19.Teleconsultations have since taken off and have made a place for themselves in our daily life.And this, since the establishment of reimbursement at 100 % of teleconsultations by health insurance during the first confinement.Effective for braking the epidemic, the measure has accelerated the development of telemedicine in France.So much so that the National Assembly formalized, last year, during the adoption of the social security budget, the extension of full reimbursement until December 31, 2021.According to health insurance, more than 60.000 doctors practice consultation in France.And only in the year 2020, 19 million teleconsultations were reimbursed.
Built by the 2015 energy transition law, the process of banning single -use plastics in France started in 2016, with the prohibition to sell plastic bags in a large area box.Other restrictions followed subsequently, reinforced by the law "Agriculture and Food" (Equalim law)) of October 30, 2018.2021 marked another turning point in this process. Ainsi, depuis le 3 juillet 2021, ont été bannis des commerces :les pailles, couverts jetables, bâtonnets mélangeurs de boisson, couvercles de gobelets à emporter, contenants en polystyrène (du type boîte à kebab)), piques à steak, tiges pour ballons, confettis en plastique,emballages pour les fruits et légumes de moins de 1,5 kg, ainsi que tout autres objet en plastique oxo-dégradable.Other prohibitions will shake up your daily life in 2022, with the aim of getting out of disposable plastic in 2040.
Pushed repeatedly, first for technical concerns of implementation, then due to the health crisis, the reform of personal housing assistance (APL)) came into force on January 1, 2021.An overhaul that aimed to modify the calculation of the APLs, so that it is based on the “contemporary” income of the beneficiaries, and no longer on the income declared two years earlier, as was the case before.Since then, housing aid has been calculated every three months, on the basis of income received in the past twelve months.This reform aims to better take into account the variations in the resources of the beneficiaries, in order to adapt the amount of their aid in the event of a drop in resources ... but it especially allowed the government to make big savings: 1.1 billioneuros in 2021, according to the Ministry of Housing.
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As you would expect, the reform therefore made many losers than winners.According to data transmitted in the summer by the executive, nearly a third of the beneficiaries (29.6%)) saw its aid decrease on January 1, 2021, due to the reform.Just under 400.000 people (6.6%)) even lost their rights to APLs, for an average shortfall of 126 euros.Opposite, only 18% of beneficiaries saw their aid increase, by 49 euros on average.
Another size reform has come into force this year in terms of housing: that of the energy performance diagnosis.The DPE is a document necessarily provided during any sale or any real estate rental.As its name suggests, he informs the tenant or buyer about the energy performance of the property he is about to buy or occupy and attributes a label, ranging from A for the most virtuous to G for the mostenergy -consuming and those who make CO2 most.The purpose of this overhaul was to make its results reluctantly.Thus, the DPE can no longer be based on the simple energy bills.It is now established according to an in -depth study of the intrinsic characteristics of the building (insulation, heating mode, building materials, etc..)).Finally, when it had only informative value, the DPE became legally enforceable.Which means that in the event of an error, the buyer or the tenant of the property may obtain repair.
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Each year, from November 1 to March 31 of the following year, you will have to take your precautions if you travel in one of the 48 departments located in the mountain ranges.The mountain law now requires the installation on your vehicle of special equipment, adapted to the winter season.Winter tires or said to “four seasons”, socks or even snow chains are among the authorized equipment, even if these last two are reserved for occasional use.In the event of control, the fine incurred amounts to 135 euros.But the government has announced tolerance for the 2021-2022 season, all the panels indicating the areas concerned having not been installed on the roads.
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If you still ride in an old car, you will have to seriously think about getting rid of it.At the risk of no longer being able to drive in major cities.In 2021, low -emission zones, better known as "ZFE", multiplied in France in order to prohibit traffic to vehicles with a Crit’Air sticker greater than 3. Aux quatre ZFE déjà existantes (Métropole de Lyon, Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole, la Ville de Paris et la Métropole du Grand Paris)), sept nouvelles se sont ajoutées à la liste cette année : Aix-Marseille-Provence, Nice-Côte d’Azur, Toulon-Provence-Méditerranée, Toulouse, Montpellier-Méditerranée, Strasbourg et Rouen-Normandie.And the year 2022 will mark a new step in the device, with the probable arrival of the first radar controls.
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